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Moto Zajednica

Moto sport vesti za sezonu 2022

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  • Drug član, 1390 postova
  • Lokacija: Novi Sad
  • Motocikl: Yamaha FZS1000
pre 29 minuta, MOTOM je napisao:

Užas od konfiguracije.


Stazu je projektovao poznati kazakstanski arhitekta Adilzhan Rotring. Naime, dok je razmišljao kako napraviti što zanimljiviju stazu koristio je lenjir - trougao da bi izvukao što lepši pravac da bi dao prednost Dukatiju. Poznato je da je Rotring obožavaoc Dukatija.

Elem, u jednom momentu mu je lenjir ispao i slomio se. Pre nego je Rotring odreagovao i dohvatio lenjir, njegov voljeni Molosser (rasa kazakstanskog psa) zvani  Enea The Beast je zgrabio lenjir i odgrizao mu još jedan manji delić. Potom, odano pasče je vratilo lenjir gazdi koji je gledajući ostatke došao do revolucionarne ideje. Staza je rođena. 




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  • Haha 9

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  • Drug član, 1390 postova
  • Lokacija: Novi Sad
  • Motocikl: Yamaha FZS1000

Španska inkvizicija melje sve pred sobom....


Dr Kosta posle 45 godina gubi "klinku mobile" i od sledeće godine brigu o vozačima u MotoGp preuzima španska (gle čuda) grupacija Quironsalud. Odlučila Dorna.


A đe su pare ?!

Promenio član Djeneral

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  • Ne silazi, 5025 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000


March 24-26 Portuguese GP
March 31-April 2 Argentine GP
April 14-16 Americas GP
April 28-30 Spanish GP (Jerez)
May 12-14 French GP
June 9-11 Italian GP
June 16-18 German GP
June 23-25 Dutch GP
July 7-9 Kazakh GP
August 4-6 British GP
August 18-20 Austrian GP
September 1-3 Catalan GP
September 8-10 San Marino GP
September 22-24 Indian GP
September 29-October 1 Japanese GP
October 13-15 Indonesian GP
October 20-22 Australian GP
October 27-29 Thai GP
November 10-12 Malaysian GP
November 17-19 Qatar GP
November 24-26 Valencia GP


Aragon pauzira sledeće godine. Sa ovim novim drag stazama i sprint trkama biće pravo čudo ako dukci ne pokupe sve titule.

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  • BJB Maxi Scooter Club, 2086 postova
  • Lokacija: Београд
  • Motocikl: Био некад јапанац сада понтадеранац,и поново јапанац

А шта се дешава са Финском? Нисам испратио :stabre:

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  • Integrisan, 13073 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
1 hour ago, bracabgd said:

А шта се дешава са Финском? Нисам испратио :stabre:

Ušla u NATO.

  • Sviđa mi se 3
  • Haha 7

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  • Drug član, 2362 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: BMW 1300 GS, Sherco SE 300 Factory


Oh dear, I’m in trouble with the factory Ducati team’s PR people for writing things they don’t like, so I’ve been blacklisted. Boohoo!
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  • Svrati cesto, 3610 postova
  • Lokacija: Debrc

MotoGP’s minimum tyre pressure rules will be enforced for the first time in 2023, which will have a huge effect on the racing. For a start, top engineers believe there will be less overtaking...


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  • Integrisan, 13073 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
13 hours ago, rastkojokic said:



Oh dear, I’m in trouble with the factory Ducati team’s PR people for writing things...

Volim što ih zove "Italijanski tim" :))

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  • Ne silazi, 5025 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

Statement from the FIM, IRTA and Dorna

Wednesday, 05 October 2022


'Statement from the Championship following the recently published images regarding an incident that occurred at the 2019 Thai GP involving a dispute between a Moto3 rider and a member of his team, who is seen physically assaulting him:

'The video of this incident was widely shared on social media and the actions of the team member in question raised immediate and serious concerns. The FIM, IRTA and Dorna Sports strongly condemn this behaviour.

'Furthermore, it was learned that the person in question continues to work in the paddock and is now employed by a different team, which was unaware of this incident.

'The team has decided to terminate the employment of this staff member, who will not be returning to work for them after the Malaysian Grand Prix.

'The FIM, alongside IRTA and Dorna Sports, considers this to be the correct decision and fully supports the action taken by the team in terminating this person’s contract.

'Abusive behaviour must not and will not be tolerated. All parties will continue to work to make the MotoGP Paddock the safest possible working environment.'

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  • Super specialist, 6032 postova
  • Lokacija: Šumadija
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSXR600, Kawasaki ZX10R

On je stvarno jeziv snimak. Čoveče, šutira u dupe klinca. U ime sporta i pobeda?

Ali najbolji deo saopštenja je kako niko pojma nije imao a on je to toliko često izgleda radio da su stigli i da ga snime.

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  • Ne silazi, 5025 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000
Pre 21 sati, rastkojokic je napisao:



Oh dear, I’m in trouble with the factory Ducati team’s PR people for writing things they don’t like, so I’ve been blacklisted. Boohoo!

Znači Mat je na Ducati crnoj listi zbog pisanja o neregularnom pritisku prednje gume, a Simon Patterson zbog pitanja o pijanstvu.

Katastrofalan PR tima.

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  • Integrisan, 13073 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750
5 hours ago, Shortshifter said:

a on je to toliko često izgleda radio

Da neko ode u kozojebinu u kojoj se okotio iskočilo bi i po neko silovanje, cenim.

Promenio član to crank

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  • Ne silazi, 4927 postova
  • Lokacija: Srbija, Padej
  • Motocikl: Honda VTR1000SP1 (Službeni), Suzuki SV650S, Tomos T15SL, Tomos T011, Tomos APN4

Na veliku žalost, od posledica povreda zadobijenih na trci na Donintonu, preminuo je 26. godišnji Chrissy Rouse, šampion superstock klase u 2020. godini. Takođe je bio jedan od ljud koji su vodili podcast  MotorbikePod



  • Tužan 2

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  • Drug član, 728 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Yamaha Tracer 7 na drumu, Katana i Fazer u srcu

Drustvo zna li neko sta je sa trkom i stazom u Madjarskoj? Bila je najavljena za sledecu godinu, potpisan je i ugovor, na novoj stazi, pa ne znam gde je zapelo, jer se ocigledno nece voziti.

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  • Ne silazi, 5025 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

As we previously reported, all signs point to the fact that, despite the ongoing expropriation of the agricultural lands in the affected area, the construction of the MotoGP track in Hajdúnáná will not be realized for the time being. (https://www.debreciner.hu/cikk/11449_szazmilliokat_fizethettek_mar_ki_a_motogp_palyaert


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