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1. Test 2024 - Valencia

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  • Drug član, 1368 postova
  • Lokacija: Caltavuturo
  • Motocikl: Air cooled flat six
On 11/27/2023 at 11:38 AM, severian said:

Kao uvod predlažem svima da pogledaju seriju od 5 epizoda na RED BULL TV, "All in". Priča o Markezu, od trenutka famozne povrede do početka ove sezone.


Nešto najbolje i sa najdubljim uvidom i u MM i u GP, što sam do sada gledao.


Besplatno je, otvoren pristup svima => obavezno štivo. Taman do sutra ima vremena, 5x30min.


PS: Red bull tv imate kao app i za telefone i za smart tv, a ima i preko weba slobodno.

Gledao prvu epizodu, ne mogu da nadjem ostale 

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  • Svrati ponekad, 234 postova
  • Lokacija: Šabac
  • Motocikl: Sprint Pulser 125. MTS 1260 Enduro. Husky TE 250tbi

Follow Marc Márquez as he faces fear, risk, suffering and excitement in a determination...



Ja odgledao preksinoć, taman je test u Valensiji bio nastavak. Sve probleme što je imao sa motorom '22 je imao i '23. 



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  • Pana, 561 postova
  • Lokacija: Šabac
  • Motocikl: Yamaha XV535

Волимо ми да имамо идола па то ти је .   :tras2:

Заборављамо да се први мачићи у воду бацају. 

Тест је тест а трка је нешто друго.    ;)

Вињак има прво време и сад као да се од њега  нешто надам ?   Мартин заборавио да вози , Бањају пустили низ воду...   :lol2:

Promenio član Jašim
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  • Drug član, 2363 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory
47 minutes ago, Jašim said:

Волимо ми да имамо идола па то ти је .   :tras2:

Заборављамо да се први мачићи у воду бацају. 

Тест је тест а трка је нешто друго.    ;)

Вињак има прво време и сад као да се од њега  нешто надам ?   Мартин заборавио да вози , Бањају пустили низ воду...   :lol2:

Mislim da rezultati testa mogu samo da se gledaju na individualnom nivou...

Za vozace koji su u vrhu kao sto su Banjaja, Martin, Bez, Binder mislim da ne moze apsolutno nista da se zakljuci iz ovih vremena. 

Za one koji su seli na novi motor mislim da pokazuje nesto. Po meni je test najbolji indikator za njih. Markez, Morbideli, Zarco...

I onda ovi koji imaju problema sa starim timovima (Yamaha, Honda)... Za njih se lepo vidi jesu li nasli nesto ili ne. Juce se opet videlo da Yamaha i Honda nisu ama bas nista za sada promenili.

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  • Super specialist, 6033 postova
  • Lokacija: Šumadija
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSXR600, Kawasaki ZX10R

Kad se malo prisetim, ne sećam se da sam ikad video na testu u Valensiji da je neko doneo nešto revolucionarno novo, najviše što su poslednjih godina dobacili je novi aero paket. Tako da su ova vremena za mačku o rep, kao i vremena sa svakog testa generalno. Čak i za nove vozače ova vremena malo šta govore, nekima treba više a nekima manje vremena da se prilagode, pogotovo ne mogu da se porede gušteri iz Moto2 sa iskusnim MotoGP vozačima. Ono što smo juče svi primetili jesu izrazi lica, to je najpouzdaniji pokazatelj uspeha testa.

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  • Ne silazi, 4937 postova
  • Lokacija: Srbija, Padej
  • Motocikl: Honda VTR1000SP1 (Službeni), Suzuki SV650S, Tomos T15SL, Tomos T011, Tomos APN4



Dear partners, motorsport fans and media representatives,
Our team, CryptoDATA RNF, is dealing with a paradoxical situation, which seems taken from a comedy film, but with much more serious side effects. Dorna, the governing organisation of MotoGP, approached us with a kind of proposal worthy of Hollywood scripts: to sell our team at a bargain price. We thought of asking them for an autograph as well, to remember such a "generous" offer.
The story begins in 2023, when Dorna promised an American team a spot in the championship, possibly the 12th, which, oh surprise, was vacant! We can already imagine the discussions in the Dorna offices: "Let’s give the Americans 12th or CryptoDATA. What could go wrong?" Well, a lot.
After turning down KTM on the grounds that 12th was "reserved for a factory", they realised they couldn’t offer our place without our consent. Then they came up with a buyout offer so low I thought it was a joke. I politely declined, but the pressure didn’t stop.
Now, it seems Dorna wants to knock us out of the Championship in 2024, citing reasons so creative they could write a novel. Despite a contract valid until 2026, it seems that their slogan is "My championship, my unwritten rules… the ones written in the contracts don’t matter".
We’re not just disappointed, we’re ready to fight back. After a month of intensive documentation and preparation for such a situation, we will go to court with a demand for substantial compensation for damage to our business and reputation, and for the limitation of participation in the championship.
We close this release with a message for Dorna: even in motorsport, where speed is of the essence, ethics and legality should not be overridden. We look forward to seeing each other on the courts with the same passion we met on the track.
BTW, stay tuned, we will soon make public the "orchestrated spiciness" behind the show that fans watch on TV.
That Romanian who will overturn their chariot
Ovidiu Toma

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

Njihova me pravna borba apsolutno ne zanima. Jasno mi je da Dorna nije sazdana od moralnih gromada...mada mi deluje da ni druga strana nije baš cvećka. 

