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17. Moto GP Sepang, Malezija

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  • Drug član, 981 postova
  • Lokacija: Sombor
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSX 750 Inazuma

Po meni, u borbi za titulu  Lorencu pomaze Markez, a Rosiju Pedrosa.

I to iz sledecih razloga: Lorenzo i mali su pederi a Rosi i Pedrosa mrze pedere.

I dalje, ko navija za Lorenza i Markeza je peder,a ko voli Rosija i Pedrosu je muskarcina.

Oni koji navijaju za Stonera nisu normalni, posto Stoner vise nije aktivan u trkama, nego viri ispod Adrijanine suknje i nema druge odnose. 

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  • Šumadinac, 1581 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: Yamaha xj 900S Diversion
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 11:06, to crank je napisao:

Ma jok bre, buljaš obični! ;)





@Šumadinac: zajebavam se, nije peder!

Kako znaš?  :lol: 

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  • Zainteresovan, 285 postova
  • Lokacija: Beogard
  • Motocikl: U potrazi

Kapiram da je u sportu bitnija sustina od forme. Ne mogu verujem da su i neki ljudi sa ovih prostora ograniceni kao zapadnjaci, ako nije napisano pojesce i prasak za ves.

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  • Integrisan, 13073 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 17:25, Akashi Shimano je napisao:

U jbt...al ga odvalio Rosi... :)

De gledaš ti majke ti?! Vidiš da je Marquez probao da ga obiđe spolja?!


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  • Ne silazi, 5025 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Dobro, da vidimo šta kažu kolege, bivše kolege i stari majstori...


