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BJB Vitez
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Sve što je postavio član: severian

  1. Ovoga puta mislim da je lorencu puklo u lice to što voli praznu stazu. Grupa je bila nevidjeno brza i pomogli su jedni drugima. Mislim da nisam do sada gledao ovakav q2. Ne sećam se bar.
  2. Neviđen završetak Q2!!!
  3. Morbideli ima prelom ili naprsnuće jedne od kostiju šake...
  4. Ma, samo mi je to pizdukanje na sk komentar, u eri lakog izbora, stvarno malo već dosadno. Ljudi su ovde, jedan i piše, kontam bolje izneti konstruktivne komentare nego mizogene opaske. Samo to
  5. Pa upravo ih potroši Što se mene tiče, baš je danas bolja, primetno manja trema, a bolje su joj namestili i glas (ili se trudi da manje ide u visoke tonove). @Geto Bastard Danas na fp3 ste napravili baš tešku omasku sa vremenima. Bio je istaknut poredak fp1-fp3, vi ste komentarisali vremena fp3. Okriviste Dornu za svoj promašaj Mora bolje!
  6. Zna li neko šta se dešava sa zadnjim krajem 25? Fp3. Kao da mu elektronika bagovito seče gas? Čudno izgleda baš ...
  7. Svaka čast! Zavidimo, biće dobar vikend ...
  8. Moje Tech7 uopšte ne drže vodu van čizme. Npr. dovoljno je oko 10sec u potoku da propišaju skroz. Prskanje od bara i kiše ne računam, tu svaka drži korektno.
  9. Lično govoreći (budući da sam godinama vozio bajk koji bukvalno protiv bilo koga na pravcu nije imao šta da traži, a i sada zbog svojih gabarita, težine, bajka i znanja nemam šta da tražim na gasu): Vozači koji pretiču, baš kao što u tekstu gore stoji, treba to da čine sa zdravom dozom agresivnosti (nikako preteranom), ostavljajući dovoljno prostora i margine sigurnosti. ALI i vozači koji su preteknuti, ako se radi o tim ne prevelikim razlikama i jačem motoru, ne treba momentalno da vraćaju preticanje na gasu i onda opet parkiraju u prvoj krivini. TO dovodi do frustracija bržih vozača sa slabijim motorom i agresivnih, nerezonskih sledećih preticanja. Drugim rečima - potrebno je obostrano uvažavanje i bonton, baš kako i podsećamo na brifinzima. Takođe, podsetio bih sve učesnike da osim što redari sude (a oni koji dolaze redovno znaju da je nekoliko puta bilo crnih zastava), postoji i institucija prigovora na nekog učesnika (izjavljujete je šefu redara ili redaru na ulazu na stazu).
  10. Mephisto, prenosim tekst koji si okačio, kako bi ljudi lakše mogli da ga pročitaju: Preuzeto iz e-knjige “ESSENTIAL RIDING SKILLS“By Dan Netting www.lifeatlean.com How to Overtake Riders on Track Overtaking is something that is part and parcel of track days, and getting by a slower rider is something that 99% of riders will have to contend with on any given day. However, while it is something that the vast majority of riders have to pull off, many will agree that catching a slower rider is one thing, but getting by is another altogether. Passing isn't so much of a problem when there is a substantial speed difference between you and the rider in front, but when you catch someone that is only marginally slower than you it can be very difficult to get by and you will often find yourself sitting behind them for much longer than you'd like, feeling nothing but frustration. This can, in turn, lead to unsafe passes. In this chapter then I will cover some points to help you beat the frustration that can come from being stuck behind a slower rider, which I hope will make your passes as swift and painless as possible. There are a couple of unwritten rules you need consider and bear in mind before we get started though. There are No Winners on Track Days The first is that we are dealing with track days and we're not racing. This means that all passes should be courteous, and what you do to get by another rider should affect them as little as possible. This means no diving up the inside and sitting on their apex or chopping their nose off around the outside. You don't need to be aggressive. The organiser on the day will tell you the rules for passing during the briefing, but it is usually something along the lines of; leave a six foot gap between you and the other rider and try to do your passing on the straights. Another point is that it is up to the person doing the overtaking to make it safe, and because riders aren't just going to move over and let you pass them, you need to think about how you can get by without affecting them too much. Challenge Accepted As said, it is entirely up to you to make sure a pass is as clean as possible, but when you're stuck behind a rider for a considerable length of time you start to get impatient, and that's the point at which you contemplate some rash moves. Instead of thinking of the rider in front as a frustration though, think of them as a challenge. Think of the process of overtaking as a chance to use your brain and solve a problem – getting by the rider in front quickly, cleanly and safely. Patience and Planning are Key! You don't need to pass on the very next corner! If overtaking them as soon as possible is the only target, this will often lead to rushed passes with little forethought. Instead you need a proper plan of attack. This could take a few corners or a few laps to put in place. To do this you need to look at what strengths you have over the rider in front as well as note the nature of the track. See where you're quicker. Do you get out of some corners better? Are you stronger on the brakes? Are there less dicey corners than others? Can you pass in such a way that won't tempt them to attack straight back? If they do attack straight back, what will you do? These are the types of things you need to consider and look out for when planning your pass. Your strength could simply be you have a faster bike. How can you best use that to your advantage? If you're on a less powerful bike and it's clear you're faster in the corners, it will be in the twisty sections where you'll have to make your move. If possible, pass on a corner that doesn't lead onto another straight that will allow them to power straight back through. You need to recognize any advantage you have and make use of them as best you can. The Usual Passes On the brakes – Take a tighter entry line and brake a little later and harder (not rushing the corner). Be assertive and put enough of your bike in front to signal your intentions. In this situation the vast majority of riders will give you the corner and leave you to it. If you can see they're trying to come back at you, you need to decide whether you concede the corner for now or whether you have enough leeway (both in terms of track space and talent) to fend them off comfortably. On the power – If you find that you're better on the power, leave a gap to the rider in front on entry, square off the corner so you can get on the power earlier and harder and this should give you a good enough run on them. If you have a more powerful bike this is a sure fire way of getting passed. 45 If they have the legs on you in terms of power, trying this before a shorter straight will yield the best results because on a longer straight their extra power will eventually negate your extra speed out of the previous bend. Get a Good View If you're finding it difficult to get by, rather than following them around on the same line, try moving a foot either side of them to free up your vision so you can see ahead and better judge if there are good opportunities to pass. It's also worth noting at this point that you should be well focused on your own reference points and mainly using your peripherals to track the rider in front. Don't get caught in the trap of locking onto them as it will only make your job more difficult because you can't fully utilize the track like you can on a clear lap. As I said at the start, catching a rider is a completely different kettle of fish to passing them, but with a little patience and planning (keeping a cool head helps too) you'll find frustration levels will be kept to a minimum. Study the rider in front, work out what advantages you have, then use those advantages as best you can and with time and practice you'll be pulling off passes that are clean, safe and frustration free. Preuzeto iz e-knjige “ESSENTIAL RIDING SKILLS“By Dan Netting www.lifeatlean.com
