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Moto sport vesti 2021

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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7400 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Blue Thunder

Nisam baš mnogo optimističan za Morbidelija, mislim da su menjali šiju za vrat sa ovim potezom, ne verujem da će Morbidelli uraditi mnogo više od Vinjalesa, ni ove godine se (bar) za sad nije proslavio, jedan podijum (3 mesto) a ostalo katastrofa.

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  • Andragog, 5035 postova
  • Lokacija: On off road
  • Motocikl: BMW K25 HONDA PD05 KTM RFS
Pre sat vremena, to crank je napisao:

Pored Quatar-a bi zdravog Marquez-a?!

Šanse su mu marginalne.

Ipak je on bio vicesampion a ova dvojica daleko...

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

Prošlogodišnja situacija je bila....pa da kažemo drugačija...ali, treba reći i to da je Morbidelli sjajno iskoristio celu priču. Ja to ne znam, ali mislim i da je sama Yamaha u nekom trenutku shvatila da je on jedini koji može da osvetla obraz celoj firmi (obzirom na sve priče i događaje) i da je tim imao i drugačiju podršku....recimo, malo ozbiljniju.

Mislim da je logično da je kvalitet performansa drugačiji kada se snalaziš sa onime što imaš i kada ti je više toga na raspolaganju.

Znači, da bi po nekoj logici stvari u situaciji gde može lakše da izabere šta mu paše, mogao i da dâ više, najbolje od sebe.

Istina, mnogi su bili u takvoj prilici pa ništa.


  • Hvala 1

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
12 minutes ago, srbac said:

A gde će Dovi, sad mu se i Aprilia izmakla :oda2:

Jesi siguran da se izmakla?

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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7400 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Blue Thunder

Hehe, prvo su svi izbegavali apriliju a sad ce jos na kraju aprilia da biraju ko ce da im vozi :D 

Promenio član Biker-Boy
  • Sviđa mi se 1
  • Haha 1

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  • Drug član, 1199 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrnjacka Banja
  • Motocikl: Yamaha R1, Kawasaki KX450F, Beta RR350
Pre 5 sati, Biker-Boy je napisao:

Nisam baš mnogo optimističan za Morbidelija, mislim da su menjali šiju za vrat sa ovim potezom, ne verujem da će Morbidelli uraditi mnogo više od Vinjalesa, ni ove godine se (bar) za sad nije proslavio, jedan podijum (3 mesto) a ostalo katastrofa.

Ne treba zaboraviti da se Morbideli konstanto vozi na 'polovnim' motorima, dok su ostale 3 Yamahe 'nove', a i sa takvim motorom je prosle sezone bio vicesampion.

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

In an interview with the Spanish sports daily AS, Maverick's father Ángel Viñales explained the reasons behind this decision: “Maverick is not leaving Yamaha because the bike is bad, so that's clear, but because Yamaha didn't give him the bike he needed, and failed to adapt to the motorcycle that Yamaha has. "


The M1 does not match the driving style of the nine-time MotoGP winner, drove Viñales sen. continued: “This bike suits Lorenzo's or Quartararo's riding style. It's soft like butter. Maverick needs a stiffer motorcycle. Why? Because Maverick is like Marc [Marquez]. They attack hard in order to exploit the potential. " In this respect, however, the Yamaha represents a limit.

Ángels conclusion: "[Yamaha] did not manage to give him what he wanted and he did not manage to ride this bike 100 percent."


That in turn had a negative impact on the mood of the Yamaha factory rider, who married Raquel before the start of the season and became a father for the first time at the end of May: “Maverick leaves because he's not happy that way. At a time when he was very happy with his daughter back home in Spain, he realized that he was no longer happy [at Yamaha]. He came [to the races] and asked himself, 'What problem will I have today?' The media attacked him and said that it was up to him, him, him - and the moment came when he exploded and had enough, ”said Ángel Viñales, who, by the way, is a team in the 300 Supersport World Championship operates.

"Maverick has found stability at home," emphasized his father. “He has matured a lot and when his daughter was born he started to think that it couldn't be that he is so happy in one place and howling in another. That `s not worth it. He already has money, what should he do, live bitterly? No."

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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7400 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Blue Thunder
pre 19 minuta, JankelA je napisao:

Ne treba zaboraviti da se Morbideli konstanto vozi na 'polovnim' motorima, dok su ostale 3 Yamahe 'nove', a i sa takvim motorom je prosle sezone bio vicesampion.

Upravo suprotno, "nove" Yamahe su se pokazale kao totalni promasaj, djubre, jbg desava se da ponekad "napredak" krene u pogresnom smeru, i tu jos da dodamo onu frku s ventilima kad su im crkavali agregati pa je Vinjales morao da popusi start jedne trke iz boksa...

