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Naslednik Varadera... ili mozda Afrike??

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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

MCN nam donosi zanimljivu vest iz Honde. U razvoju je novi motocikl ciji ce preview biti prikazan vec ove godine, ali se serijska proizvodnja ocekuje tek 2012. Honda je dala sliku siluete motora koju ce povremeno osvezavati i dopunjavati. Za sada je vidlljivo ovo:




Zna se da ce masina biti bazirana na bazi masine iz VFR1200 motora, ali sa manjom radnom zapreminom.


This is an official sketch of a new Honda  VFR adventure style bike that will be seen in full production form in just two weeks – but it’s not a 1200cc as many think it is.


The sketch has been released by Honda two weeks ahead of the Milan motorcycle show in an effort to publicise the show and let people know Honda has a glut of new models – up to eight by our count.


The bike is definitely a V4 but insiders have told MCN it’s considerably smaller in capacity than the 1200cc V4 seen in the current VFR1200 and is aimed at being an on-road adventure bike with no pretence of off-road ability.


According to Honda insiders there will be a 1200cc bike shown at Milan too but that won’t be a production bike but a design concept Honda will use to announce a new on/off road adventure bike aimed squarely at the BMW R1200GS.


This bike will be far from production ready but will feature a 1200cc V4 and have the DCT twin-clutch gearbox but this bike is not expected until 2012 at the earliest.


You can read a full explanation of ALL the new Honda’s in a complete MCN investigation in the October 20 issue of the paper.


Zatim dodaju:


This machine is an exciting new approach – a crossover machine that represents the best aspects of two separate biking genres.


It will have the flexibility and exciting attitude of a Naked performance machine, with the upright riding position and rugged appearance of an adventure bike.


This crossover is a midrange capacity motorcycle - and although it looks like a regular adventure bike, it has a much lower seat height so it can be used comfortably by riders of varying proportions.


With the low centre of gravity of a performance bike it is great fun to ride, and because of its wide handlebars and upright riding position it is both easy to manoeuvre and comfortable .


Honda research had revealed that customers want a machine that has both a unique style and is also fun to ride in all conditions throughout the year and so sought to deliver on this desire, with this new machine being the result.


This sketch is an early impression of the motorcycle developed by Honda designers at the Honda Design Centre in Rome.


The final production motorcycle will be shown for the first time at the EICMA show in Milan from 2 November 2010, when pictures, production details and availability in dealer dates will be revealed.


Honda will also reveal at EICMA a new concept motorcycle using the 1200cc V4 engine first seen in the VFR1200F, to further prove its leadership in this evocative and powerful engine configuration.


hehe i oni ciljaju na 1200GS. Izgleda im je svima trn u oku! :) VFR Adventure - bas lepo zvuci.



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  • Braćala..., 2179 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd, Lion
  • Motocikl: Honda CB750F 1981

Ako se po jutru dan poznaje onda će i novi motorcikl biti odvratan kao i većina hondinih motorcikala u zadnjih nekoliko godina.


Očigledno je honda svetsku ekonomsku krizu rešila da prebrodi tako što će da otpusti sve svoje dizajnere a na njihovo mesto će dovesti izvesnog Jošioku Jamamotoa učenika IV/4 razreda škole dizajn tekstila iz Osake  :P

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  • Neka Ekstra Titula, 402 postova
  • Lokacija: BG

nije mi jasno što ne naprave motor koji ima plastični rezervoar i brdo gvožđurije sa svih strana, bez ikakvih plastika, sa velikim sedištem, da izgleda onako industrijski. sa nekim fabričkim crash barovima oko agregata. stave neki motor od soma kubika i 100 konja i to je to. svi bi ga kupovali.

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  • Neka Ekstra Titula, 402 postova
  • Lokacija: BG

ako si čitao nekada, a sumnjam da to to uopšte interesuje, glavni "nedostaci" tih maxi endurača koje su počele da se proizvode posle bmw-og buma sa gs-om su upravo te neke plastike, te lepa je multistrada ali šta ako ti padne itd.

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  • Drug član, 2150 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: africa twin, durmitor, cb750 boldor

lepo pise:


and is aimed at being an on-road adventure bike with no pretence of off-road ability.


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  • Zainteresovan, 582 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd/Avala

Citao jesam, verovao ti ili ne druze moj, ako je to na kontu toga sto vozim R... To su glavni nedostaci svih novijih motora... Jeftine plastike generalno...


Nekada su se ljudi oblacili do grla, a sad to ide sto krace... Jbg, nedostatak odece moze dovesti do ozbiljnih zdravstvenih problema... :)


Prati se moda u svim segmentima zivota... Pa tako i ovde...

Mozda se i vrate nekad takvi motori... CB itd...

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  • Enduraš, 6409 postova
  • Lokacija: Paracin
  • Motocikl: CRF300L

Svaki noviji motor koji izadje mi je sve ruzniji. Izgleda da sam bas staromodan :) Ovo sto se vidi od silutete motora je mnogo daleko od Varadera, a da ne pricamo tek od Afrike.

