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MotoGP Losail - Katar

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  • Super specialist, 5989 postova
  • Lokacija: Šumadija
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSXR600, Kawasaki ZX10R

Ovo za gume, u potpunosti se slažem. Jutros čitam na twitteru, David Emmett kaže i da može da se tera cela trka 100% Dovizioso to ne bi radio, on je sav u ekonomisanju, i gumama i snagom. Očigledno da su mu ovakve gume legle.

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  • Svrati ponekad, 340 postova
  • Lokacija: Sankt Kanzian
  • Motocikl: Ktm 990 Superduke R

I actually understand their complaint now. 

"Rear tire cooling system", while creating rear downforce at the same time.

This rear down force will only work under braking as the swing arm is extended thus the wing on the swingarm extended under the fairings. Airflow from under the bike will be catched by the system and create downforce, which will prevent the bike from a stoppy and increase braking power in the braking zone. 2nd to this, it will also cool the tire at the same time as the air scooped will flow over the tire cooling it. Sneaky Ducati. Under acceleration: system inactive as the wing is hid behind the bodywork and fairings due to compression.

Under braking: system active as the as the wing is exposed under the body and fairings due to de-compression of the swingarm, catching underbody airflow. Thus creating downforce and tire cooling.

In short, Ducati is a fckn genius!! Lets just hope it stays approved hahaha.

Very cool to see these aero tech innovation on the bikes, like F1 had years ago.


Mada ni ovo objašnjenje nešto i ne pije vodu. Na slikama se vidi da i pri ubrzanju to čudo viri niže od donjeg dela oklopa. 


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  • Ne silazi, 4741 postova
  • Lokacija: Srbija, Padej
  • Motocikl: Honda VTR1000SP1 (Službeni), Suzuki SV650S, Tomos T15SL, Tomos T011, Tomos APN4
Pre 1 sat, Gargi je napisao:

I actually understand their complaint now. 

"Rear tire cooling system", while creating rear downforce at the same time.

This rear down force will only work under braking as the swing arm is extended thus the wing on the swingarm extended under the fairings. Airflow from under the bike will be catched by the system and create downforce, which will prevent the bike from a stoppy and increase braking power in the braking zone. 2nd to this, it will also cool the tire at the same time as the air scooped will flow over the tire cooling it. Sneaky Ducati. Under acceleration: system inactive as the wing is hid behind the bodywork and fairings due to compression.

Under braking: system active as the as the wing is exposed under the body and fairings due to de-compression of the swingarm, catching underbody airflow. Thus creating downforce and tire cooling.

In short, Ducati is a fckn genius!! Lets just hope it stays approved hahaha.

Very cool to see these aero tech innovation on the bikes, like F1 had years ago.


Mada ni ovo objašnjenje nešto i ne pije vodu. Na slikama se vidi da i pri ubrzanju to čudo viri niže od donjeg dela oklopa. 


Ovo je totalno suprotno od onog što je objasnio jedan stručnjak za aerodinamiku iz F1


Alfa Romeo Formula 1 aerodynamicist Ali Rowland-Rouse who races a Kawasaki ZX-6 in his spare time, has no doubt what the device does.


"It's a three-element, short-span wing device that will give a decent downforce gain when the bike is upright," he says. "It reduces wheelspin by creating more load on the rear tyre, from anything over 80 or 100mph.

"And with aerodynamics, downforce created increases with the square of the speed, so if you double the speed you get four times the downforce. Although more load creates more temperature in the tyre it helps avoid any spike in temperature from wheelspin which is the worst for tyre degradation.

"What's really clever about it is that all other MotoGP aero devices are mounted on the fairing, so they're on the sprung part of the bike, so any downforce created goes through the suspension, so you have to compensate with stiffer springs and so on. But this device is mounted on an unsprung part of the bike, so any force created goes straight into the tyre.

"That's the holy grail of downforce, because you get a greater effect on grip because it's not going through the suspension and you don't have to compensate your suspension set-up.