Dani Pedrosa (Repsol Honda): “It’s a bad incident for our sport. There are so many people that are watching us and these things shouldn’t happen. Valentino Rossi is one the greatest of this sport, he has many fans and many young people look at him as an example. Everyone can make a mistake. We need to understand exactly what happened.”
Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati): “Marquez was racing for the podium, but also to disturb Rossi. Valentino’s reaction exceeded the limits and it is not what we want to see. I believe Marc was provoking him and Rossi fell into his trap. Rossi contributed to the rising tension [with his comments] on Thursday and we can say that their relationship is finally over. For sure, Marc was playing with Valentino, but he remained within the rules”.
Andrea Iannone (Ducati): “It’s a complicated and delicate situation and everyone has his own opinion, but for sure no one likes what happened. I think Marc was riding a bit too slow. You cannot go one second slower than the pace you had just a few hours before [in the warmup]. In my opinion, Marc had the potential to stay with Pedrosa and Lorenzo.”
Bradley Smith (Tech 3 Yamaha): “I saw the incident, and I don’t agree with it. It’s not something that should be allowed in MotoGP. It’s not a normal incident—knocking another rider down—and I have to follow what the Race Direction decided to do. We are all here to race and do the best possible. What Marquez decided to do against Valentino is up to him. We are 24 riders on the grid and we are allowed to do exactly what we want, even if we are not fighting for the championship.”
Pol Espargaro (Tech 3 Yamaha): “I can understand Rossi’s frustration with Marquez’s disturbing him, but you cannot touch a rider deliberately and raise the foot in that way. From one side, Marc was not playing fairly; he was playing with Rossi’s championship. On the other side, I’m surprised that a mature and experienced rider like Rossi could react like this. Valentino never did something like this before. Race Direction, the Safety Commission and IRTA (International Road Racing Teams Association) are there to evaluate incidents like this. Valencia will be an interesting race.”
Danilo Petrucci (Pramac Ducati): “It’s a very delicate situation and the stakes are really high. Using an image taken from football [soccer]: When a foul occurs, only the defender and the lineman know exactly what really happened.”
Casey Stoner
If anyone else had done what Valentino did we would have been black flagged immediately, no questions asked.
More from Stoner:
“There is a Massive difference between reckless riding and intentionally taking someone out.”
Carl Fogarty
Think if It was any other rider they would of been disqualified from the race for sure...
Ben Spies
There's no question @marcmarquez93 asked for it and there's no question that @ValeYellow46 took him out. Maybe didn't mean too but did....
More from Spies:
“Gonna be interesting. @marcmarquez93 asked for it the whole race and @ValeYellow46 intentionally gave it to him so both riders are at fault”.
“And yes I agree @marcmarquez93 should have been penalized for today as well. If people can’t understand that @marcmarquez93 was faster at PL and Sepang than @ValeYellow46, they’re crazy!”
Josh Brookes
MM was riding like a dick to block VR. VR gave him looks of warning & MM didn't accept. You try ride on outside & catch, it's what happens
More from Brookes:
“VR’s race was already penalized by having to deal with MM. Points should be left. Race Direction shouldn’t be deciding the championship.”
“Yes VR intentionally ran wide to make a statement…but MM had more options than the one he chose to take.”
“MM could’ve turned back & got up the inside but he stayed outside & continued to push on VR, then fell onto him, that dragged VR’s leg off.”
“I think we need to focus on the real crime here. Why was VR a gentleman for so long? He should have grassed him a lot earlier.”
Troy Bayliss
All I will say is 46 and 93 would not have been able to continue to race like that all race, I'm happy it happened at slow speed.
Jeremy McWilliams
My feedback initially started in favour of Marquez but soon turned totally in favour of Rossi (by a long way).
Colin Edwards
Ok, my opinion: MM is fighting for pride, not a championship. VR gets tired of MM's close racing.
Michael Laverty
Marc broke the unwritten rule, always RESPECT those fighting for a Championship when you're not. Vale got enraged and hung him out to dry. 
Giacomo Agostini (told the Italian newspaper, Gazzetta dello Sport, about the incident): 
“Valentino fell into Marquez’s game that this time was smarter than him. He should have expected such a reaction: Marc had nothing to lose. They passed and re-passed each other thousands of times. You cannot fall into this trap, you cannot do this maneuver, going so wide, especially if you are Valentino Rossi. What happens in a racer’s mind in those moments? I’m convinced that Valentino was angry, exhausted and frustrated, but until that turn it had been a great fight. But Valentino was surprised. He is a great professional. In his place, I also would have been very angry with Marquez, who provoked and exasperated him.”
Agostini added: “If you look back, when it was about winning, Valentino has never been soft with his rivals, just think of Casey Stoner or Sete Gibernau. You cannot condemn a rider like Marquez who is putting up a show.”
Rossi “lost his head” during Marquez fight, says Agostini
15-time champion Agostini told Spanish publication AS: “I think that Valentino lost his head.
“He was very nervous, fighting for the title. I can understand that, but you cannot make a move like this.
“Everyone saw his actions: he nearly stops, looks at [Marc] and tells him to piss off.
“He’s a great champion who knows how to keep everything under control, but this time perhaps he was out of control.

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  • Drug član, 1390 postova
  • Lokacija: Novi Sad
  • Motocikl: Yamaha FZS1000

Gle cuda 90% profi vozaca govori da je MM "kriv" za incident i potvrdjuje moje pisanje o umu trkaca. Pravilnik se ne dovodi u pitanje.


Stoner je nevidjen lik...verujem da je cmizdrio i pogledom trazio Adrianu dok je i ovaj interviu davao. Uzeo je dve titule, ali sampion i trkac nikada nije bio...placipicka i tacka

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  • Svrati ponekad, 368 postova
  • Lokacija: Tu i tamo...
  • Motocikl: Bicikla
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 19:25, MOTOM je napisao:


Dobro, da vidimo šta kažu kolege, bivše kolege i stari majstori...


Michael Laverty
Marc broke the unwritten rule, always RESPECT those fighting for a Championship when you're not. Vale got enraged and hung him out to dry. 


Ovo je po meni presudno, nebitno ko je u pitanju, ako toga nemaš, onda si go qrac od čoveka...

