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MotoSport vesti za sezonu 2012

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  • Drug član, 2317 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd-Vracar


Nije to bas tako kako ti pricas. da je tako ne bi postojale idealne putanje.

Ali nije ni to sustina.

Iako sam totalni protivnik CRT mislim da treba da postoji jedna klasa ili donesi pravilnik gde ces imati samo crt ili samo prototipove.

neki ce reci da se tome tezi ali opet Carmelo ne sme da to kaze javno jer i dalje balansira.

Ovo me podseca na prvu godinu ovodjenja 4T kada su gurnuli cvaje sa 4T.Koji normalan covek moze da uradi nesto tako.

E sada ce neki reci da Dorna zeli da smanji troskove i da zeli da priblizi privatne timove fabrici,i da postoji pravilo o potrazivanju i da su im dali vece rezervoare nego prototipovima bla bla bla i da ce im na pola sezone mozda dati turbine da se priblize fabrici ako im 24 litre goriva nije dovoljno....

E sad ja vas pitam zbog cega tolike peripetije. Sto sve vracaju na 1000cc ako je plan da se u buducnosti voze samo CRT masine, sto fabrike razvijaju 1000 prototipove i da li se to naziva smanjenje troskova.

Zar nije bilo lakse reci vec na pocetku ove sezone od 2012 ili 2013 samo crt ili samo prototipovi, dokle neka prelazna resenja da bi se sampionat odrzao na "aparatima".

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  • Drug član, 1439 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: KTM 1290 SDR V3


Ok zato forum i služi da iznesemo neka svoja iskustva, mišljenje i stavove, svako to ubaci u svoj filter pa možda nešto i nauči/prihvati od drugoga

Opet kažem nikako ne bih poredio nikakav endurance ili trke lokalnog karaktera sa MotoGP

Moj jedini problem ovde je da skontam na stazi u isto vreme CRT/Prototip pod uslovom da CRT na bilo koji način ugrozi nalet brzih vozača.

Ako ugrožavanja bezbednosti i velike korekcije brzina i putanja nema, ništa neka se ovi vozikaju.

CRT kompletan grid sasvim OK pod uslovom da priča oko motora čije su performanse približne prototipu, cena i razvoj koštaju višestruko manje od prototipova.

Ako bilo koji od CRT argumenata nije tačan onda je pozadina priče nešto drugo.


Da ne tupim dalje pročitajte link koji je postavio Pablo, Frank Melling je stvarno lik koliko slikovito dočarava njegovu viziju MotoGP 2012, dobro sam se ismejao :)

Ne moramo ni reč da mu verujemo ali možemo sve što je rekao uzeti sa rezervom kao info

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  • Integrisan, 13032 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

sto fabrike razvijaju 1000 prototipove i da li se to naziva smanjenje troskova.

Nešto ti oko tog smanjenja troškova nije po volji. Nije im cilj da smanje fabrikama troškove oko razvoja, mego malim timovima troškove učestvovanja. Da se nije desio ekonomski cunami 2008 (a morao je da se desi pošto se akumulirao godinama) možda ovoga ne bi bilo. Da Dorna godinama nije povlađivala fabrikama i ispod žita dotirala timove da bi mogli da izdrže rast cena lizinga možda do ovoga ne bi došlo....Coca Cola iz godine u godinu smanjuje budžete za medije a zamislite šta je sa malim privatnicima. Desperate times, desperate measures!

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Dorna finansira timove jer im na taj način vraća deo njihovog kolača, koji im ionako po pravu pripada, a sada određuje uslove po kojim će ih finansirati. Dakle, ako hoćeš da se takmičiš sa CRT mašinom, mi ćemo ti dati novac, nema nikakvih problema, a ako želiš da uzmeš prototip na lizing (bilo fabrički ili satelitski) i da se sa njime takmičiš, snalazi se sam. Carmelo je veoma ozbiljan u svojoj nameri i ovo će isterati do kraja, nema nikakve sumnje u to. Iskreno, najviše me zanima šta će da se desi sa proizvođačima tj. da li će ostati u šampionatu ili ne?

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  • Drug član, 2317 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd-Vracar


Izvuces jednu recenicu iz posta pa se uhvatis samo za nju.

Mislim da malim timovima i nije mesto u moto gp. Imaju moto2 i moto3 pa nek se tamo krljaju.

Ova logika kojom se vodis po meni nije dobra. Gomila vozaca na gridu je preduslov da imamo zanimljivo trkanje ali ne mora automacki da znaci da ce biti kvalitetno.

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  • Integrisan, 13032 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Mislis da je bolje da se trkaju 3 honde i 3 Ducati-a posto Dorna vise nece/nema da daje po milion godisnje za leasing satelitima.

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  • Drug član, 2317 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd-Vracar

Ne mislim to ali isto tako mislim da ne treba po svaku cenu natrpavati grid sa fenjerasima.

Tj vlasnicima siromasnih timova koji imaju neostvarenu zelju da vode tim u motogp.

