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Moto Zajednica

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  • U prolazu, 33 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd, Vrachar

Sad mi Nindza reko da pogledas na torentima tamo je on skidao za moj Tom Tom, ali da nije video za Garmin kaz da ga nisu izgleda razbili i da si pogresio (blazi oblik reci koju je on upotrebio) sto si to kupio

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  • In Mud We Trust, 1918 postova
  • Lokacija: BGD
  • Motocikl: 950ADV

oooooooo Mikka,i ti si se probudio konacno!!!


xe xe ! pa da, ma u guzvi sam, ne mogu da sve postignem a krecem na put za par dana i jos nemam mapu  :-[

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  • , 1322 postova
  • Lokacija: Umag HR

oooooooo Mikka,i ti si se probudio konacno!!!


xe xe ! pa da, ma u guzvi sam, ne mogu da sve postignem a krecem na put za par dana i jos nemam mapu  :-[

sutra cu pitati jednog prijatelja,siguran sam da on ima

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  • Svrati ponekad, 373 postova
  • Lokacija: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Motocikl: BMW F650GS

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Navigating Europe has never been easier! MapSource® MetroGuide Europe v7 now includes data for Greece and expanded coverage for the Czech Republic, Finland, France and Spain. It also includes updated detailed maps of major metropolitan areas in Western Europe. See the product compatibility table (right) for a list of products that Garmin recommends with this software.


Version 7 features include:


Now includes data for Greece

Expanded coverage of the Czech Republic, Finland, France and Spain

Contains updated detailed maps of major metropolitan areas throughout Western Europe.

Includes detailed maps containing motorways, national and regional thoroughfares and local roads

Displays points of interest such as:

food and drink


border crossings

petrol stations

hospitals and more

Will automatically create point-to-point routes on PC

Address and feature lookup capability on PC and once downloaded to a compatible Garmin GPS

Trip and Waypoint management function lets you transfer waypoints, routes and tracks between your Garmin GPS and your PC

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