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BMW filmovi i fotke

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  • Drug član, 1740 postova
  • Lokacija: JAGODINA
  • Motocikl: Tomos 14M BMW R 26 BMW R 65 BMW R1150R

Ja sam za RT ali mi je ovaj baš,baš..... :BMW2:


to ovaj na struju ... e sad dal u planu seriska proizvodnja ili se nesto igraju ??

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  • Drug član, 1740 postova
  • Lokacija: JAGODINA
  • Motocikl: Tomos 14M BMW R 26 BMW R 65 BMW R1150R

Evo turise i njemu prednju vucu ... Valjda je dovoljno jako (obzirom da je na struju) da te iscupa iz nekog blata ili da te vrati u rikverac na neku uzbrdicu u protivnom moz za ukras da sluzi .
Evo ko zna da prevede mozda i pise sta i kako :

Wunderlich presents the GS with two-wheeler operation in Milan.

BMW motorcycle specialist Wunderlich has once again shown its competency and its leading role in the areas of innovation and motorcycle technology. At the EICMA the company presents the first BMW R 1200 GS LC in the world with additional front-wheel drive.

Already in the past year, Wunderlich has shown off a 156 horsepower scrambler prototype on the basis of a GS LC. "We want to show what is going on and establish standards!" Wunderlich CEO Frank Hoffmann states. "In the meantime, our concept vehicles are traditional and symbolise our know how and our status as a manufactory of ideas."

The Wunderlich GS hybrid has a ten-kilowatt electrical front wheel gearbox, which offers several new sturdy advantages. The big enduro does not just have much more propulsion on the ground, the powered front wheel also draws the GS through curves quickly. "The increased performance can be clearly felt in the driving operation," says Frank Hoffmann. The additional operation is always efficient. Thus, for example, the energy produced while braking the GS is used to recharge the battery.

Refined detail: The front-wheel operation, adjustable during operation, can be used entirely on its own. It operates on electric with the combustion motor turned off, and up to 20 kilometres per hour. Used as manoeuvring assistance, the electric motor even allows for reverse function at three kilometres per hour. This is extremely practical for parking the heavy GS on a slope.

Nearly all the changes to the GS series, including the chassis set-up to balance out the additional weight, stem from the pens of the Wunderlich developers. For the implementation of this electric concept, the engineers at Wunderlich have also taken on board the company evolt. The resourceful Italians are electric mobility specialists for the two-wheeler and have co-developed some of the electrical components.







ima i neki video klip :


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  • Drug član, 1740 postova
  • Lokacija: JAGODINA
  • Motocikl: Tomos 14M BMW R 26 BMW R 65 BMW R1150R
  • Čuvaj sebe od drugih i druge od sebe, 3708 postova
  • Lokacija: Niš / Donji Adrovac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1100GS (iz prošlog veka)

Gledam ove fotografije gde je motor od BMW-a iskorišćen za druge namene, pa se stih događaja od pre nekoliko dana.

Zove me drugar iz niša (inače penzioner potpukovnik-padobranac, matorac od blizu sedam banki, aktivni motociklista i zmajar, .... ).

Kaže da dođem da vidim (još jedan) motor koji je kupio. Odema, a ono BMW R1100S iz 1999. , prešao oko 40.000 km, očuvan kao da je iz salona izašao. Ja mu poželim da se dugo vozi sa njim, a on me obavesti da ga nije uzeo za vožnju nego da ga rasturi i da mašinuniskoristi za motorni zmaj! Za malo što ga nisam na mestu ubio! Jedva ga ubedih da (bar za sada) ne dira motor, a da ćemo da se potrudimo da nađemo neki agregatbod uništenog motocikla.

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  • Svrati ponekad, 313 postova
  • Lokacija: Umcari, Srbija
  • Motocikl: Yamaha Thundercat

Auuuuu, sto bi mi pasovala jedna ovakva pumpa da zalivam jagode! :)

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  • Drug član, 1480 postova
  • Lokacija: Bratunac, Earth
  • Motocikl: R1200C, GS, DRZSM

Ne znam da lije neko postavljao, ali evo jednog zanimljivog linka i zanimljivog, ali na zalost kratkog, videa:


Ne javlja se Murph godinu dana, ko zna sta je s njim.

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  • Drug član, 1740 postova
  • Lokacija: JAGODINA
  • Motocikl: Tomos 14M BMW R 26 BMW R 65 BMW R1150R

Pa zavrsio je voznju po Atktickom krugu, a ne znam gde je sad...

 eno ga kuci leci se od promaje :D :D :D

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