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Moto Zajednica

BJB vikend voznja, 12-13 septembar 2009, Mokra gora - planina Tara

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Nas drugar "Martin the Stranac" mi je odgovorio na mail i rekao da slobodno mozemo da postujemo da forum, pa evo:


Hi Boban, Vasilios, Seres & friends ,

I am home again!


On the Sunday  I left your group in Mokra Gora I crossed the border into BIH, visited Visegrad and Travnik and ended up in Jajce (without any rain!). The next day I made a detour through Krajina and the Una Valley to end up in Plitvice in Croatia, where I visited the lakes the next morning. On the next day I reached Ljubljana, the very pleasant capital of Slovenia. The next morning it started to rain and in the mountains around Lake Bled my headlight went dead. Luckily it was only 50 km (and dry again) to have this fixed in a BMW Motorrad garage in Klagenfurt in Austria. Because it started to rain again I had to stop just before Spittal. The next day was beautiful weather so I decided to ride over the Grossglockner Alpine Road, which might very well be the highest road in Austria. It was fantastic with all the beautiful curves and views.  I even got up to a height of 2750 meters on the Edelsweissspitze (see photos). I reached Innsbruck well in time to catch the sleeper train to Düsseldorf, and the next morning it was only a couple of hours to Rotterdam, where I was reunited with my lovely girlfriend.


In 25 days I traveled almost 7000 kilometers on my BMW R1200GS motorbike, going through Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Austria. The Western Balkans have an old history, but also a very distinctive modern one, of which the scars are still clearly visible. Although the population has suffered a lot, I found the people to be full of life and enthousiastic towards the future. As a foreign visitor I always felt safe and welcome, most clearly amongst the bikers I met in Serbia.


Thank you for adding so much to my adventurous trip!

Martin van Werkum


P.S.  please feel free to post this message and photos on your forum.



Ima i slikica 15ak sa njegovog aparata ali to cu okaciti kada budem stigao ili Vasilios ili Seres da posalju jer je i njima poslao isti mail :)

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  • Ne silazi, 6281 postova
  • Lokacija: Hameln, Germany
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Vidiš.... to je putovanjce oko kojeg bi se baš mogli lepo organizovati nas više ;)

Ja svakako u takvu avanturu ne bih išao sam... svaka njemu čast ;)

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  • Zainteresovan, 726 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun

Da, složiću se iako sam siguran da je kod sebe imao karticu sa kojom bi mogao vrlo brzo popraviti motor u prvom BMW servisu...

Mi bi morali prvo da se potkujemo mehanikom, rezervnim delovima i spiskom Bajkera za pomoć pa i tada nije lako uputiti se sam a razlog su i ljudi a ne samo motor. Međutim kada imaš želju, volju i hoces u akciju a vremenski si ograničen, ne možeš moliti svakog jer mnogi su voljni ali nisu spremni.


Mesec dana pre puta ja cu sve obavestiti i ako neko bude hteo imace dovoljno vremena da se spremi jer ipak je relacija kraća u poluprečniku, vazdušnom linijom. U pitanju je Ex Yuga...ako ne, sam ću jer odlagajući nikada ne bih ni otišao.

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  • U prolazu, 65 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd



ima nas dosta koji planiramo jedan djir oko bivshe Juge,ali kao shto i sam kazhesh jako je teshko udovoljiti svima. Ajde napravi neki okviran plan puta pa mozhemo da pochnemo neku diskusiju na tu temu....



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