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Moto Zajednica

Suzuka 8hours endurance

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  • Drug član, 1439 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: KTM 1290 SDR V3

Čestitke za Yamahu a pecaroš baš nema sreće da se to desi pred hairpin.


On Sunday night, Honda issued the following statement:


'The team had to wait until the end of the race for the bike to be returned so they could exam what caused the accident. Together with HRC staff, the team checked the machine, and confirmed from the data that the throttle was 26 degrees open before the crash. It wasn't clear why this happened and now the bike will be sent to HRC for a full inspection.'

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  • Ducatista, 2912 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

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Video sam da je jedan Ducati pukao ali mi se učinilo da sam video i jednog 1098/1198.

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

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