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Moto sport vesti za sezonu 2023

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  • Integrisan, 13130 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
On 3/9/2023 at 10:54 AM, Andrej_Hotstepper said:

...da ga ne prenosi onaj buđavi Eurosport onako kako prenosi - da u sred trke gledam njihove glupave reklame o njihovom programu i inserte sa biciklističke trke, skokova i snukera - bilo bi gledanije hiljadu puta! Ovako mi živce iskidaju. A imaju ubedljivo najbolje trkanje, pravo nadmetanje, voze hrabro, muški, a čisto i respektom! Prelepo za gledanje.

Brate mili, usta mi se osušiše ponavljajući... Za dva (2, 1+1, zwei, two) evra mesečno imaš online Eurosport, bez reklama, uživo (u trenutku odvijanja), biraš jezik .. dva usrana evra!!!

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  • Drug član, 3234 postova
  • Lokacija: NS
  • Motocikl: Versys 650 Kiklop
1 minute ago, to crank said:

Brate mili, usta mi se osušiše ponavljajući... Za dva (2, 1+1, zwei, two) evra mesečno imaš online Eurosport, bez reklama, uživo (u trenutku odvijanja), biraš jezik .. dva usrana evra!!!

Gde šta kako?? 

Preko EONa ili?

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  • Ne silazi, 5038 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000
Pre 10 sati, Andrej_Hotstepper je napisao:

Gde šta kako?? 

Preko EONa ili?



Promenio član MOTOM

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  • Drug član, 1073 postova
  • Lokacija: Bijeljina
  • Motocikl: YZF R1

Samo da ne dajemo mnogo više usranih eura za osnovni paket na kojem nemam ništa, pa ako hoću fudbal da gledam doplati, pa GP doplati, pa za eurosport doplati..mnogo je to..pa svaki cent preko je malo previše

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  • Drug član, 2384 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory

Mislim da MotoGP nezadrzivo ide u jako losem smeru. Sto donekle ovaj test u Portimao dodatno potvrdjuje:


- Dukati ozbiljno dominira i pravi se velika razlika u odnosu na ostatak grida. Stvarno ce postati Ducati Cup.
- Krilca i aero paketi su regulisani samo u slucaju prednjih spojlera. Sve ostalo je divlji zapad. Sto smo videli na testu. Posto su ostale stvari neregulisane znaci da ce moci neograniceno novca da se ulaze u iste. A to ce dalje dovesti do razdvajanja fabrike i satelita. Dosada su sateliti bili koliko toliko konkurentni sto je bilo super za trkanje. Cak su i Dukatisti rekli da ce samo fabrika imati najnoviji aero.

- Dalje, ta prokleta krilca sve vise dovode do toga da imamo sve manje i manje preticanja sto je ipak barem po meni srz trkanja (mada je formula uspela da napravi nekog monstruma gde to nije toliko bitno).

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  • Pobjednik motogp kladionice 4X, 5530 postova
  • Lokacija: Sokolac RS
  • Motocikl: s.f. fzr1000 crf450r cbr600rr shadow

Negdje pročitah kad je Fabio izlazio da proba spojler da mu je tehničar rekao da se iskreno nada da neće raditi pošto je mnogo ružan.

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  • Ne silazi, 5038 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Red Bull KTM team manager Francesco Guidotti has given a frank assessment of the Austrian factory’s situation heading into the 2023 MotoGP season opener at Portimao next...


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  • Svrati cesto, 3642 postova
  • Lokacija: Debrc


