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Ducati se povlači iz WSBK-a od 2011!!!

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Ducati je objavio da se povlači kao fabrički tim iz World Superbikes šampionata od 2011. Još detalja sledi, evo saopštenja za štampu sa Ducatievog zvaničnog sajta:






Borgo Panigale (Bologna - Italy), 27 August 2010 - Ducati, having participated with a factory team in every edition of the World Superbike Championship since it began in 1988, winning 16 Manufacturers' world titles and 13 Riders' world titles along the way, has decided to limit its participation to the supply of machines and support to private teams.


"This decision is part of a specific strategy made by Ducati, the aim being to further increase technological content in production models that will arrive on the market in the coming years. In order to achieve this objective, the company's technical resources, until now engaged with the management of the factory Superbike team, will instead be dedicated to the development of the new generation of hypersport bikes, in both their homologated and Superbike race versions," declared Gabriele Del Torchio, President and CEO of Ducati. "I would like to thank Nori and Michel, and all of the riders that have contributed to the great history of Ducati in Superbike, but above all the Ducati employees; it is their hard work and professionalism that has allowed us to achieve such important results. A big thank you also to all of the partners that have supported us, first and foremost Xerox of course. I would also like to acknowledge the Flammini brothers who have managed the championship for so long, and the FIM, the organization with which we have continuous, constructive relations."


By making this important decision Ducati aims to increase the speed and efficiency with which it transfers advanced technological solutions, currently tested in the prototype championship, to the production series.


The task of testing innovative technical solutions in Superbike racing will therefore be entrusted to external teams in the coming years, teams that will have the chance to receive technical support from Ducati personnel. This choice will allow the teams to benefit from even more competitive machines and parts. Despite the decision to interrupt its official participation in the World Superbike Championship, Ducati will continue to work, in collaboration with the championship organizers, other manufacturers and the FIM, to define a technical regulation aimed at containing costs.


Strong in the sporting spirit that has always allowed this manufacturer to compete, line-up against its rivals, and win, it is fundamental for Ducati to identify, together with the other interested parties, solutions that can guarantee the future of the championship in the medium-long term.


Recently the Superbike World Championship, according to the current regulations, has been interpreted as moving more towards competition between prototypes rather than for bikes derived from production machines. This has led to an increase in costs, both for the manufacturers and the teams participating in the championship. This picture does not correlate with the current worldwide economic situation, which has made the securing of sponsorship even more difficult. Ducati trusts that the work carried out by all parties will lead to improvement also in this area.



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  • Ducatista, 2915 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

Jos uvek nisam dobio nista zvanicno od njih

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Bem li ga, navikao sam da me prvo obaveste na mail  ;D


Eto ti sad. Da neće i oni u neki V4 projekat?


Mislim da je to jedino sto im preostaje ako zele da budu konkutenti. Lici mi kao da je V2 koncept dostigao svoj vrhunac. Mada mi nekako smrdi da bi zbog Rosija i eventualnog uspeha u Gp mogli da dignu u potpunosti ruke od SBK, na moju veliku zalost.




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  • Integrisan, 13098 postova
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  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Ma da, koji će im da arče pare kad je Rossi top media proizvod. Pa kad ode u pemziju sledi "veliki povratak"

u SBK. Sa V4 ;)

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  • Ne silazi, 5816 postova
  • Lokacija: Minhen
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki H2 SX SE '23 / Triumph R3 Storm R '24

Ne zaboravite da i GP 2012. prelazi na 1000ccm, tako da Ducati definitivno mora da razvije novi agregat, bilo da je za SBK ili nabudžen za GP. V4 bi bilo pravo rešenje.

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

U toku poslednje trke motoGP,gospodin del Torchio je vise puta ponovio da ce satelitski timovi i dalje imati podrsku od "mame",ali da jednostavno fabricki tim nece vise postojati.To ne znaci da su se od ovog takmicenja oprostili zauvek.

Ne pominju se nikakvi konkretni tehnicki detalji,ali je ocigledno da zbog opste krize moraju sebi da odrede neke prioritete.

Citam jutros Gazzettu,komandant parade u SBK uopste ne zali i misli da takva jedna odluka nece uticati na kvalitet takmicenja.

Ducati sa svojom godisnjom proizvodnjom od oko 40000 motocikala,bez obzira na izuzetne rezultate,mora da se smatra za (ekonomski) sitnu ribu.

A posto je trkanje ipak biznis koji prilicno kosta,bez obzira na kolicinu ulozenih emocija od strane samih proizvodjaca,timova i fanova,dzep komanduje.

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