  11. Na suvo. 99 pao, retko na fp1.
  12. Tako sam i ja razumeo, tvrdio je da je nemoguće upariti prenosne odnose sa postojećim "datostima" na motoru.
  13. Hoće. PS: Još uvek NeshaXX to radi ručno, automatika nikako da nam proradi kako treba (meni i Pablu na dušu, uz malo sasluženje Navaka)... A kad se radi ručno, onda se čeka Đekna
  14. Mislim da ne vredi te razlike,pogotovo ako ti treba još opreme.
  15. Alpinestars TEch7, kad navataš na popustu ide u tu cenu (doduše, ne kod nas). Prezadovoljan sam istima. Bar jednom me je ozbiljno spasila čizma, a udobne su kao patike. Bukvalno, nije metafora. Od potoka te naravno zaštiti neće, kao ni jedna enduro čizma do klase od 350e.
  16. Trenutno smo na oko 50% popunjenosti za 8. jul. Biće spisak na uobičajenom mestu, ovo navodim kao preliminarnu info za zainteresovane.
  17. Ima jedan odličan klx250, prvi vlasnik, prva farba , ne znam da li si čuo za njega
  18. Čovek nema nameru da dolazi u GP, sam je više puta rekao, a i zašto bi? Ovo što se pričalo ove sezone je normalan manevar svakog menadžera kada klijent produžava ugovor... pokazati kako ima mnogo interesovanja sa svih strana, pa kad je već nezamislivo da se pređe negde drugde u okviru SBK, onda proširiš realnost
  19. Tcx je bolji odnos uloženo - dobijeno... Izdržava bez problema 30-50k km.
  20. Tcx goretex više pari (bar 4-5, mislim infinity da je model), najbolji odnos cena-kvalitet za turing što sam ikada probao. Boga oca prošli zajedno. Daytonu nosim trenutno, bolja jeste za turing, ali nedovoljno bolja koliko je skuplja.
  21. Kao prvo, žao mi je što je tako prošlo. Nisi imao sreće, a možda i jesi... Ko to sada zna. Ne obaziri se na prošlost, koliko je god moguće. Još jedan predlog (lično iskustvo na dva komplikovanija loma leve šake, sa 10mes razlike): Zepter biotron lampa. Meni je, zbog nekih komplikacija, fizikalna posle gipsa bila jako, jako bolna. Kolega sa foruma mi je pozajmio lampu, ja nisam mnogo verovao, više je bilo "ne škodi, ko ga j*"... Moram da kažem da mi je lampa baš lepo pomagala posle fizikalne. Prijatan osećaj, možda i blago smanjenje bola. Vrlo pozitivno subjektivno iskustvo, iako nije objektivno merljivo. Ne kupuj, ako imaš prilike probaj... Fizikalna terapija je, posle gipsa, mnogo, mnogo važna, mada to će ti sve doce već objasniti. Tu ćeš odlučiti da li će koleno da bude skroz kao nekada. Dosadna je (vežbe bar 3x dnevno, a što više to bolje!) i uglavnom boli, ali nema zamenu. Moj savet od srca: koristi sve što misliš da ti pomaže, ali nadji dobrog ortopeda, kome veruješ i onda ga slušaj šta priča. Mi po forumima neka ti budemo samo onako sa strane.
  22. Još si dobro prošao, na žalost tako je (očigledno je pomislio da si deo tek ugašenih protesta oko goriva, pa je verovatno zato reagovao oštro, po zadatku ).
  23. Jeste. TJ. novo-stari Ovoga puta oko 1900 fotki, ako se ne varam. Objaviće Pablo kada proces bude završen.
  24. Nemamo termine još. Za open day uklapamo se u slobodne, neprodate termine NAvaka (zato možemo da izađemo sa tako povoljnom cenom), a za to je još rano. Razumem problem sa godišnjim, pokušaćemo što pre u julu da izađemo sa terminima... poz.
  25. Prijavljivanje i uplate za TD6 su aktivne na zvaničnom sajtu Trackday.rs : Povlašćena cena za ranu prijavu traje još dva dana!!
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