1 Pedro Acosta SPA Red Bull KTM Ajo (Kalex) 1m 42.234s
2 Aron Canet SPA Pons Wegow Los40 (Kalex) 1m 42.451s
3 Sam Lowes GBR Elf Marc VDS Racing Team (Kalex) 1m 42.780s
4 Fermín Aldeguer SPA CAG SpeedUp (Boscoscuro) 1m 42.858s
5 Tony Arbolino ITA Elf Marc VDS Racing Team (Kalex) 1m 42.865s
6 Barry Baltus BEL Fieten Olie Racing GP (Kalex) 1m 43.009s
7 Somkiat Chantra THA IDEMITSU Honda Team Asia (Kalex) 1m 43.042s
8 Albert Arenas SPA Red Bull KTM Ajo (Kalex) 1m 43.091s
9 Bo Bendsneyder NED Pertamina Mandalika SAG Team (Kalex) 1m 43.092s
10 Jake Dixon GBR GASGAS Aspar Team (Kalex) 1m 43.144s
11 Celestino Vietti ITA Fantic Racing (Kalex) 1m 43.348s
12 Joe Roberts USA Italtrans Racing Team (Kalex) 1m 43.530s
13 Darryn Binder RSA Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Kalex) 1m 43.643s
14 Filip Salac CZE QJMOTOR Gresini Moto2 (Kalex) 1m 43.650s
15 Alonso Lopez SPA CAG SpeedUp (Boscoscuro) 1m 43.724s
16 Sergio Garcia SPA Pons Wegow Los40 (Kalex) 1m 43.871s
17 Marcos Ramirez SPA Forward Team (Forward) 1m 43.887s
18 Dennis Foggia ITA Italtrans Racing Team (Kalex) 1m 43.889s
19 Jeremy Alcoba SPA QJMOTOR Gresini Moto2 (Kalex) 1m 43.924s
20 Zonta Vd Goorbergh NED Fieten Olie Racing GP (Kalex) 1m 44.004s
21 Lorenzo Dalla Porta ITA Pertamina Mandalika SAG Team (Kalex) 1m 44.068s
22 Borja Gomez SPA Fantic Racing (Kalex) 1m 44.209s
23 Lukas Tulovic GER Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Kalex) 1m 44.350s
24 Sean Dylan Kelly USA American Racing (Kalex) 1m 44.826s
25 Rory Skinner GBR American Racing (Kalex) 1m 44.851s
26 David Sanchis SPA Forward Team (Forward) 1m 45.290s
27 Izan Guevara SPA GASGAS Aspar Team (Kalex) 1m 45.988s
  Kohta Nozane JPN Yamaha VR46 Master Camp Team (Kalex) No Time
  Manuel Gonzalez SPA Yamaha VR46 Master Camp Team (Kalex) No Time
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  • Svrati cesto, 3642 postova
  • Lokacija: Debrc


1 Diogo Moreira BRA MT Helmets - MSI (KTM) 1m 48.353s
2 Daniel Holgado SPA Red Bull KTM Tech3 (KTM) 1m 48.694s
3 Scott Ogden GBR VisionTrack Racing Team (Honda) 1m 49.031s
4 Romano Fenati ITA Rivacold Snipers Team (Honda) 1m 49.169s
5 Riccardo Rossi ITA SIC58 Squadra Corse (Honda) 1m 49.174s
6 David Alonso COL GASGAS Aspar Team (GASGAS) 1m 49.232s
7 Jaume Masia SPA Leopard Racing (Honda) 1m 49.277s
8 Kaito Toba JPN SIC58 Squadra Corse (Honda) 1m 49.300s
9 Stefano Nepa ITA Angeluss MTA Team (KTM) 1m 49.329s
10 Ivan Ortolá SPA Angeluss MTA Team (KTM) 1m 49.350s
11 Tatsuki Suzuki JPN Leopard Racing (Honda) 1m 49.412s
12 Ayumu Sasaki JPN Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Husqvarna) 1m 49.445s
13 José Antonio Rueda SPA Red Bull KTM Ajo (KTM) 1m 49.509s
14 Syarifuddin Azman MAL MT Helmets - MSI (KTM) 1m 49.676s
15 Joel Kelso AUS CFMoto Racing PruestelGP (CFMOTO) 1m 49.735s
16 Matteo Bertelle ITA Rivacold Snipers Team (Honda) 1m 49.735s
17 David Salvador SPA CIP Green Power (KTM) 1m 49.774s
18 Filippo Farioli ITA Red Bull KTM Tech3 (KTM) 1m 49.796s
19 David Muñoz SPA BOE Motorsports (KTM) 1m 49.797s
20 Xavier Artigas SPA CFMoto Racing PruestelGP (CFMOTO) 1m 49.865s
21 Ryusei Yamanaka JPN GASGAS Aspar Team (GASGAS) 1m 49.897s
22 Collin Veijer NED Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Husqvarna) 1m 49.945s
23 Deniz Öncü TUR Red Bull KTM Ajo (KTM) 1m 49.985s
24 Lorenzo Fellon FRA CIP Green Power (KTM) 1m 50.155s
25 Taiyo Furusato JPN Honda Team Asia (Honda) 1m 50.379s
26 Mario Aji INA Honda Team Asia (Honda) 1m 50.508s
27 Joshua Whatley GBR VisionTrack Racing Team (Honda) 1m 50.623s
28 Ana Carrasco SPA BOE Motorsports (KTM) 1m 51.109s
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  • Svrati cesto, 3642 postova
  • Lokacija: Debrc


Akosta ce ove godine da se proseta sampionatom a dogodine da pogura ili izgura Markeza.



