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Sve što je postavio član: Iron_Floyd
Mogutje je da curi iz creva od iberlaufa.. Ja kad sam pao sa moje honde isto tako nisam mogao da skontam odakle kaplje ulje i posle sam provalio da curka iz iberlaufa.. crevo se napunilo kako je motor bio preokrenut.. Ne verujem da se kod tebe desilo neshto teze..
Motor ne mogu da voyim sve do prvog aprila, jer mu tek tad ističe registracija, tj osiguranje. Motor sam odjavio, samo da ga već jednom registrujem na sebe i da mogu na miru da se vozim Ne mogu da ga registrujem sad zato što je po zakonu zabranjeno da ide osiguranje na osiguranje..tako da čekam da glupo osiguranje istekne da mogu da odradim to...trenutno je u sobi i mogu samo da ga gledam :'( Ali evo rezultata U međuvremenu sam kupio i kacige, okupao ih skroz, još ih zaštitio i sa Motorex Helmet Clean i sad su čiste i mirisne ;D Mnogo dobro sredstvo, preporučujem A evo i ponosnog gazde lol, bio je red ;D To bi bilo to za sad Kupio sam nove svećice NGK, Motul Fuel System Clean i Motul Carbu Cleaner da ga produvam skroz ;D Nastavak sledi uskoro ;D kad dodjem u Zrenjanin
Konačno sam sredio i hromirao ukras na stop svetlu Mnogo moćno izgleda sa tim ;D E, onda je na red došla i zamena telesnih tekućina ;D Sve profy ;D Motul EngineClean je mama za ispiranje utrobe. Ne biste verovali kako se ulje razgradilo i kakav je talog ostao na dnu rezervoara gde sam istočio staro ulje. Nisam hteo da razmišljam ko zna šta je prethodni vlasnik sipao... Nakon MOTUL tretmana, agregat je prestao da dimi, a na auspuh je pochela da ide voda, koja dosad nikad nije izlazila Savršeno sagoreva Viljuške dobilo novo ulje, i konačno otvrdnule baš onako kako sam i hteo. Staro ulje u viljuškama je bilo neverovatno razrađeno.. A evo i snimka dok se agregat ispirao sa Motul EngineClean. Žao mi je što nisam snimio kako voda curi iz auspuha, ali nadohnadiću vam to http://img249.imageshack.us/my.php?image=file31866.mp4 http://img704.imageshack.us/my.php?image=file11229k.mp4
Posle duge pauze zbog obaveza, nastavljeno je sa radovima ;D Bočni stender, umesto one glupe šipke dobio je ono što zaslužuje ;D Pritom je stigao i lanac, da i on dođe na svoje mesto ;D
Meni je takodje taj motor mali... moja honda CM125 je veca i udobnija, kako za vozacha tako i suvozacha.. Visok sam oko 187.. I ja sam hteo da uzmem takav motor.. sve je odlichno kod njega sem eto dimenzija koje meni ne odgovaraju.. dok VT750 savrsheno pashe.. I lepshi je sa okruglim farom ;D
Krađa motorcikla - prevencija, bezbednost i zaštita
Iron_Floyd je odgovorio članu Cope u Dodatna Oprema
Imao sam ideju da neamestim alarm koji kad se aktivira poziva preko speed dial-a na mob... ali da u taj mob koji je zakachen na alarm, ubacim MTS karticu, i koristim njihovu uslugu ORTAK LOKATOR - uvek mozete znati gde vam se motor nalazi. Dok vam je mob zakachen na alarm, uvek mozete pozvati isti i chuti shta vam se deshava oko motora (korishtjenjem opcije automatskog odgovaranja) ili pak prihvatiti poziv sa vasheg mobilnog koji je vezan za alarm i opet na taj nachin prislushkivati ko vam se vrti oko telefona.. najbolji bi trip bio imati neki 3G telefon sa kamericom koja bi mogla da se sakrije sa neke strane motora da se ne vidi, i po ceni obichnog poziva, praktichno mozete videti shta vam se deshava oko motora Uvek imam neke ideje, ali nikako da nadjem vremena da ih sprovedem u delo A mozda mi se neko od vas i pridruzi u realizaciji istih Pa evo recimo da koristim priliku ;D -
evo odgovora: HONDA CM125C-C SPARK PLUGS NGK EXTRA INFORMATION FOR HONDA CM125C-C 125 Standard Copper Core Stock No Platinum / Gold Palladium Stock No Iridium Stock No Gap CR7HS 7223 - - CR7HIX 7544 0.7mm
Odrzavanje pogonskog lanca, zamena lanca i lancanika.