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  • Svrati ponekad, 140 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd

Jel moze neko da natera fabrike da ulazu pare u prototipove... i jos da imaju obavezno 4 motora...zbog konkurencije ..nemoze,, nemoze ni Dorna...znaci gledacemo ovaj becarac... pa kako bude,, ili da se fabrike dogovore pa za svoj gust da naprave takmicenje ..nema druge :neznam:

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  • Vlasnik sajta, 5371 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd, Srbija
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200 GS Adv, S1000RR; Beta 350RR

Kako god da bude, dobro je sto se trude da promene stvari. Usput ce vec menjati ono sto se pokaze da ne valja... Bolje tako, nego da opet gledamo 10tak motora na vecini trka.

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  • Drug član, 2317 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd-Vracar

Pablo,tacno je da ce sve to zaziveti. I posle gasenja 500 smo mislili da kamionski program tj 4t masine nece biti toliko popularne ali desilo se suprotno.

Ono sto je moja poenta ali niko to izgleda ne shvata, dobicemo super bike sa nalepnicom MotoGp-a. Motogp treba da je nesto uzviseno i ne treba da bude dostupno siromasnima to je i poenta. Da li treba nesto da postoji samo da bi se zvalo motogp ili ipak treba da ima neku tezinu.Kako ne kapirate da guzva na stazi ne donosi nista ako ne postoji kvalitet samog motora a i samog vozaca. Pa imamo toliko sampionata gde na gridu ima 40 vozaca koji su mnogo zanimljiviji od MotoGP pa opet svi gledaju taj motogp gde ima 10 motora. E sad te pitam zasto?

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Vrlo zanimljiva vest koja se tiče budućnosti MotoGP-a.


In a recent interview with MCN, Yamaha boss Lin Jarvis said: “It is quite a critical moment and we all share the awareness of the need to make important changes to bring costs under control.


"A fine balance though has to be maintained because if you take away the need or freedom for technical evolution, then that is one of the very important reasons for the manufacturers to be here.


"MotoGP is used to train engineers and push engineers to bring new ideas that we can later use in our regular business. If you take away that opportunity to learn and develop then one of the important reasons why we are here disappears and that’s also dangerous to do that.


"If you have a rev limit you have the freedom to be creative under that limit but if you have a controlled ECU you take away the majority of your freedom and creativity.


"Electronics are dominant now in modern vehicle development and I think we need to maintain that.


"That’s why it is not an easy solution because we have to maintain the space for creativity but put a cap on the costs.”

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Livio Suppo o Casey Stoneru:


Suppo told MCN: “From the very first time he joined HRC and he was very fast I think this gave the engineers a lot of motivation and also a big drive inside the company. I think most of the paddock recognised in 2008, ‘09 and ‘10 that Casey was fast not only because of Bridgestone tyres and a Ducati engine.


"Now with these results this year and Valentino’s results at Ducati, it is even clearer about the level of Casey and I think it is impossible not to recognise how fast he is. Both Jorge (Lorenzo) and Dani have long experience of their machine and for Casey and his team everything was new.


"Maybe he has lost some points because of that. But the only zero he had wasn’t his fault in Jerez so he did a great job. He did a super job, not making one mistake, which is unbelievable.”

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Zeelenberg i Lorenzo o Stoneru:


In a recent interview with MCN, Spaniard Lorenzo explained the three main reasons he felt had contributed to him surrendering his world title in 2011.


He said: "The first one is that Honda made a big step at the end of last season (2010) and this year they have this new gearbox system, which makes them very competitive. Then Honda took Casey and I can't say anything new that I have not said about him. He is very talented and he can ride the bike to the limit in every situation.


"Casey's presence made all the other Honda riders stronger because the limit they must reach is now higher. There is more pressure so they get faster. Yamaha made a big effort to improve the bike but we couldn't improve so much, so these three things makes us a little bit slower with less options to win races."


Zeelenberg though believes Stoner’s impact at HRC was pivotal and he told MCN: "The big change was that Casey on the Honda took it to another level. We knew the Honda had made a step last August in Brno because Jorge even then was saying ‘mayday, mayday’ and urging Yamaha to make a step. To make that step we have our own philosophy and you can’t change too much otherwise you’re jumping in the same boat as Ducati. We didn’t want to jump in that boat so it looks simple that we didn’t do enough work.


"But that is not the case. The bike was still capable of fighting for the championship but sure the Honda was strong this year with Casey. For me at the moment the two guys that are a step up from everybody are Casey and Jorge. Dani sometimes is spectacularly fast but the two guys for me in MotoGP are Casey and Jorge. That’s quite clear and with the difference in our bikes, Jorge is able to beat the rest."

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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

U pravu je covek. Jako cenim Lorenca i mislim da je on jedini konkurent Stoneru u sledecih par sezona, pod uslovim da Kejsi ne pobedi sam sebe.

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  • Svrati ponekad, 296 postova
  • Lokacija: Nis
  • Motocikl: 916 SP,

Ja vas drugari nicego ne ponimaju. Jedini razlog sto nisam na Engleskim forumima  je sto ne znam engleski. Ma ne teram vas da pisete na ruskom al sramota brate.  >:(

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  • Svrati ponekad, 140 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd

Pablo,tacno je da ce sve to zaziveti. I posle gasenja 500 smo mislili da kamionski program tj 4t masine nece biti toliko popularne ali desilo se suprotno.