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  • BMW GS is waiting for You...what are You waiting for????, 822 postova
  • Lokacija: YU jos uvjek u 36-oj...
  • Motocikl: Wee 650

  Bez uvrede, ali jedni od prvih simptoma starenja su upravo nostalgična prisećanja i netolerancija prema novim trendovima.


Mnogo JAKA -  Zvaka :) :) :)


Cim sam taj simptom primjetio kod sebe, odma' sam uzeo plastikanca :)


Honda razmislja u dobrom smjeru... Na planeti je sve manje neasfaltiranih puteva,osim kod nas...ali mi ionako nismo trziste za nove motore :)

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  • Ne silazi, 5579 postova
  • Lokacija: Kraljevo
  • Motocikl: XT1200Z Super Tenere

Po meni se ovde radi samo o trenutnom trendu u dizajniranju motora...naidje period kad mi se svidjaju, pa su mi onda ruzni i sve tako naizmenicno...istorija se ponavlja...a na kraju...i finalni proizvod se dosta razlikuje od ovih ideja...npr. ST 1200 se dosta razlikuje od onih marama obmotanih oko fara ;D

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  • Motorradfahrer, 1733 postova
  • Lokacija: BGD
  • Motocikl: Race Bike in a Tuxedo

 Bez uvrede, ali jedni od prvih simptoma starenja su upravo nostalgična prisećanja i netolerancija prema novim trendovima.


Cim sam taj simptom primjetio kod sebe, odma' sam uzeo plastikanca :)



YEAAZ!!!!!  8)

Generacijo, ti me jedini razumes!


I ja zeljno iscekujem sta japanski konkurent planira da uradi, i koju grupu kupaca da targetira....

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

MCN je izbacio još jednu sliku koju je Honda zvanično objavila za svoj novi VFR800X 'crossover' motor. Ovaj crossover će kombinovati 'adventure' izgled sa voznim sposobnostima putnog motocikla.




Finalni izgled nove Honde će biti predstavljen na sajmu u Milanu odnosno 2 novembra. Honda je takođe zvanično potvrdila da će pored novog VFR800X modela predstaviti još jedan koncept ali na bazi agregata poreklom iz VFR1200F modela.


Honda's official statement reads:

Honda today released a second design sketch of the mid-range crossover motorcycle that expands its V4 engine configuration offering.


The image shows the front face of the motorcycle, with a fairing design that improves high speed stability as well as engine cooling; and an innovative ‘floating’ instrument panel to put the gauges in the rider’s field of vision for improves safety.


This crossover is a midrange capacity motorcycle - Honda will also reveal at EICMA a new concept motorcycle using the 1200cc V4 engine first seen in the VFR1200F, to further prove leadership in this evocative and powerful  engine configuration.


This mid-range machine is an exciting new approach – a crossover machine that represents the best aspects of two separate biking genres.  It will have the flexibility and exciting attitude of a Naked performance machine, with the upright riding position and rugged appearance of an adventure bike.


This mid-range machine is an exciting new approach – a crossover machine that represents the best aspects of two separate biking genres.  It will have the flexibility and exciting attitude of a Naked performance machine, with the more comfortable upright riding position and design cues inspired by adventure bikes.


With the low centre of gravity of a performance bike it is great fun to ride, and because of its wide handlebars and upright riding position it is both easy to manoeuvre and comfortable .


Honda research had revealed that customers want a machine that has both a unique style and is also fun to ride in all conditions throughout the year. Honda has delivered this customer request.


The final production motorcycle will be shown for the first time at the EICMA show in Milan from 2nd November 2010, when pictures, the date for production and date of availability in dealer will be revealed.

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  • Hard Enduro, 1532 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Honda Africa Twin 750 '01, Honda Dominator 650 '01 bili nekad Suzuki TS 125 R i Tomos ATX 01'

Svakim novim modelom sve dalje od oreginalnog izgleda i namene endura...

Da ne pricamo kako su upropastili transalp ni na sta ne lici ovi novi model

Varadero je bas samo pravljen za put velik glomazan i tezak.

Nazalost sad sve vise izduzuju na napred enuro tako da se dobija neki polu R tj neko sranje koje nije ni za sta.

P.S. Bunili smo se kad su zamenili Afriku sa Varaderom ovo je tek propast...

Gde su nestali svi oni lepi motori sa masivnim rezervoarima i zicanim tockovima  :'(


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  • Ne silazi, 6281 postova
  • Lokacija: Hameln, Germany
  • Motocikl: Africa Twin CRF1000

Uh, valjda me Honda neće razočarati.... Toliko se pričalo o nekog novoj Africi, kad vidi sad ovo?!


RadicM, delim tvoje mišljenje... No, da sačekamo novembar, videćemo šta će se izroditi iz svega ;)

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  • Drug član, 2150 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: africa twin, durmitor, cb750 boldor

ajde da ponovim:


and is aimed at being an on-road adventure bike with no pretence of off-road ability.


ne kapram zasto uporno potencirate pricu o enduro motoru kada ovo nije to, ponovo experimentisu kao sa dn-01

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