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  • Integrisan, 8602 postova

Šta su ti navijačke strasti. Nazvati dirt (dakle slajd) trkača, koji je to bio jos kao klinac, koji onda dođe u gp, sedne i vozi taj motor na pro nivou, pa jos uzme koju titulu u tom slabom, nevaznom takmicenju (sic!) plačipičkom... mislim PLAČIPIČKOM??!!


Ej, živote lutalico... :lol: Papir i baze podataka stvarno trpe sve... :lol:

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  • Drug član, 2087 postova
  • Lokacija: Novi Sad

Neko ko je izabrao da bude trkac na profesionalnom nivou nije mogao da se izbori sa pritiskom koji mu namece publika i sponzori koji mu placaju debelu kintu da radi to sto radi najbolje i zna da je mozda mogao da bude NAJBOLJI IKADA (neverujem da sam ovo rekao) odluci da kaze e pa sponzori i svi koji ste ucinili sve da budem to gde sam i to sto jesam odluci da kaze aj sad svi se nosite ja idem da pecam jer ovo vise nije to sto sam mislio da ce biti onda je promasio sustinu zivota.


Da se duva i duri kad mu nisu ovce na broju....... zato sto je u senci nekog VR i ako je bolji u svemu od njega  .... da ode da vozi V8 cetvorotockas i tu kaze Red Bullu aj u q necu da se trkam .... zato sto me nerviraju PR obaveze ...... jeste vagina i to ona suva .....


Koliko od vas bi se menjalo sa njime ???  Biaggi je u istoj mozda i goroj situaciji jer je italijan ali je ostao dosledan pravom trkanju.


Pedrosa je za njega CAR NAD CAREVIMA , a  Heyden BOG

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  • Integrisan, 13073 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 20:14, Djeneral je napisao:

Gle cuda 90% profi vozaca govori da je MM "kriv" za incident ka i tacka




Samo u tvojoj glavi. Izbroj opet. 7  smatra da je Rossi prekršio pravila. 6 da je u pravu a par neodređenog mišljenja. 

Možda ne razumeš engleski?



Fogarty misli na Rossi-a kad kaže da bi svako drugi bio momentalno diskvalifikovan.

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  • Ne silazi, 4927 postova
  • Lokacija: Srbija, Padej
  • Motocikl: Honda VTR1000SP1 (Službeni), Suzuki SV650S, Tomos T15SL, Tomos T011, Tomos APN4
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 23:09, to crank je napisao:

Ma nisam bre. A delete dugmeta nema 100% sve sam pregledao.


To famozno delete dugme sam i ja trazio par puta. A mogu da se zakunem da je ranije bilo tu, ili sam se istripovao.

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  • Drug član, 549 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Honda Magna vf 750C
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 16:26, dvlns je napisao:


  On 1. 11. 2015. at 15:53, Best je napisao:

Evo dosla opet ona Jelena Bačić-Alimpić! :ups:

Jel se ti to meni obracas?



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  • Integrisan, 8602 postova
  On 1. 11. 2015. at 22:18, Milky je napisao:

Neko ko je izabrao da bude trkac na profesionalnom nivou nije mogao da se izbori sa pritiskom koji mu namece publika i sponzori koji mu placaju debelu kintu da radi to sto radi najbolje i zna da je mozda mogao da bude NAJBOLJI IKADA (neverujem da sam ovo rekao) odluci da kaze e pa sponzori i svi koji ste ucinili sve da budem to gde sam i to sto jesam odluci da kaze aj sad svi se nosite ja idem da pecam jer ovo vise nije to sto sam mislio da ce biti onda je promasio sustinu zivota.



Razumem šta pričaš, tj. šta hoćeš da kažeš, ali neki mudri ljudi su jednom rekli: ne sudi.


Jer, on je ipak dosta uradio u svom životu, imajući u vidu odakle je počeo, lako je iz anonimnosti net-a (da li samo neta?) pljuvati po tome... Ne važi to samo za njega, naravno, česti su ovi izlivi sa visine o nečijem karakteru, iz tame anonimnosti Mreže.

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