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Moto sport vesti za sezonu 2011

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Evo Stonerovoh prvih utisaka:


"Everything has gone very well, very positive. It's just nice to ride the 1000cc again, to feel the engine and the power. I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed the first day because everything we've tried seems to be working, so no complaints. The biggest disappointment is that Dani is not going be here to test as he is important to the development of this bike. I hope that soon HRC can get his input as well because we need as much data as possible, in order to be ready for next season. We didn't focus on anything special today, just tried to understand what the bike is doing, how it reacts on the brakes and things like that, also considering some the issues we have with the 800cc right now. The braking point seems to be stronger, stability in the front going into the corner seems to be very good, and of course we want to understand how the power delivery is, and it is very smooth so no problem . In general, we haven't changed too much from the set up we have on the 800cc right now and the feeling is very similar, so it's pretty good."


(Sve je prošlo kako treba, positivno. Lepo je ponovo voziti 1000-arku, osetiti snagu. Bilo je zabavno, uživao sam prvog dana jer je sve što smo probali funkcionisalo, te nemam zamerki. Najveće razočarenje je to što Dani neće biti tu da testira jer je on važan faktor u razvoju ovog motocikla. Nadam se da će HRC uskoro moći da dobije i njegovo mišljenje jer nam je potrebno što više podatka da bi bili spremni za sledeću sezonu. Nismo se usredsredili ni na šta posebno danas, samo smo probali da shvatimo kako se motocikl ponaša, kako reaguje na kočenju i slično a pozabavili smo se i nekim problemima koje imamo sa 800cc. Kočenje deluje bolje, stabilnost prednjeg kraja na ulasku u krivinu deluje veoma dobro a naravno želeli smo da vidimo i kakva je isporuka snage koja je veoma uglađena. Sve u svemu set up koji koristimo na 800cc nismo mnogo menjali i osećaj je vrlo sličan, što je veoma dobro.)

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  • Drug član, 1497 postova
  • Lokacija: Obrenovac
  • Motocikl: YZF-R1

post-8077-0-83212500-1305668330_thumb.jpgNe znam da li je bilo reci o Suter testiranju ali aj da ponovim . 6 meseci posle prvog testiranja Suter je upgraded sa mocnijim BMW 1000cc agregatom,Bridgestone gumama (koristili su Michelin na prvim testovima),karbon kocnice i nova elektronika.post-8077-0-14943300-1305668316_thumb.jpg


Testira se i Ducati,Honda ... Yamahu cekamo a mozda i Suzuki iznenadi! Sta ocekujete od 2012.? Promena nacina voznje? Lakse ispravljanje gresaka pomocu jaceg agregata? Ciklistika ukupna? Voleo bi da cujem komentare od nekoga ko zna sta tacno povratak na 1000cc donosi

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  • bez čvaraka, 1212 postova
  • Lokacija: na severu
  • Motocikl: Naked u najavi

Ja još uvek mislim na onu lepotu od Yamahe! Oduvek sam voleo te šare i te boje na YamaSi. Zaista, šteta što ne zadrže tu varijantu za stalno.

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  • Ne silazi, 5816 postova
  • Lokacija: Minhen
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki H2 SX SE '23 / Triumph R3 Storm R '24

Pogledajte samo ovu lepotu!!! Ovako će izgledati Yamahine fabričke mašine na Assenu i Laguna Seci.


Yamaha ovim oklopom proslavlja 50 godina trkanja u svetskom GP-u. Evo i videa:


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  • Ne silazi, 5816 postova
  • Lokacija: Minhen
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki H2 SX SE '23 / Triumph R3 Storm R '24

Rossi je na stazi u Silverstoneu isprobao ulični Ducati 1198:















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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Testira se i Ducati,Honda ... Yamahu cekamo a mozda i Suzuki iznenadi! Sta ocekujete od 2012.? Promena nacina voznje? Lakse ispravljanje gresaka pomocu jaceg agregata? Ciklistika ukupna? Voleo bi da cujem komentare od nekoga ko zna sta tacno povratak na 1000cc donosi

Ne verujem da će biti bilo kakvih iznenađenja, niti velikih promena u načinu vožnje. Pored toga, neće se svi odlučiti na 1000cc. Pomenuta kubikaža je problem proizvođačima jer se i dalje ostaje na 21l goriva. Ducati je čini mi se prvi najavio da bi mogao da nastupi sa mašinom između 900-930cc. Niko sem Ducatia se još nije izjasnio o većičini agregata. Spekuliše se da će Honda nastupiti sa 1000cc ali to još nije potvrđeno. Glavni cilj povratka na 1000cc je smanjivanje troškova proizvođačima i dolazak CRT timova koji će značajno uticati povećavanje grida.


