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Poginuo Marco Simoncelli na MotoGP-u Malezije

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  • Drug član, 2383 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: TRK502X......SVT650X

Još jedan dokaz koliko su takozvane široke staze u stvari opasne za moto sport...Na žalost takva staza je odnela jednog od najboljih među najboljima...strašno!

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  • Svrati ponekad, 307 postova
  • Lokacija: Sabac
  • Motocikl: '19 Yamaha Tracer 900

Ne mogu da verujem. Otisao je jedan od najzanimljivijih i najboljih vozaca danasnjice. Svima ce nedostajati taj broj 58. R.I.P Marco

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  • Drug član, 2784 postova
  • Lokacija: Zrenjanin
  • Motocikl: SV 650S, Simson SR50, Cagiva Mito, CBF1000

Bio sam ubedjen da ce postati sampion uskoro! I dalje sam ubedjen! Ostace upamcen po tome sta je bio i kako je vozio , i na zalost po ovoj tragediji!

R.I.P Sic!!!!! 0plac.gif

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  • Svrati ponekad, 343 postova
  • Lokacija: Sankt Kanzian
  • Motocikl: Ktm 990 Superduke R

Zvanično saopštenje.


Paul Butler opened the press conference, saying: “The purpose of this press conference is to appraise you of the circumstances that resulted in the tragic death of Marco Simoncelli. You know who we all are, the Race Direction; Claude Danis who is the FIM representative, Javier Alonso the Dorna representative, Franco Uncini the riders’ representative, and I’m Paul Butler the IRTA representative and Race Director. Michele Macchiagodena is our Medical Director and he will explain to you the circumstances that resulted in this death.”


Michele Macchiagodena said: “I’m very sad to be here to report about the death of Marco Simoncelli, a friend. Because of the crash he had during the race, in which he was hit by other riders, he suffered a very serious trauma to the head, to the neck and the chest. When our medical staff got to him he was unconscious. In the ambulance because there was a cardiac arrest they started CPR (cardiac pulmonary resuscitation). Immediately in the Medical Centre, with the help also of the Doctor of our staff at the Clinica Mobile and local Doctors, he was intubated and it was possible to take off some blood from the thorax. The CPR was continued for 45 minutes because we tried to help him for as long as we thought it was possible. Unfortunately it was not possible to help him and at 16:56 (local time) we had to declare he was dead.”


Paul Butler responded to a question about Marco Simoncelli’s helmet coming off in the crash by saying: “I think if I may reply, that will be for another occasion. Quite clearly the consequences and circumstances surrounding the accident will be thoroughly investigated.”


Answering a question about the condition of Colin Edwards, who was involved in the incident, Michele Macchiagodena said: “He had a dislocation of the shoulder and with anaesthesia the shoulder now is in the correct position. He is fine.”


Paul Butler concluded the press conference by adding: “Our sympathies go to his family and we want to show every respect possible to Marco.”

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  • U prolazu, 53 postova
  • Lokacija: Krusevac
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki GPX500RR 16V RSTYL

Italijan Marco Simoncelli izgubio je život u teškom udesu na trci Moto GP šampionata za Veliku nagradu Malezije.


Simoncelli je u drugom krugu trke na stazi "Sepang" izgubio kontrolu nad motorom, a potom su u njega udarili Colin Edwards i Valentino Rossi.


Vozaču Honde od jačine udarca spala je kaciga sa glave i ostao je da leži na stazi. Iako je medicinski tim brzo reagovao, on je podlegao povredama manje od sat vremena kasnije.


Simoncellijeva smrt je druga tragedija u auto-moto sportu u posljednjih sedam dana. Prošlog vikenda život izgubio i bivši šampion Indycar serije Dan Wheldon.....


sta reci...:(

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  • Princ Sherwood-a, 2447 postova
  • Lokacija: Blokovi

MIslim da je otišao baš u trenutku kada mu je karijera krenula uzlaznom putanjom. Trebao je mnogima da poremeti račune. Na žalost, ništa od toga biti neće... Vječnaja Pamjat.

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  • Ne silazi, 5473 postova
  • Lokacija: Trebinje
  • Motocikl: Honda Varadero 1000 ABS

Zasto taj prokleti Bridgestone nije popustio do kraja i pustio covjek da izkliza >:( ? Nije mi bio jedan od dragih vozaca, ali zao mi je sto vise necu imati prilike gledati kako beskompromisno jurisa naprijed. Cijeli vikend je protekao u znaku RED FLAG.


Ocekivali smo kisu , umjesto toga je zagrmilo u drugom krugu i onda grobna tisina. Nek` ti je laka crna zemlja Super Siče.

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  • Drug član, 1126 postova
  • Lokacija: Mladenovo
  • Motocikl: KTM 660 SMC & KTM 1190 Adventure

Velika tragedija za moto sport,namestio sam se da gledam borbu Sic-a i Dovi-ja ali se umesao Bautista i pomislih bice zanimljivo ali na zalost vrlo brzo u kadru kaciga koja se kotrlja.Od tog momenta mi ne izlazi iz glave Sic58.Vecna ti Slava Marco!

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