1 Pedro Acosta SPA Red Bull KTM Ajo (Kalex) 1m 42.042s
2 Sam Lowes GBR Elf Marc VDS Racing Team (Kalex) 1m 42.281s
3 Tony Arbolino ITA Elf Marc VDS Racing Team (Kalex) 1m 42.290s
4 Bo Bendsneyder NED Pertamina Mandalika SAG Team (Kalex) 1m 42.334s
5 Fermín Aldeguer SPA CAG SpeedUp (Boscoscuro) 1m 42.360s
6 Jake Dixon GBR GASGAS Aspar Team (Kalex) 1m 42.487s
7 Albert Arenas SPA Red Bull KTM Ajo (Kalex) 1m 42.576s
8 Filip Salac CZE QJMOTOR Gresini Moto2 (Kalex) 1m 42.636s
9 Aron Canet SPA Pons Wegow Los40 (Kalex) 1m 42.682s
10 Somkiat Chantra THA IDEMITSU Honda Team Asia (Kalex) 1m 42.693s
11 Celestino Vietti ITA Fantic Racing (Kalex) 1m 42.871s
12 Alonso Lopez SPA CAG SpeedUp (Boscoscuro) 1m 42.893s
13 Manuel Gonzalez SPA Yamaha VR46 Master Camp Team (Kalex) 1m 43.006s
14 Barry Baltus BEL Fieten Olie Racing GP (Kalex) 1m 43.076s
15 Jeremy Alcoba SPA QJMOTOR Gresini Moto2 (Kalex) 1m 43.098s
16 Zonta Vd Goorbergh NED Fieten Olie Racing GP (Kalex) 1m 43.121s
17 Sergio Garcia SPA Pons Wegow Los40 (Kalex) 1m 43.185s
18 Lukas Tulovic GER Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Kalex) 1m 43.186s
19 Darryn Binder RSA Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Kalex) 1m 43.442s
20 Lorenzo Dalla Porta ITA Pertamina Mandalika SAG Team (Kalex) 1m 43.631s
21 Sean Dylan Kelly USA American Racing (Kalex) 1m 43.795s
22 Borja Gomez SPA Fantic Racing (Kalex) 1m 43.859s
23 Rory Skinner GBR American Racing (Kalex) 1m 43.907s
24 Marcos Ramirez SPA Forward Team (Forward) 1m 44.231s
25 Kohta Nozane JPN Yamaha VR46 Master Camp Team (Kalex) 1m 44.362s
26 Izan Guevara SPA GASGAS Aspar Team (Kalex) 1m 44.816s
27 Joe Roberts USA Italtrans Racing Team (Kalex) No Time
28 Dennis Foggia ITA Italtrans Racing Team (Kalex) No Time
29 David Sanchis SPA Forward Team (Forward) No Time

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  • Svrati cesto, 3642 postova
  • Lokacija: Debrc