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  • Drug član, 1538 postova

In an interview with the Spanish sports daily AS, Maverick's father Ángel Viñales explained the reasons behind this decision: “Maverick is not leaving Yamaha because the bike is bad, so that's clear, but because Yamaha didn't give him the bike he needed, and failed to adapt to the motorcycle that Yamaha has. "


The M1 does not match the driving style of the nine-time MotoGP winner, drove Viñales sen. continued: “This bike suits Lorenzo's or Quartararo's riding style. It's soft like butter. Maverick needs a stiffer motorcycle. Why? Because Maverick is like Marc [Marquez]. They attack hard in order to exploit the potential. " In this respect, however, the Yamaha represents a limit.

Ángels conclusion: "[Yamaha] did not manage to give him what he wanted and he did not manage to ride this bike 100 percent."


That in turn had a negative impact on the mood of the Yamaha factory rider, who married Raquel before the start of the season and became a father for the first time at the end of May: “Maverick leaves because he's not happy that way. At a time when he was very happy with his daughter back home in Spain, he realized that he was no longer happy [at Yamaha]. He came [to the races] and asked himself, 'What problem will I have today?' The media attacked him and said that it was up to him, him, him - and the moment came when he exploded and had enough, ”said Ángel Viñales, who, by the way, is a team in the 300 Supersport World Championship operates.

"Maverick has found stability at home," emphasized his father. “He has matured a lot and when his daughter was born he started to think that it couldn't be that he is so happy in one place and howling in another. That `s not worth it. He already has money, what should he do, live bitterly? No."


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  • Andragog, 5035 postova
  • Lokacija: On off road
  • Motocikl: BMW K25 HONDA PD05 KTM RFS

Telemetrijske podatke  dele Rossi, Vinjak i Kurta. Morbideli je sam u tome...

Promenio član srbac

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  • Drug član, 2599 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
9 minutes ago, Biker-Boy said:

Upravo suprotno, "nove" Yamahe su se pokazale kao totalni promasaj, djubre, jbg desava se da ponekad "napredak" krene u pogresnom smeru, i tu jos da dodamo onu frku s ventilima kad su im crkavali agregati pa je Vinjales morao da popusi start jedne trke iz boksa...

Fabrika uvek prestigne satelit kako sezona odmiče jer dobiju sva moguća poboljšanja.

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
1 hour ago, Biker-Boy said:

Upravo suprotno, "nove" Yamahe su se pokazale kao totalni promasaj, djubre

Jbt u kojoj pećini ti živiš?! Pa da nije imao arm pump i striptiz na one dve trke Quartararo bi imao 80 bodova prednosti u prvenstvu na tom, kako kao iskusan poznavaoc kažeš, đubretu od motora.

Lakše ti je da lupaš gluposti nego da prihvatiš da je baba odrtavela?


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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7400 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Blue Thunder
pre 40 minuta, to crank je napisao:

Jbt u kojoj pećini ti živiš?! Pa da nije imao arm pump i striptiz na one dve trke Quartararo bi imao 80 bodova prednosti u prvenstvu na tom, kako kao iskusan poznavaoc kažeš, đubretu od motora.

Lakše ti je da lupaš gluposti nego da prihvatiš da je baba odrtavela?


Govorim za proteklu 2020 sezonu!!:dobar: 


A deda jeste odrtaveo, i ne bezim od toga, to je realnost, rezultati govore za sebe.

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  • Ne silazi, 1218 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Hornet 600

Ako ove sezone uprska biće novi Pedrosa. 

Živo me zanima kakav će biti u nastavku sezone? Rekao bi da je dosta poradio na mentalnom treningu. Deluje samouvereno i konstantan je kad se radi o vožnji. Za bodove se sam izglupirao.

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  • Hronični Motociklopata, 7400 postova
  • Lokacija: Severna Bačka
  • Motocikl: Freza 600ccm Blue Thunder
Pre 9 sati, to crank je napisao:

 I prošle godine bi ih odrao da se nije usrao. 

I baba bi bila deda da ima kurac :lol:

Btw deda ostaje "The goat" do daljnjeg:sampion: ,Markez će tek nagodinu kad krene iz nule moći da ga sustigne, ako uspe.

Promenio član Biker-Boy

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
On 6/28/2021 at 1:47 PM, to crank said:

Morbido u fabriku, Ramirez u Petronas!

Jesam rasista jbt. Svi su mi Ramirezi :D

Tedoh reći - Fernandez.

Talenat, inteligencija, stabilnost...  sve desetke!

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
2 hours ago, Biker-Boy said:
11 hours ago, to crank said:

 I prošle godine bi ih odrao da se nije usrao. 

I baba bi bila deda da ima kurac

Istina ali tema je M1 a ne mentalno stanje vozača. Imao je motor da ih ošiša do glave a usrao se ko grlica.

Kad je video da Mir nije umro od titule shvatio ra može i on.

  • Haha 1

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  • Drug član, 1538 postova
7 minutes ago, to crank said:

Jesam rasista jbt. Svi su mi Ramirezi :D

Tedoh reći - Fernandez.

Talenat, inteligencija, stabilnost...  sve desetke!

Jedini koji je uspeo da ga izbaci iz ravnoteže je sadašnji kolega u timu.

  • Sviđa mi se 1

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