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  • Drug član, 1089 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Suzuki V Strom 650 2020'
Ima li neki dobar 4tx od poznatog vlasnika?Moze i u inbox
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Послато са SM-G900F уз помоћ Тапатока

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  • ..., 2427 postova
  • Lokacija: Tемерин
  • Motocikl: Honda VFR 800 Vtec

Пошто је јако слаба понуда и TDM900 и VFR800, и надасве нереална, да вас питам у вези 4ТХ?


Ја сам убеђен да нећу направити готово никакав скок у односу на 3VD? 




Р.Ѕ шта је заспала тема? :)



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  • Svrati ponekad, 427 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Scarabeo 250ie

Da kažem i ja neku kao doskorašnji vlasnik TDM 900, a vezano za prethodni post.

Ne znam koliko može da izadje motor iz gornjeg oglasa dok stigne do naših tablica, pretpostavljam najmanje 3500E. Koliko vidim prilično je skroman sa dodatnom opremom.

Ja sam kupio praktično go motor ovde, doduše 2002 god, sa manjom kilometražom,  za 2850E pre par godina.  Dok sam ga opremio po mom ukusu i potrebama za duže puteve udvoje, koštao je preko 4000E. Motor sam vozio par godina i prodao ga prošle zime za 3250E iz zdravstvenih razloga.

Taj motor je sad na oglasima, prešao je za sezonu 1000km i sadašnji vlasnik traži 3650E, ali verujem da bi mogao da se dobije za sličnu cenu kao što sam i ja dobio, i teško da može da se nadje TDM 900 bilo gde sa toliko dodatne opreme za te pare. Drugo je pitanje da li je kupcu važno da ima tu opremu.

Inače TDM 900 je toliko različit i bolji od 850 da  mislim da se ne isplati menjati stariji za noviji 850, bolje sačekaj da skupiš za 900 ili VFR.

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  • I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated !, 3919 postova
  • Lokacija: Lyon
  • Motocikl: Klx650,a Tdm u srcu.
2 hours ago, Svaler said:

Пошто је јако слаба понуда и TDM900 и VFR800, и надасве нереална, да вас питам у вези 4ТХ?


Ја сам убеђен да нећу направити готово никакав скок у односу на 3VD? 




Р.Ѕ шта је заспала тема? :)



Vidi Tdm 900 je bolji od svih i tu stavljamo tacku.

Pre svega 4tx imas od 96-99

I 99-2002 (moj spada u ovu grupu)

850 4tx ti je bolji od 3vd u par stvari:

1. Vile su 43mm (kod 3vd 41mm) 

2. Vibracije agregata bi trebale biti manje zbog drugacije bregaste (promenjen ugao 270)

3. Ima hall senzor u tocku i brzinu ocitava pomocu njega a ne puza

4. Pumpa za benzin je elektro 

5. Na karbovima ima ventil kontrolisan el u sprezi sa pumpom.

6. Ima pokazivac goriva u rezervoaru

7. Nema problem sa menjacem.

8. Kratko svetlo sa socivom (pogodno za ksenon,super formira snop)


E sad ovi od 96-99 ako se ne varam, nemaju pumpu za benzin i taj hall senzor za brzinu . I pokazivac goriva. Ostalo je isto. 

Dopunite me ako sam nesto propustio i ispravite ako sam pogresio.


Ulje trosi isto kao 3vd,al goriva znatno manje. 

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  • ..., 2427 postova
  • Lokacija: Tемерин
  • Motocikl: Honda VFR 800 Vtec
Размишљао сам и о тој варијанти, али стварно немам појма колико би изашла царина и све потребно да мотор буде пред регистрацију.
Не знам чак ни од прилике колико рачунати, 600-700е?

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  • Zainteresovan ko mlad majmun!, 894 postova
  • Lokacija: Ljubiš Donji.
  • Motocikl: Uvijek Japanski!

