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  • Integrisan, 13063 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Ja bih uzeo Millera a Gigi ne znam koga bi. Tu se i Dorna dosta pita, jedini Australijanac u GP-u... zato i mislim da Petrucci ide u Aprilliu

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  • Drug član, 2342 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory

Ako Miller ode u fabricki Dukati. Ianone ostane u Suzukiju... Gde ce Lorenco kukavac onda :pisac: Mada je mozda realnije da Ianone leti iz Suze, samo ne znam gde... Pramac?

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  • Ducatista, 2915 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

Neće Lorenco ostati bez mesta. Ili Ducati ili Suzuki. Nešto ne vidim da će neko birati pre Janonea od njega, a nekako mi zvuči da Suzuki jedva čeka da ga liferuje. Po. Meni Miler ide ili na Petrućijev motor (realno) ili na Lorencov. 

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  • Ne silazi, 5022 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

MotoGP’s next electronics ban

by Mat Oxley on 15th May 2018

Dorna is so convinced that most teams are fiddling their ECU sensory systems that it will banish tailormade IMUs from 2019

MotoGP is better than it’s ever been for several reasons, including 2016’s move to control software.

Dorna’s control software narrowed the performance gap between the motorcycles and most importantly gave control back to the riders, so when you see Marc Márquez or Johann Zarco smoking the rear tyre, that’s their right wrists playing the game of risk versus reward, rather than a little black box playing rhythms with its algorithms. Up to a point, anyway.

For years Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta fought with factory bosses to ban factory-made software, which was transforming MotoGP bikes into computer-controlled missiles. It was a huge day for Ezpeleta when he finally won the battle to introduce control software (and God only knows how he did it).

Now Dorna is again downgrading electronics to further close the performance gap and remove more electronics rider assistance: from the end of this season tailormade factory IMUs will be banned.

What’s an IMU? An inertial measurement unit is to the ECU software what your sensory system is to your brain. It tells the rider-control systems where the bike is and what it’s doing: pitching, yawing, rolling and so on. A MotoGP IMU consists of gyroscopes and accelerometers, which perform these measurements to calculate banking rate, pitch rate and other dynamic factors. Accelerometers were first seriously used in the World War II, when the US Air Force used them to monitor g-forces on fighter pilots.

In theory, an IMU’s sole purpose is to make calculations from lateral g-forces and other measurements it makes, then send the results to the ECU, which uses the numbers to operate the traction control, wheelie control, engine-braking control and launch control.

So why does Dorna want to ban tailormade IMUs? Because it is certain that most factories and teams are bending the rules and using the software within their own IMUs to help the ECU software perform better. This is illegal but almost impossible to police.

Bike racers were never choirboys

How do you fiddle an IMU? It probably goes something a little like this. Let’s say the engineer wants to alter the traction-control algorithm to save the rear tyre so the rider can be faster in the final laps of a race. Unlike MotoGP’s old tailormade software, the Dorna kit can’t help here because it can’t relate the bike’s banking rate to the rider’s torque demand (throttle opening). And the engineer can’t fiddle the Dorna software because MotoGP technical staff can look inside whenever they want, if they suspect someone is up to tricks.

Instead of going downstream to the ECU, the engineer therefore goes upstream to the IMU, which has its own calculation software and isn’t subject to Dorna control. IMU software is supposed to be very basic – it’s there to clean up signals from the gyroscopes and accelerometers, make calculations and send them to the ECU.

But an engineer, team or factory hellbent on victory – which means all of them – could programme the IMU to do something more useful. By combining outputs like banking rate with other inputs they can make their traction control better than their rivals’ traction control.

Might this explain why some MotoGP teams are struggling more than others with their electronics? Movistar Yamaha’s Valentino Rossi and Maverick Viñales are currently having a nightmare with their traction-control system, but this is most likely for other reasons.

Most people in the know think it inconceivable there’s anyone who isn’t fiddling their IMUs. That’s how racing works: you ban tailormade ECUs and software but allow teams to continue with their own IMUs (which are either made in-house or brought in) so immediately the race begins to find an advantage within the IMU.

The advantage that some other teams have over the Movistar outfit is more likely down to deeper knowledge of Dorna’s Magneti Marelli software, which allows them to number-crunch the system’s maps and algorithms more effectively. The other factories have either hired former Magneti staff or they work more closely with the Italian company. Only Yamaha seem determined to unlock the secrets of system on their own. This method makes sense, because Yamaha’s electronics staff will learn a lot, which is one of the fundamentals of going racing, but it’s hurting Rossi’s and Viñales’ results.