Što se tiče Honde i spekulisane kubikaže (1000cc) evo zanimljivog dela:


"A crucial point with the 1000cc engine will be fuel consumption, as again in 2012 bikes will keep the 21 litre tank as per the 800cc machines. To deal with this issue, Repsol recently sent experts to Japan to develop a specific fuel and lubricant for the new bike and engineers at the Repsol Technology Centre are focusing on a fuel which will not only offer optimum fuel efficiency but also deliver maximum performance."

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Ovako izgleda Hondina mašina (koja će se verovatno zvati RC213V) za 2012:










Prototip je zasnovan na sadašnjem RC212V, a lako ih možemo razlikovati gledajući otvore za hlađenje koji su kod mašine za 2012 vidno dručačiji.

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

CRT- Claiming Rule Teams. Za sve koji su propustili da ukače šta je to:


Novopridošli timovi koji se odluče da učestvuju kao CRT moći će da koriste agregate do 1000cm3 i isti će biti na prodaju posle svake trke ukoliko se naki od MSMA timova (H. Y. S. D.)odluči da ga kupi. Cena će biti 20.000 E (sa menjačem, ili 15.000 bez). Aplikacija za kupovinu agregata će morati da se dostavi u nekom roku (veoma kratkom) po završetku trke.

Ukoliko se javi više timova, prvi će dobiti agregat. CRT tim mora da ga dostavi u roku od 2 sata. MSMA tim ne može dva puta da kupi motor od istog tima. Od jednog CRT tima samo 4 puta mogu da se kupe agregati u jednoj sezoni.


Proizvođač koji je već član MSMA-a ne može da postane CRT tim.

Uz olakšice kao što je 24L goriva i 12 agregata po vozaču po sezoni ovo pravilo bi trebalo da omogući privatnim timovima da za relativno male novce učestvuju u motoGP šampionatu a da spreči velike kompanije kao što je BMV da iskoriste olakšice i ogromnim stretstvima "preplave" prvenstvo.


CRT licence će se izdavati samo na jednu godinu. To jest za svaku sezonu posebno. Verovatno da, ukoliko neki od CRT timova bude suviše dobar, lakše može da popije pedalu na kraju sezone. To jest da pređe u MSMA.


Pravilo se koristilo i koristi u nekim drugim serijama, najstarije za koje ja znam je u motocross šampionatu u Americi 70-ih, pretpostavljam da ih je bilo i ranije.

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Honda Racing sajt nudi video sa komentarima Nakamota i Stonera o mašini za 2012.


Stoner on track again with Honda 2012 prototype

Air Temperature: 25 degrees

Ground Temperature: 35 degrees

Humidity: 51%


After a positive first day test, HRC decided to continue testing the 2012 prototype today with Casey Stoner. The original plan was to have a one day test with Stoner and one with Pedrosa, however, due to the outcome of events from last weekend in Le Mans with Dani's injury, HRC decided to complete one more day with Casey and test rider Ito Shinichi in order to finish the planned testing program.


With windy conditions and temperatures a little cooler than yesterday, Stoner ran 25 laps in the morning without any issues and Shinichi took over in the afternoon. HRC engineers were happy with the data acquired.


Researchers from the Repsol Technology Centre travelled some days ago to Saitama (Japan), where Honda is developing a new 1000cc motorbike that will compete in the MotoGP World Championship from 2012. Coordinated with their Japanese counterparts, Repsol experts started to develop a specific fuel and lubricant for the new bike, which was driven yesterday and today for the first time by Casey Stoner in this private test held at Jerez Circuit.


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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Pedrosu opet operisali. Oće ga nož...


After contemplating his options for a few days and talking further with his doctors, Pedrosa has decided to undergo surgery to repair his broken right collarbone, the result of the crash he suffered in the Grand Prix of France.


Dani has put his trust again in surgeons Dr. Joaquim Casañas and Dr. César García-Madrid, the same medical team at Teknon Medical Centre in Barcelona, who performed the operation on 6 April. At that time, they removed the plate from the left collarbone to decompress the subclavian artery.

