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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Evo zanimljivog dela uzetog sa Motomatters sajta gde se između ostalog pominje i poziv za povratak na 24 litre:


"Casey Stoner said he would welcome a wet practice session, as he would finally get a chance to put some solid data in the bank with a wet-weather setting. The brief Sunday warmup at Jerez - followed by a race cut short by That Incident - meant the Australian had been unable to persuade his electronics engineer to cut back on traction control in the wet, and let Stoner control the bike. "You know electronics people," Stoner said, "they don't want you to touch anything, and I want the control in my hand, not the computer." The electronics engineer was the only member of Stoner's crew not to make the switch to the Repsol Honda team, and Stoner was facing an uphill battle to get him to allow the Australian the freedom he wants.


Stoner also decried the electronic controls, saying that he spent most of his time working on electronics setup rather than anything else on the bike. When asked if that was due to the fuel limits, Stoner said they definitely played a part, and he was vehement that the current limits had no part in racing. "Why do we have these limits again?" Stoner asked, posing a rhetorical question which is echoed by the vast majority of MotoGP fans. His solution was simple, clear, and vociferous: "Give us 24 liters!" he demanded, but the MSMA seem currently disinclined to listen."

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

Od tih 24 litre nema nista.

Cak i nove 'iljadarke ce morati da iscede 21 litru.

Bas sam evo danas gledao jednog inzenjera kako objasnjava ta neka nova tehnicka resenja.

Izgleda ce se na novim motorima zadrzati isti precnik klipa,tako da ce za povecanje zapremine biti potrebno produziti hod klipa.

Isto tako bilo je govora i o tome da ce bez obzira na to sto ce nove sprave imati vise konjskih snaga,odnos snage i zapremine ce biti nizi nego na postojecim spravama od 800ccm.Odatle i vrlo velika verovatnoca da ce tih 21l. biti dovoljno.

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