Bedak je što će momci, koji u stvari stavljaju dupe na rešeto, da izgube posao. Ne samo vozači, nego cela ekipa.

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  • Super specialist, 6033 postova
  • Lokacija: Šumadija
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSXR600, Kawasaki ZX10R

Tu si u pravu, ali bez tih moralno upitnih likova ti momci ne bi imali posao. Zamisli, neko ti plaća, i to sasvim lepo da voziš motor što brže možeš. Verovatno da vozači sami ne misle tako, i ne bi bilo čudno, ali to je istina. A da RNF oće da izjebu to je bilo jasno od prve objave Dorne.

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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7445 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Plavi Grom
Pre sat vremena, BRACO je napisao:

Eno sad hvale novu hondu i mir i taka kako ima sve što joj je falilo

Miru i Nakagamiju fali da svima ostalima daju apence pa će onda možda njih dvojica da urade nešto na trci... ne zna se koji je gori, Mir padavičar ili Nakagami koji za 6 godina na Hondi nema ni jedan podijum... ruku na srce Miru je ovo prva sezona...

  • Haha 1

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  • Pobjednik motogp kladionice 4X, 5499 postova
  • Lokacija: Sokolac RS
  • Motocikl: s.f. fzr1000 crf450r cbr600rr shadow

Pa do sad je opcija u hondi bila da završiš ko rins i markez sto se tiče lomova ili pomalo da vozikas i čekas paket...ja u zarka i dalje vjerujem 

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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7445 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Plavi Grom

Takodje, Zarco je zver, na prvi pogled nekima deluje smotano i pogubljeno, ali kada sedne na motor, covek se pretvara u nemilosrdnog ubicu, nadam se ne samoubicu s obzirom da je sad na razularenoj Hondi, al ima covek znanje, jedini je na gridu koji je vozio sve motore sem aprilije, i Suzukija je testirao onomad.

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  • Ne silazi, 5025 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Johann Zarco returned to the LCR team on Tuesday. The test organized in Valencia sealed the reunion between the Frenchman and the team led by Lucio Cecchinello, who had already collaborated four years ago for a few Grands Prix, during which Takaaki Nakagami, injured, had been replaced by Zarco, then leaving KTM and not yet linked to Ducati satellite teams.

“We are happy because when he arrived here, he said that he felt a bit like he was in a team that he already knew. He knows different technicians and his chief mechanic, David Garcia, has already worked with him in Moto2 "It's good," said the team director at Canal+ on Tuesday.

And if he said he was delighted, it was also because Lucio Cecchinello saw Johann Zarco put in a solid day of work. After initially riding the RC213V in its 2023 version, the rider switched to the 2024 model. "That was the plan. We didn't want him to get on the 2024 [motorcycle] right away, we wanted a reference ourselves, because it’s a bike that we didn’t know,” explained Lucio Cecchinello. “To better appreciate the work Honda has done, it’s better to have a reference. So at the beginning, he did several laps with the 2023 bike, and then he moved to the 2024 bike. He liked it. "


Johann Zarco completed 61 laps. The main thing, was not to find a time, but to gather useful information for the work to be carried out this winter.

“The technicians are doing a very correct, very serious job, without putting pressure on themselves,” Lucio Cecchinello testified during the day, “because we need to take a lot of information, as much as possible. "This is really the first 2024 prototype and we will continue to develop the bike until the last moment. Today's work is very important, and we are using the time to give good information to the Honda engineers."

By welcoming a rider as experienced as Johann Zarco, who comes from four seasons on the Ducati and previously moved to the KTM and the Yamaha, the LCR team intends to be firmly part of the in-depth work to which the entire Honda group is required to go back up the slope.

For contractual reasons, Johann Zarco cannot publicly comment on his new machine, however the team boss gave the update on the official MotoGP website: “  He really liked the bike. He found sensations similar to those he had in 2019, when he did three races with us. He said the position on the bike is typical of the Honda and he feels quite comfortable. He found some positive things and he also indicated areas for improvement."


“We are at the beginning of our new chapter together,” he stressed. "The policy that we chose with Honda was to take a driver with experience, a driver who knew the category very well, who could give us indications very quickly on where to go, where to concentrate on the most important issues to resolve, because we have a gap to fill.”

Promenio član MOTOM
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  • Drug član, 2363 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory

Honda je prethodnih godina pravila poprilicno cudne i upitne poteze.


Dovodjenje Zarka je jedna od retkih pozitivnih stvari za Hondu - mislim da ce im ozbiljno pomoci pri razvoju "paketa".

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  • Drug član, 2363 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory
17 minutes ago, dvlns said:

Da poznat je po tome da ima strpljenja za razvoj kada mu se ne dopadne motor u startu, bas se tako ponasao u KTM :D 

Hahahaha ali tu je jos imao ambicija da je vozac za titulu... Mislim da se sada smirio

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  • Integrisan, 13080 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
On 11/29/2023 at 10:19 AM, Motorcyclist said:

Nadam se da ce uspeti biti prvak bar jos jednom. Ono kao veliki povratak.


Ali i dalje nedovoljno da skine Rosija sa trona :jee:

Kog trona? 

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