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QJ Motors SVT 650 X

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  • Zainteresovan, 437 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: QJ motor svt 650 x
49 minutes ago, Sajči said:

Kočnice su u redu, ako su bile kočnice, isekao sam se u prvom zavoju

Proveri kočione diskove i osovinu točka. Ako je osovina kriva, točak će vibrirati i kretati se gore dole.

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  • U prolazu, 12 postova
pre 20 minuta, kole24 je napisao:





Kad okrenem točak na viljušku, nemam drugog izbora sada, ne radi to na većoj brzini nego samo u rasponu od 45-70, stegne najviše na 55 km. /h.

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  • Zainteresovan, 437 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: QJ motor svt 650 x
24 minutes ago, kole24 said:





Upravu si, malo sam idiotski objasnio.....svakako osovina mora da bude prava i ako je kriva menja se a hoće da pravi vibracije i loše ulaženje u krivine i sl...to je obavezan pregled kod skidanja točka, bar u ozbiljnim servisima...

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  • Drug član, 999 postova
  • Lokacija: Zapadna Bačka
  • Motocikl: EX Honda CB500X '23---------------------------------------EX Honda Africa Twin '17------------------------------------------V Strom 650XT '24-------------------------
pre 17 minuta, Sajči je napisao:

Kad okrenem točak na viljušku, nemam drugog izbora sada, ne radi to na većoj brzini nego samo u rasponu od 45-70, stegne najviše na 55 km. /h.

Prednja guma, ako to nisi proverio.

Promenio član Rider000

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  • U prolazu, 12 postova
pre 6 minuta, Rider000 je napisao:

Prednja guma, ako to nisi proverio.

Takođe sam pretpostavio da je guma, ali ceo točak je zamenjen zajedno sa gumom. Stavili su originalni točak na balans i razlika je bila 5g, što je zanemarljivo. Ne želim da verujem da je to bila tako glupa slučajnost, 2 nove neispravne gume

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  • Drug član, 999 postova
  • Lokacija: Zapadna Bačka
  • Motocikl: EX Honda CB500X '23---------------------------------------EX Honda Africa Twin '17------------------------------------------V Strom 650XT '24-------------------------

@SajčiMaybe faulty or loose steering head bearings from factory?

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  • Drug član, 999 postova
  • Lokacija: Zapadna Bačka
  • Motocikl: EX Honda CB500X '23---------------------------------------EX Honda Africa Twin '17------------------------------------------V Strom 650XT '24-------------------------

@SajčiHm if you got brand new wheel, checked all we said. Theres not much left that could cause the issue. 

Do handlebars wobble at 55km/h or you just feel front wheel hopping up and down? Check if the axle is properly mounted and tightened to specification.

While there you could also check suspension preload, both rear and front.


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  • U prolazu, 12 postova
pre 25 minuta, Rider000 je napisao:

@SajčiHm if you got brand new wheel, checked all we said. Theres not much left that could cause the issue. 

Do handlebars wobble at 55km/h or you just feel front wheel hopping up and down? Check if the axle is properly mounted and tightened to specification.

While there you could also check suspension preload, both rear and front.


In the range as I wrote, the front wheel jumps up and down, at most at 55 km/h. The seller did not have a second piece in stock so that I could compare it, but I have agreed that they will try to change the second tire and if that doesn't help, only the shock absorbers are left. Fortunately, the owner of the shop is an expert in chassis, tunes racing bikes, rides himself, that's why I bought it chose However, he is currently on vacation, so the next solution is only after 22.7.

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  • U prolazu, 53 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Scarabeo 300s, QJ SVT650X
On 7/12/2024 at 8:55 AM, Sajči said:

In the range as I wrote, the front wheel jumps up and down, at most at 55 km/h. The seller did not have a second piece in stock so that I could compare it, but I have agreed that they will try to change the second tire and if that doesn't help, only the shock absorbers are left. Fortunately, the owner of the shop is an expert in chassis, tunes racing bikes, rides himself, that's why I bought it chose However, he is currently on vacation, so the next solution is only after 22.7.

Are you sure your front wheel is bouncing?  That there is no engine stalling (jerking) at lower rpm in a higher gear.  It took me a while to get used to it, the engine just doesn't like to run below 3000 rpm.

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  • U prolazu, 4 postova
  • Lokacija: Kikinda
  • Motocikl: QJMotor SVT 650X

Pozdrav, da li je neko imao problem da se korman previse lako pomera? Oko 3000km se pojavio taj problem. Cak se i u mestu previse lako pomera. Pre nekih 400km mi se prevrnuo sa stendera i pao na korman.

Promenio član Wegas21

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  • Svrati ponekad, 223 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Piaggio ZIP, XL600V
On 7/14/2024 at 10:44 PM, Wegas21 said:

Pozdrav, da li je neko imao problem da se korman previse lako pomera? Oko 3000km se pojavio taj problem. Cak se i u mestu previse lako pomera. Pre nekih 400km mi se prevrnuo sa stendera i pao na korman.

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