Jbg-a odes kod speditera u NS i dobijes sve informacije ili kako ti vec ( cini mi se ) rekoh preko Ticme iz Apostola. :)

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  • Drug član, 3827 postova
  • Lokacija: Kula
  • Motocikl: Honda VFR750 RC36
Pre 3 sati, Svaler je napisao:

Пошто је јако слаба понуда и TDM900 и VFR800, и надасве нереална, да вас питам у вези 4ТХ?


Ја сам убеђен да нећу направити готово никакав скок у односу на 3VD? 




Р.Ѕ шта је заспала тема? :)



Ja ti savetujem da pričekaš ili TDM900 ili VFR-a. Nemoj ići na 4tx (osim ako ti baš ne gori da vozaš nešto, a i to opet nije dovoljno dobar razlog za brzopletu kupovinu). 

Astral je lepo objasnio razliku između 4tx-a i 3vd-a. 

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  • I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated !, 3919 postova
  • Lokacija: Lyon
  • Motocikl: Klx650,a Tdm u srcu.
9 minutes ago, Utjerivac said:

Sprem TDM 900 i VFR800, 4TX-u fale dva kraja i sredina. ;):)

Ne bih se slozio. 

4tx je izuzetno pouzdan motor i zadovoljice svojim voznim karakteristikama i napredne vozace. 

Za bilo koje vozilo koje se eksploatise duzi niz godina samo uz redovno odrzavanje ja mislim da je to vozilo dobro i kompletno. 

A pojava da je noviji model bolji,brzi,lepsi je samo pozitivna. Znaci da fabrika uci na greskama i napreduje, sto je pozitivno. 

4tx definitivno nije motor koji se moze nazvati nekompletnim.

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  • Zainteresovan ko mlad majmun!, 894 postova
  • Lokacija: Ljubiš Donji.
  • Motocikl: Uvijek Japanski!


Cek malo, niko nije rekao da TDM 850 4TX ne valja, vec da je TDM 900 neuporedivo bolji zbog svega, pocevsi od rama, ovjesa, kocionog sistema, pa i masine i ako je samo 50 ccm razlike u pitanju. Nemojte samo da reagujete po onoj narodnoj: Svaki cigo svoga konja hvali, vec budite objektivni i realni. Dok VFR 800 i TDM 850 ni po cemu se ne mogu mjeriti, jer su dvije razlicite kocepcije i sve prednosti toga su na strani VFR-a. Posto na ovom Forumu svako treba da ima svoje misljenje, tako imam i ja svoje, a to nije razlog za zucnu diskusiju ( svadju ) medju forumasima. Realno kad bi imao interesovanje i mogucnost da biram izmedju TDM-a 900 i 4TX-a ni sekunde ne bi bio u nedoumici, posto glas ide za 900-tku. :)

S toga @Svaler-u strpljen spasen, duga je zima bice 900-tki na ponudu, ako hoces da se vratis na dva cilindra. ;)

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  • I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated !, 3919 postova
  • Lokacija: Lyon
  • Motocikl: Klx650,a Tdm u srcu.

Hmm.. pa davno se slozismo da je 900 odlican. Svako od nas bi da bira izmedju 900 i 4tx uzeo 900 :)

Al kad bi birao izmedju 4tx i vfr 800 ja bi opet uzeo 4tx i to bas ovaj od 99-02 . Za te pare retko sta sto valja moze da se kupi. Pogotovo ako se trazi unizverzalni motor tzv "all rounder". 

100 ljudi - 100 cudi , 100 zena - 200 sisa !