Ono sto je moja poenta ali niko to izgleda ne shvata, dobicemo super bike sa nalepnicom MotoGp-a. Motogp treba da je nesto uzviseno i ne treba da bude dostupno siromasnima to je i poenta. Da li treba nesto da postoji samo da bi se zvalo motogp ili ipak treba da ima neku tezinu.Kako ne kapirate da guzva na stazi ne donosi nista ako ne postoji kvalitet samog motora a i samog vozaca. Pa imamo toliko sampionata gde na gridu ima 40 vozaca koji su mnogo zanimljiviji od MotoGP pa opet svi gledaju taj motogp gde ima 10 motora. E sad te pitam zasto?



Pa sam si vec dao odgovor..nema para... bogatih ima 1, Honda.. Yamaha i Dukati se jos malo koprcaju.. "siromasne" da ne nabrajamo,,.. trenutno ako hocemo top gp masine konkuretne na gridu bi trebalo da imamo po 7 FABRICKIH masina od ovo troje,, nemoze GP da bude dobar "uzvisen" a jeftin... mada ko zna ..aj sacekamo prolece mozda ima nesto u tim masinama sto mi neznamo pa bude zanimljivije nego sto mislimo

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  • Ne silazi, 5471 postova
  • Lokacija: Trebinje
  • Motocikl: Honda Varadero 1000 ABS

I dalje sam misljenja da je to smanjenje troskova, kriza za jedan Suzuki, Kawasaki, jedenje govana,na Moto GP sam uvijek gledao kao spoj vrhunske reklame i testiranja. Na osnovu titula i pobjeda se prodavaju, a ujedno testiraju neke nove stvari koje ce u neko dogledno vrijeme, ne bas iste, ali principijelno iste biti u serijskim modelima.


A to sto oni hoce te pare da iscackaju sa strane, a ne da dajavu svoje, to je zato sto su supci. Kao sto je recimo stvar sa Long Way Round, eto oni nisu imali para, nego su morali da kamce sve od sponzora. Ma daaaaj. (Smajli koji ima dijareju)

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Velentino Rossi ne žali zbog preleska u Ducati


“Sometimes I regret it but once I start to think more deeply it is something that I had to try, so for me it is not a mistake. The fascination of this challenge is great and I still feel that way.


"It is better to try and have some problems than never try at all and wonder for the rest of my life, what if? I race and I make all the choices of my career like this, and I have a lot of fun because of that.


"So despite what’s happened at the end I have no regrets. The first to be let down is myself and all the people that work with me, and I know the fans are waiting and they expected much better results.

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Casey Stoneru drago što je ućutkao Burgessa i Rossia


“The whole thing with Valentino saying I hadn't been pushing hard enough was nothing new. At one stage it was the Ducati was the best bike on the grid and I had the best tyres and everything else.

"This talk followed me and plagued me throughout my time at Ducati until finally Valentino got on the bike and showed that nothing different happened to when (Marco) Melandri got on the bike or Nicky (Hayden) got on it.


"To be honest it was funny when he said that but it didn't give me any more determination because I find my own determination.


"I knew that when he got on that bike he was not going to be any faster than me. I was 100% sure of that. He complained about his shoulder injury at the start of the season but he got his best result with his shoulder injury.


"As soon as his shoulder injury went he got worse. The excuses didn’t stop until the end of this season when they just had to start admitting that they didn't know what direction to go.”

Rossi was flummoxed all season by trying to solve a chronic lack of front-end feel with the GP11 His 12 crashes were a personal record in MotoGP and double his previous worst crash tally in 2007 on Yamaha’s factory YZR-M1.


He tried three radical new bikes during the season including experimenting with carbon and aluminium chassis but still only managed a solitary rostrum in France.


Stoner added: “The reason this championship does taste sweet has a lot to do with Valentino and Jerry and the criticism they gave us that we couldn't develop a bike and didn't know what we were doing. Clearly they are ten times more confused than we ever were about what direction to go in.


"They wanted this and that and they got what they asked for and nothing has worked, they haven't improved anything. They are still no better off than they were at the beginning of the season to the point where they are wondering which way to go.


"At least we knew what direction we wanted to go, we just didn't have the funding to get it and they've got the funding now but they still haven't gone in the right direction.”

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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Navijam za Stonera, ali mislim da bi mogao malo da gleda svoja posla, da o'ladi i pusti Rosija i Ducatija da muce svoju muku. Svi smo se vec 10x uverili u ovo sto je rekao. Uveren sam da su ga izjave Rosija i Jeremija jako uvredile, ali ovo postaje kontraproduktivno...

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  • Svrati ponekad, 296 postova
  • Lokacija: Nis
  • Motocikl: 916 SP,

You are right Lalajko. In this moment, Stoner don need behavior like this in media. That kind of behavior has been needed to Rossi in past time, while he rided inferior Yamaha vs forcible Ducatis and Hondas.






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