"The device won't increase downforce during braking, because when the rider is hard on the brakes the front of the fairing belly pan is so close to the ground that it chokes any air that might otherwise reach the device.

"Ducati are going very hard at the rules. They are operating like an F1 team and looking at absolutely everything, so the other factories need to realise they must also play that game.”

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  • Svrati cesto, 3456 postova
  • Lokacija: Debrc
Pre 3 sati, Robin Hood je napisao:

@Jovan Ristic

Nema potrebe da citiraš tekst koji je odmah iznad, pa čak i kad nije nema potrebe citirati kompletan tekst. Ovi @ tagovi sasvim dobro funkcionišu.


Kako da ovako citiram Robine?

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  • Princ Sherwood-a, 2447 postova
  • Lokacija: Blokovi

Citiraj deo teksta, ako treba da citiraš. Onaj deo teksta na koji želiš da odgovoriš.  Ako želiš da odgovoriš forumašu na njegov celokupan post, prosto ga taguj i to je to.

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  • Princ Sherwood-a, 2447 postova
  • Lokacija: Blokovi

Aha, nisam shvatio šta pitaš.

Samo udri @ znak i kreni da kucaš nick forumaša. Izaćiće ponuđeni ali i da ih nema, to je dobar način da de obratiš bilo kome. Ja sam to koristio i na ranijim verzijama foruma koje nisu podržavale tagovanje.

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  • Drug član, 2197 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory

Hmmm... Mislim da se to zove "biti dobar vozac"


Maverick Vinales said that he will need to adopt a different riding style during MotoGP races, as his current way of riding is heavily compromised while riding in traffic.


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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7279 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm

Jedino mu preostaje da bude vodeci pre prve krivine i da umakne ostalima bar 2-3 sekunde, i onda moze da vozi kako hoce, ne mora da zatvara-blokira

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  • Ne silazi, 5427 postova
  • Lokacija: Trebinje
  • Motocikl: Honda Varadero 1000 ABS

E ako mu je to opcija, onda mora da obuče ili naMdžarastu ili crvenu uniformu, jer plava klavijatura to ne može. Malo im bilo što ih trte Dukci i Honde, sad počela i Suzana da ih jaše.

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  • Pobjednik motogp kladionice 4X, 5408 postova
  • Lokacija: Sokolac RS
  • Motocikl: s.f. fzr1000 crf450r cbr600rr shadow

Jednom sam pisao i dalje se držim toga da ukoliko suspenzija  i gume ne mognu ispratiti snagu trkanje će se svesti na bukvalno stop and go, ili što bi rekli potezanje sa promjenom smjera.

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  • Drug član, 2574 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun

Prirodi (modernih) motora najviše odgovara pravolinijsko kretanje. Sećam se da je neko od bivših vozača seo i bio zaprepašćen koliko je motor sada  izdužen. Kao dragster koji može po malo i da skreće.

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  • Ne silazi, 5977 postova

Mislim da je krajnje vreme da Jamaha odluci da placipicku prebaci u B tim na petronas. 


Promenio je sve sto se moglo promeniti sad jos samo da natera ostale vozace da voze kako njemu odgovara i borice se za titulu. Jedino ga jebe sto bi i tako izgubio ali nema veze. 


Kad je stigao u jamahu i poceo da pobedjuje nije mu smetao ni Ramon ni broj 25 ni stil voznje ni gume... 

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  • Ne silazi, 5977 postova

Sad mu je vreme da uzme broj 48 jer je postao placipicka kao njegov zemljak. Onaj je uzeo (25-1)/2=12 ovaj (99-1)/2=48 dok obojica ne priznaju i uzmu 0 

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  • Misbehave Responsibly, 1617 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: FZ6S
3 hours ago, bojsa said:



Mislim da ce Lorenzo polako da privodi karijeru kraju, vec je poceo da se ogradjuje od slabih rezultata...


Taj Dailystar je neki britanski Blic. I ostali naslovi su krojeni samo da se klikne na link, a sadržaj je da ti se prikenja gladnom.

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