He he.. odo u devojku dana :happy:

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  • Zainteresovan ko mlad majmun!, 894 postova
  • Lokacija: Ljubiš Donji.
  • Motocikl: Uvijek Japanski!
pre 8 minuta, bocca_bastard je napisao:

Haha, kakve crne zucne diskusije crni uterivacu :D


Ja sam misljenja da je TDM 900 samo malkice bolji od 4tx. Toliko malkice da se nekome ko vec ima 4tx ne isplati da prelazi. A onaj ko tek uzima moze na 900 ladno ako voli tako nesto. Ja vec godinu dana imam pare, ali ne mogu da nadjem razlog da odem sa karbova na FI i to ti je. To je sad stvar izbora i ko kakve motore voli.

Ima tu i potrosnje goriva i ulja ali ako nisi bas na dnu sa finansijama (znam kako je, veoma dobro) to nije neka razlika.


Iskreno nisam znao da ima razlike u kocionom sistemu. Koja je razlika?


TDM 900 ima kocioni sistem XJR 1300, R1, Fazer 1000...;)

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  • I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated !, 3919 postova
  • Lokacija: Lyon
  • Motocikl: Klx650,a Tdm u srcu.

@bdada :besan: glupi plusevi

@bocca bastard 

As I have already noticed several times, there is something unclear which parts of the 3 VD fit on the 4 TX or vice versa. Due to the large number of TDM owners of the different models one should be able to provide this remedy. If there are errors in my information, they can be corrected, this article can be extended by other members

Fit does definitely:

  • the rims of models 3 VD and 4 TX among each other up to year 99,

From the 99 onwards, the 4 TX was fitted with a Hall sensor instead of the tachometer worm for displaying the digital tachometer. Whether this reverberator can be replaced by a normal tachometer worm has to be clarified in the individual case as well as their attachments such as brake discs, damper and sprocket (but can vary by different sizes deviations of the ratios) Front and rear fender (fenders) are suitable

  • The brake calipers are also compatible, as are the brake systems and brake callipers, since they all have a 100 mm front brake caliper, the brake calipers of the Yamaha R 1 are compatible with all TDM 850 models up to the year 2002.

Alternatively, the blue monoblock tongs of the TDM 900 can also be used, identical to the R 1 tongs

    • When installing the R 1 brake calipers, it is recommended to use the brake pump of the R 1, as well as when changing a 4 TX brake system to a 3 VD as long as the gear ratio changes
  • The brake discs have a diameter of 298 mm for all models of the TDM 850
  • For the engine parts, pistons, valves, (camshafts do not fit, since the 4TX has a 270-degree offset)
  • the transmissions should fit in all models, with me is a 4 TX gearbox installed, however, there was also also in the 4 TX series from 1999 changes, but these were only based on the ratios
  • with the carburettors also changes from year 99 were made, on the 4 TX also a throttle valve sensor was installed, in addition, on the 4 TX electric petrol pumps were installed, thus electrics necessary
  • complete engines can only be installed with associated electronics, since different ignition sequences of 3 VD and 4 TX,
  • the light machine controller of the 4 TX is better than that of the 3 VD (larger heat sink)
    • The 4 TX controller is square, the 3 VD controller is longer
  • Starter also fits,
  • the cooler of the 4 TX fits without tags not at the 3 VD because the fastening at the 4 TX is different
  • the speedometer fits from the 4 TX to 1999 as long as the display by Tachowelle was, afterwards this was electric and has a digital Km display, speedometer fits until 1999 in any case
  • Water temperature accounted for the models from 1999 onwards, there was a tank indicator
  • in the case of the handlebars on the left and right you have to check in the individual case since the electrical system has been changed (also applies in particular to owners of import models)
  • Turn signal and taillight are matched,
  • the original luggage carriers of 3 VD and 4 TX are matched
  • Footrests and their support plates are identical
  • Standard 2 - 2 exhaust systems also fit both models

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  • Zainteresovan ko mlad majmun!, 894 postova
  • Lokacija: Ljubiš Donji.
  • Motocikl: Uvijek Japanski!
pre 8 minuta, Astral je napisao:

@bdada :besan: glupi plusevi

@bocca bastard 

As I have already noticed several times, there is something unclear which parts of the 3 VD fit on the 4 TX or vice versa. Due to the large number of TDM owners of the different models one should be able to provide this remedy. If there are errors in my information, they can be corrected, this article can be extended by other members

Fit does definitely:

  • the rims of models 3 VD and 4 TX among each other up to year 99,

From the 99 onwards, the 4 TX was fitted with a Hall sensor instead of the tachometer worm for displaying the digital tachometer. Whether this reverberator can be replaced by a normal tachometer worm has to be clarified in the individual case as well as their attachments such as brake discs, damper and sprocket (but can vary by different sizes deviations of the ratios) Front and rear fender (fenders) are suitable

  • The brake calipers are also compatible, as are the brake systems and brake callipers, since they all have a 100 mm front brake caliper, the brake calipers of the Yamaha R 1 are compatible with all TDM 850 models up to the year 2002.

Alternatively, the blue monoblock tongs of the TDM 900 can also be used, identical to the R 1 tongs

    • When installing the R 1 brake calipers, it is recommended to use the brake pump of the R 1, as well as when changing a 4 TX brake system to a 3 VD as long as the gear ratio changes
  • The brake discs have a diameter of 298 mm for all models of the TDM 850
  • For the engine parts, pistons, valves, (camshafts do not fit, since the 4TX has a 270-degree offset)
  • the transmissions should fit in all models, with me is a 4 TX gearbox installed, however, there was also also in the 4 TX series from 1999 changes, but these were only based on the ratios
  • with the carburettors also changes from year 99 were made, on the 4 TX also a throttle valve sensor was installed, in addition, on the 4 TX electric petrol pumps were installed, thus electrics necessary
  • complete engines can only be installed with associated electronics, since different ignition sequences of 3 VD and 4 TX,
  • the light machine controller of the 4 TX is better than that of the 3 VD (larger heat sink)
    • The 4 TX controller is square, the 3 VD controller is longer
  • Starter also fits,
  • the cooler of the 4 TX fits without tags not at the 3 VD because the fastening at the 4 TX is different
  • the speedometer fits from the 4 TX to 1999 as long as the display by Tachowelle was, afterwards this was electric and has a digital Km display, speedometer fits until 1999 in any case
  • Water temperature accounted for the models from 1999 onwards, there was a tank indicator
  • in the case of the handlebars on the left and right you have to check in the individual case since the electrical system has been changed (also applies in particular to owners of import models)
  • Turn signal and taillight are matched,
  • the original luggage carriers of 3 VD and 4 TX are matched
  • Footrests and their support plates are identical
  • Standard 2 - 2 exhaust systems also fit both models


To sto je oznaceno crvene znaci da se kljesta R1 mogu staviti ( kompatabilna ) na TDM 850 4TX, a ne da su ista. ;):zvizduk: Sto je apsolutno tacno. :takoje:

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  • Zainteresovan ko mlad majmun!, 894 postova
  • Lokacija: Ljubiš Donji.
  • Motocikl: Uvijek Japanski!
pre 11 minuta, bocca_bastard je napisao:

Znao sam :D Znaci 900 ima samo budjavi ABS za devojcice :D


Ako je ovo isto, onda sam ja traktor...:jee:








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  • Drug član, 3827 postova
  • Lokacija: Kula
  • Motocikl: Honda VFR750 RC36
pre 20 minuta, VukMar je napisao:

Jel moze neko da mi kaze sto su boja dekla kvacila i poklopca vodene pumpe tj. desna strana masine u ovoj tamnoj, drugacijoj boji nego sto sam video na bilo kom tdm tog godista i serije? Hvala

To je zato što su menjani i stavljeni su od 3vd-a koji je bio 91-93 godište. Moje mišljenje je da je taj motor bio lepo havarisan sa prednje i sa desne strane, a u oglasu spominje i zamenu sata, sajle, puža i vizira... Tu je bilo polupano fino toga... Zato je i ta cena...

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