In today's (Wednesday) operation performed at midday, a titanium plate was inserted to fix the fracture in the right collarbone. Following medical checks, the Repsol Honda rider will be discharged from hospital and in the next week he is expected to begin passive rehabilitation.

Dani's participation in the Grand Prix of Catalunya remains uncertain.

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  • Drug član, 1497 postova
  • Lokacija: Obrenovac
  • Motocikl: YZF-R1

Gledao danas BSB i mogu da kažem da su ono totalni ludaci! JBT! Laverty obilazi Byrnea sa unutrašnje strane i ovaj da bi napravio mesta mora da malo ispravim motor, ali da ne gubi vreme čovek zavrne gas i prolazi krivinu na zadnjem točku. Ludiloooo! Ovo je samo jedan detalj.



Ovo mislis?



Trke postavljene,uzivajte!

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Superbike Planet nam nudi odličan inervju sa Jeremy Burgessom. Evo zanimljivih delova:


"Look, Casey is a fantastic rider and did a wonderful job on that bike. But there were too many DNFs. In this particular instance, Ducati let themselves down by only analyzing the success. They never analyzed the failure. They treated the DNFs of Casey as (being) more specific to Casey, as bad luck rather than something not quite right (with the bike). .. Perhaps Casey had to ride too close to the limit to win. the margin Casey had was a lot slimmer than we would like to have on the bike that Valentino rides."


"It's disappointing going back to the 1000s, he said, "Suzuki and others want stability in the regulations (which will drive) more equal competition. It's heavily rumored that Suzuki has not begun work on a liter MotoGP bike and will exit MotoGP as a factory team at the end of the 2011 season.


"I know in talking with Yamaha last year," Burgess said, "that they'd like to build a V4 engine but while regulations are continually changing they don't have the manpower to allow for that to happen."

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Stuart Easton, treće plasirani u BSB se ozbiljno povredio.


MSS Colchester Kawasaki's Stuart Easton has been injured following a crash today (Thursday) at the North West 200.


Easton, who has had an impressive run of podium form over the recent BSB rounds which currently puts him third in the overall standings, was qualifying for the Superstock class when the incident occurred involving his team-mate Gary Mason.


After initially being taken to Collraine hospital, Easton has now been transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast to undergo an operation having sustained injuries to his femur, pelvis, hand and a suspected bowel injury.


Team owner Nick Morgan said: "We're so desperately upset for Stuart, he is one of the nicest, unassuming guys in the paddock, regardless of talent and he has that in abundance. He's been in fantastic form and this is obviously a massive blow to him and all his friends in the team and beyond. We wish him the very best recovery and will try and keep his supporters updated as regularly as possible."


The MSS Colchester Kawasaki squad and Kawasaki Motors UK would like to thank the many well-wishers and extend their full support to Stuart and his family in this difficult time.

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  • Drug član, 1497 postova
  • Lokacija: Obrenovac
  • Motocikl: YZF-R1

Prava steta za NW 200! TT za 6 dana!

The 2011 Isle of Man TT Races fuelled by Monster Energy schedule*


Monday May 30th to Friday June 3rd - Practice

Solo sessions are schedule from 18.20 to 19.55 and Sidecar sessions from 20.00 to 20.50 each day.


Saturday June 4th


12.00 - Dainese Superbike Six Laps

15.00 - Sure Sidecar TT Race 1 Three Laps


Monday June 6th


10.45 - Monster Energy Supersport Race 1 Four Laps

14.05 - Subaru Demonstration Lap

15.15 - Royal London 360 Superstock Four Laps


Wednesday June 8th


10.45 - Monster Energy Supersport Race 2 Four Laps

12.45 - Sure Sidecar TT Race 2 Three Laps

15.00 - SES TT Zero Race One Lap

16.00 - Subaru Demonstration Lap

16.45 - Arai Parade lap


Friday June 10th


10.45 - Yamaha 50th Anniversary Parade Lap

12.15 - PokerStars Senior Six Laps

15.15 - Subaru Demonstration Lap

16.15 - Milestones of the Mountain Course Parade Lap


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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Evo par slika.

Inače ne marim za glumce ali mi je ovaj Daniel uvek bio simpatičan, sad znam i zašto.


Dama je dokaz da OO nisu neophodam preduslov za ovu pogibeljnu aktivnost.


Ima još slika na ovom linku:







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