1 Riccardo Rossi ITA SIC58 Squadra Corse (Honda) 1m 47.211s
2 José Antonio Rueda SPA Red Bull KTM Ajo (KTM) 1m 47.262s
3 David Muñoz SPA BOE Motorsports (KTM) 1m 47.318s
4 Romano Fenati ITA Rivacold Snipers Team (Honda) 1m 47.403s
5 Daniel Holgado SPA Red Bull KTM Tech3 (KTM) 1m 47.423s
6 Tatsuki Suzuki JPN Leopard Racing (Honda) 1m 47.458s
7 Scott Ogden GBR VisionTrack Racing Team (Honda) 1m 47.567s
8 Diogo Moreira BRA MT Helmets - MSI (KTM) 1m 47.653s
9 David Alonso COL GASGAS Aspar Team (GASGAS) 1m 47.747s
10 Syarifuddin Azman MAL MT Helmets - MSI (KTM) 1m 47.778s
11 Collin Veijer NED Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Husqvarna) 1m 47.820s
12 Ayumu Sasaki JPN Liqui Moly Husqvarna Intact GP (Husqvarna) 1m 47.889s
13 Joel Kelso AUS CFMoto Racing PruestelGP (CFMOTO) 1m 47.915s
14 Filippo Farioli ITA Red Bull KTM Tech3 (KTM) 1m 47.964s
15 Matteo Bertelle ITA Rivacold Snipers Team (Honda) 1m 48.048s
16 Ivan Ortolá SPA Angeluss MTA Team (KTM) 1m 48.096s
17 Ryusei Yamanaka JPN GASGAS Aspar Team (GASGAS) 1m 48.195s
18 Jaume Masia SPA Leopard Racing (Honda) 1m 48.219s
19 Deniz Öncü TUR Red Bull KTM Ajo (KTM) 1m 48.343s
20 Kaito Toba JPN SIC58 Squadra Corse (Honda) 1m 48.365s
21 Stefano Nepa ITA Angeluss MTA Team (KTM) 1m 48.473s
22 Taiyo Furusato JPN Honda Team Asia (Honda) 1m 48.900s
23 Xavier Artigas SPA CFMoto Racing PruestelGP (CFMOTO) 1m 48.912s
24 David Salvador SPA CIP Green Power (KTM) 1m 49.024s
25 Mario Aji INA Honda Team Asia (Honda) 1m 49.143s
26 Ana Carrasco SPA BOE Motorsports (KTM) 1m 49.195s
27 Joshua Whatley GBR VisionTrack Racing Team (Honda) 1m 49.634s
28 Lorenzo Fellon FRA CIP Green Power (KTM) 1m 51.886s

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  • Drug član, 2782 postova
  • Lokacija: Sr.Mitrovica
  • Motocikl: FJR 1300 , TTR 600 / SM
6 minutes ago, MOTOM said:



BT Sport, the official MotoGP broadcaster in the UK, will be renamed as TNT Sports this year as part of the joint venture between WB Discovery and BT Group.


I odmah ukinuli sve kanale gde sam besplatno pratio.

Ima li neki novi link za GP  ?

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  • Zainteresovan, 775 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Bandit 1250S
1 hour ago, Ninja66 said:

I odmah ukinuli sve kanale gde sam besplatno pratio.

Ima li neki novi link za GP  ?



Btw i sa ad blokerom mora par puta na play da se klikne i da se zatvori reklama da bi pustio stream

Promenio član filipfg
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  • Integrisan, 13130 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

MM preskače Argentinu:


After surgery to repair the broken first metacarpal in his right hand, Marc Marquez will miss the second round.

Upon returning to Spain for further checks, Marc Marquez was diagnosed with a displaced intrarticular fracture of the base of the first metacarpal of the thumb of the right hand. The #93 immediately underwent surgery at the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid with Dr. Ignacio Roger de Oña leading a team consisting of Dr. Samuel Antuña and Dr. Andrea Garcia Villanueva.

The surgery consisted of a closed reduction of the fracture and internal fixation of the same with two screws and passed without incident.





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  • Ne silazi, 5038 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000



Pol Espargaro injury update from Aleix Espargaro - “a very long recovery process”

Aleix revealed that he will require an operation “because of the jaw issue”, and added: “He also has injuries to his back, ribs and others.

“He will have a very long recovery process. The most important thing is that he can recover. 

“He wants to get on the bike tomorrow, but that can't happen. 

“The important thing, being young, is that he recovers well from the issue of his back because it is a complicated injury.

“IIt seemed that it would be all a little less but he is in a lot of pain. 

“We will have to be patient and it will be a long process. He is fine, more animated than on other days. I leave calmer and happier.”

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  • Ne silazi, 5038 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Pa moraju da nađu.


All teams, are granted a 10-day window to choose a rider ahead of the next GP on the calendar.

The reason for the length of the window is to give teams ample time to find a replacement should there be back-to-back events, such as there usually is with fly-aways. 

When there is an off weekend between Grands Prix, then a replacement rider must be named by the time the next race rolls around.

Promenio član MOTOM

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