Of course, no one knows for sure what effect a spec IMU will have on the racing, but banning tailormade IMUs does make sense, because what’s the point of having a control ECU and software if you can fiddle them with your own IMU?

Most likely, a control IMU will further close the performance gap between the different machines. This is a good thing, because closer bikes mean closer racing means better entertainment, which is great for the fans, which means it’s also great for Dorna and the paddock as a whole. On the other hand, it’s worth remembering that closer racing also means more aggression, more collisions and more pile-ups, as we’ve seen lately.

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  • Pobjednik motogp kladionice 4X, 5480 postova
  • Lokacija: Sokolac RS
  • Motocikl: s.f. fzr1000 crf450r cbr600rr shadow

Ček, znači da je rosi u pravu da je problem u elektronici i da ih u stvari pobjeđuju neki kompjuteraši a ne markez i dovi? :)

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  • Integrisan, 13063 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
1 hour ago, BRACO said:

Ček, znači da je rosi u pravu da je problem u elektronici i da ih u stvari pobjeđuju neki kompjuteraši a ne markez i dovi? :)

Tako je! :D

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  • Integrisan, 13063 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
8 hours ago, Протомајстор said:

Bolji je od Dovija, da se ne lažemo


Aj' elaboriraj to malo.

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  • Princ Sherwood-a, 2447 postova
  • Lokacija: Blokovi

Ja mislim da će Lorenco ostati u Dukatiju. Njegov odlazak bi značio da je Dukati spreman da baci sav novac, trud i vreme koje su uložili.

Pa ko je očekivao da će Lorenco biti konkurantan u prvoj sezoni? Pa i u drugoj je stvar krajnje upitna, ako uzmemo u obzir da je došao iz Yamahe koja je potpuno drugačiji motor.


Mislim da se sada već polako vidi njegov napredak. Na poslednje dve trke je dosta vremena vodio, i u obe trke se videlo da je na početku veoma brz i da, kako trka odmiče, gubi tu brzinu. Hoću da kažem, izgleda da su pronašli recept kako da bude brz i još im fali da tu brzinu razvuku na celu trku. Videćete, ja verujem da će barem na jednoj trci ove sezone pobediti. Samo da se ful našteluju.


Nego mene interesuje da li neko zna kako funkcioniše (i da li uopšte postoji) saradnja između Dovijeve i Lorencove ekipe? Rekao bih da Doviciozo manje više ima rešen problem trošenja prednje gume što je kod Lorenca i dalje problem. Da li razmenjuju podatke?

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  • Pobjednik motogp kladionice 4X, 5480 postova
  • Lokacija: Sokolac RS
  • Motocikl: s.f. fzr1000 crf450r cbr600rr shadow

Mislim da si u pravu da nadolazi ali generalno mi nije jasno u kom pravcu oni tjeraju razvoj. Lorenco je varijanta sirok ulaz i brzo kroz krivinu a dukati je vise kao honda, jako kočenje ispravi i gas. Da li razvijaju posebno ili?

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  • Princ Sherwood-a, 2447 postova
  • Lokacija: Blokovi

Ne znam, nisam pametan. Ali bih rekao da su dolaskom Da'Linje promenili sistem sa "prilagodi vozača motoru" na "prilagodi motor vozaču" što je naravno sjajna stvar jer je i više nego jasno da onaj arhi motor niko nije znao da vozi osim Stonera.

E sad, i to je proces. Ali opet, mislim da je taj proces najbrže i najlakše odraditi upravo na Lorencu jer je on "najškolskiji" od svih vozača. Ipak ne treba da zaboravimo da je Dovociozo već 5 sezona na Dukatiju, mada je i on krenuo dobro da vozi tek dolaskom Da'Linje.

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  • Rossista originale, 1063 postova
  • Lokacija: Novi Sad
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki ZX-9R C1
Pre 12 sati, Robin Hood je napisao:

Ne znam, nisam pametan. Ali bih rekao da su dolaskom Da'Linje promenili sistem sa "prilagodi vozača motoru" na "prilagodi motor vozaču" što je naravno sjajna stvar jer je i više nego jasno da onaj arhi motor niko nije znao da vozi osim Stonera.

E sad, i to je proces. Ali opet, mislim da je taj proces najbrže i najlakše odraditi upravo na Lorencu jer je on "najškolskiji" od svih vozača. Ipak ne treba da zaboravimo da je Dovociozo već 5 sezona na Dukatiju, mada je i on krenuo dobro da vozi tek dolaskom Da'Linje.

Konacno da se ja i ti slozimo :)

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