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Moto Sport vijesti za 2013 godinu

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  • Drug član, 1190 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd - Cherry Spa


Hayden admits pit start may be an option

"I know I've got one engine with some life but I don't know if it's enough to do three more races" - Nicky Hayden.

Pitanje: Koliko je to vremena, start iz pit lejna (da ne kazem "lajna")? Nije bitno u ovom slucaju, ali, recimo, da Marquez treba da krene, dokle bi stigao? Trceg, petog?

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  • Ne silazi, 5473 postova
  • Lokacija: Trebinje
  • Motocikl: Honda Varadero 1000 ABS

Po meni bi se mogao dokopati tog nekog plafon petog mjesta, ako bi recimo bilo kao na ovoj trci, jer je Rossi bio 10 sekundi iza Pedrose na kraju, a mislim da bi dosta vise potrosio ovaj koji krece sa "parkinga". E sad, zavisi i od toga koliko se ovi pri vrhu kolju, pa da se tu smanji razlika, kao i to , koliko bi vremena potrosio dok obilazi ove od petog do devetog, dosta da ga svaki ustopa krivinu, dvije i ode vrijeme.

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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Markez postaje sampion u Australiji pod uslovom da:


1. Markez prvi, Lorenco treci ili nize

2. Markez drugi,Lorenco peti ili nize, a Pedrosa ne pobedi

3. Markez treci, Lorenco osmi ili nize, a Pedrosa ne pobedi

4. Markez cetvrti, Lorenco jedanaesti ili nize, Pedrosa ne pobedi i ne bude drugi

5. Markez peti, Lorenco trinaesti ili nize, Pedrosa nije na podijumu

6. Markez sesti, Lorenco cetrnaesti ili nize, Pedrosa nije na podijumu

7. Markez sedmi, Lorenco petnaesti ili nize, Pedrosa nije na podijumu

8. Markez osmi, Lorenco bez bodova, Pedrosa nije medju prva cetiri.


Zao mi je, ali Rosija nigde ne pominju :D





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  • Drug član, 1190 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd - Cherry Spa

Po meni bi se mogao dokopati tog nekog plafon petog mjesta, ako bi recimo bilo kao na ovoj trci, jer je Rossi bio 10 sekundi iza Pedrose na kraju, a mislim da bi dosta vise potrosio ovaj koji krece sa "parkinga". E sad, zavisi i od toga koliko se ovi pri vrhu kolju, pa da se tu smanji razlika, kao i to , koliko bi vremena potrosio dok obilazi ove od petog do devetog, dosta da ga svaki ustopa krivinu, dvije i ode vrijeme.


Hvala! :-)

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  • Ne silazi, 5473 postova
  • Lokacija: Trebinje
  • Motocikl: Honda Varadero 1000 ABS

Nema na cemu, ovo je samo neko moje nagadjanje, zavisi i od staze do staze.


Volio bi da titula saceka posljednju trku.

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  • Drug član, 1190 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd - Cherry Spa


Spain WSBK: BMW prepares for WSBK swansong

BMW will bid farewell to the World Superbike Championship after this weekend following five seasons, 12 race wins and three Superstock 1000 titles.

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  • Drug član, 1190 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd - Cherry Spa

Jos jedna losa prica. Sa poboljsanjem bezbednosti pogibije utoliko vise bodu oci:


Sean Edwards killed in Queensland accident

Porsche Supercup points leader Sean Edwards loses his life in an accident during testing at the Queensland Raceway in Australia



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  • Svrati ponekad, 343 postova
  • Lokacija: Sankt Kanzian
  • Motocikl: Ktm 990 Superduke R

Leleee...kakvu su premetačinu napravili u trkama ovi šupci iz dorne. Sad više ni oni sami ne znaju šta su sve smislili za Gp i SBK :neznam: .....ne zna se više ni ko pije a ko plaća. Kao da ih vodi neko od naših dragih nam onih gore tamo :Bokilic: , što su sve deblji i deblji :zvizduk: ....pa ih pametno savetuju kako treba upropastiti nešto što je sasvim dobro funkcionisalo i onda otići na ručak negde.

Sve mi se čini da ću se prešaltam na BSB i AMA.


Izvinjavam se što uleteh ko grom iz vedra neba sa šestom temom.....čitao sam neke prethodne stranice pa sam popiz.... pa morah nekom da kažem <_<

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Bili bi zanimljiv 'par'


Dobro... A na srpskom (pošto google neće da mi prevede) ?

Može ovako?

Dietrich Mateschitz after becoming the ruler of the F1, it would land in the top class of motorcycling. For many years the king of the energy drink, has had some experience as a sponsor on the hull of the LCR Lucio Cecchinello, several riders have always had the image of its brand including Casey Stoner of which he is a big fan, and above all, always sponsors of sport KTM. But first things first, build from scratch without a MotoGP racing team and technicians is a situation quite difficult, so the energy drink magnate decided to take advantage of the great experience KTM and most of all a great Italian engineer, Filippo Preziosi, who as we know was placed in "withdrawal" from Ducati. It seems that in the coming days there will be a first meeting to see if this will be possible , KTM builds already excellent moto3 motoristicamente that could be the basis for a four-cylinder 1000 from MotoGP, the frame for that there should be no problem, KTM uses already excellent advisors with regard to the chassis of the motorcycle .

At this point there is the factory with its technology and its knowledge of GP, Dietrich Mateschitz has thought very good indeed need a good engineer who can help in a project cosi'ambizioso and who knows the trellis frame and the 1000 four-cylinder, Filippo Preziosi could obviously be the control head of this new operation license plate Red Bull, of course, as is the style of the great leader for the pilot it was thought at the top, and there are rumors that Casey Stoner would contact that among the many things has had the opportunity to work and win with Filippo Preziosi.

For now there are only rumors and speculations and rumors .. but it would be nice succeddesse, a European home with an Italian engineer and a great driver to drive, we hope will come true it would be great for the sport and create further interest.

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Oće li i LCR da dobije jednu od ovih "novih" Hondi?

Nisam načuo ništa o tome. HRC može da isporuči 5 mašina, znači ostala je još samo jedna pošto su 4 već otišle - jedna u Gresini, druga u Cardion AB i plus ove dve kod šustera.

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  • Integrisan, 13048 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Oće li i LCR da dobije jednu od ovih "novih" Hondi?

Nisam načuo ništa o tome. HRC može da isporuči 5 mašina, znači ostala je još samo jedna pošto su 4 već otišle - jedna u Gresini, druga u Cardion AB i plus ove dve kod šustera.



Šuškalo se letos da bi LCR mogao da dobije jedan od tih motora.

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