Iron_Floyd je odgovorio članu bokilic u Motocikli
Ako dole prilozene specifikacije ne lazu, onda je to odlicno sredstvo.... TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 1/2 CRC ADHESIVE LUBRICANT Ref. : 10295 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Water resistant, adhesive chain lubricant. A specially formulated blend of high quality mineral and synthetic oils, anti-oxidation and anti- wear additives, friction modifiers and tackiness agents. Adhesive Lubricant penetrates deeply into vital chain pin and bushing areas, then sets to form an adhering, long lasting lubricant film. Designed even for highly loaded fast running chains used in corrosive, high power and shock load conditions. 2. FEATURES • Resists hot and cold water wash-off. • Resists high rpm sling-off. • Reduces friction and wear. • Reduces noise and vibration. • Extends chain life. • O-ring compatible. • Harmless to metals and most plastics and rubbers (test before using on stressed plastic parts). • Does not contain chlorinated solvents. • Aerosol formula uses hydrocarbon propellant and is provided with an extension tube for precise, controlled application and film thickness. 3. APPLICATIONS • Chain drives. • • Tractors and farm Hoists. • Sprockets. • equipment. Conveyors. • Construction site • Open gears. • Forklifts. equipment. • Wire ropes. • Overhead door drives. • Car wash equipment. • Pulleys. • Motorcycle chains. • Marine lubrication. • Snatch blocks. 4. DIRECTIONS • Do not mix with other lubricants. Clean parts to be lubricated with CRC Fast Dry Degreaser or CRC Industrial • Degreaser and let dry. • Apply evenly onto the chain, wire rope, etc. and allow product to penetrate and set for a few minutes. • Do not energise or start high speed/high load equipment before product has penetrated. • Excess or spilled product can be removed with CRC Fast Dry Degreaser or CRC Industrial Degreaser. • Do not use on energised equipment. • A safety data sheet (MSDS) according EU directive 93/112 is available for all CRC products. Manufactured by : CRC Industries Europe NV Touwslagerstraat 1 – 9240 Zele – Belgium Tel (32) (0) 52/45.60.11 Fax (32) (0) 52/45.00.34 www.crcind.com TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 2/2 CRC ADHESIVE LUBRICANT Ref. : 10295 5. TYPICAL PRODUCT DATA (without propellant) Appearance : clear, blue liquid Specific gravity (@ 20°C) : 0,800 Flash point (solvent, closed cup) : < 0 °C Dry film properties Specific gravity (@ 20°C) : 0.91 Kinematic viscosity (@ 40°C) : 680 mm2/s. Viscosity index : 111 Flash point (open cup) : 236°C Pour point : -12°C 50N/mm2 Brugger wear test : Max. temperature (*) : 150°C 180°C (intermittent) Humidity cabinet corrosion resistance : 20 d (50°C, 100% RH) (**) 6. PACKAGING aerosol : 12 x 500 ml bulk : 4 x 5 l * 150 °C is max. temperature for typical applications; 180 °C is only for short term intermittent. However, even at 150 °C, a slow decomposition and some carbon deposits may occur. Periodical carbon removal and re- lubrication is indicated. * Practical corrosion protection will depend mainly on surface conditions and environment. The first application should be checked periodically for signs of corrosion. Once the protection time under specific conditions is determined, CRC Adhesive Lubricant may be re-applied to maintain performance. All statements in this publication are based on service experience and/or laboratory testing. Because of the wide variety of equipment and conditions and the unpredictable human factors involved, we recommend that our products be tested on-the-job prior to use. All information is given in good faith but without warranty neither expressed nor implied. This Technical Data Sheet may already have been revised at this moment for reason such as legislation, availability of components and newly acquired experiences. The latest and only valid version of this Technical Data Sheet will be sent to you upon simple request or can be found on our website: www.crcind.com. We recommend you to register on this website for this product so you will be able to receive any future updated version automatically. Version : 10295 03 0101 03 Date : 25 september 2003 -
Ljudi jel neko probao ovo? Hel'net Helmet and Visor cleaner Hel'net is ideal for external helmet cleaning. Advantages : -Degreases, polishes (to reduce fine scratches) and shines. Hel'net makes your helmet and visor look like new and leaves a water-repellent film. Najvishe me interesuje zbog poliranja vizira.
Ne mogu da verujem da josh niko nije dao odgovor gde se moze ulje propisno odloziti.. zar je mogutje da svi bacate na deponije i u kanalizaciju????
Mogu da ti javim tek kad budem bio u Zrenjaninu. A to je za jedno... 2 nedelje tek..
MOTUL 7100 4T 10W40 High performance lubricants for bikes 100% Synthetic – Ester High performance bikes, sports bikes, street ‘ road bikes, trails, off road bikes, enduro, trial … fitted with 4 stroke engines, integrated gearbox or not, wet or dry clutch, engines meeting Euro 2 or Euro 3 emission regulation, fitted with exhaust gas after treatment systems: catalytic converters, air injection into exhaust pipe… Ester technology – Low traction coefficient Ester to minimize engine internal friction losses and improve performance. – Synergy of Ester with anti-wear additives and improved shear resistance for improved gear protection and life time. 100% Synthetic lubricant for improved oil film resistance at high temperatures and high revs. Low Phosphorus and Sulphur content for better operating conditions of catalytic converters required to meet last emission regulation. JASO MA approved to warranty a perfect lock up of wet clutch at take off, acceleration and full speed. Easy gear shifting.. SPECIFICATIONS Product 7100 4T 10W40 Feature 100% synthetic, Ester SAE/DOT Standard 10W-40 Specification API SL & JASO MA Maker's Approval — Compatibility High performance bikes 4 stroke engines, integrated gearbox or not, wet or dry clutch ESTER OIL Under normal conditions, oil forms a continuous film between two surfaces. This oil film provides hydrodynamic lubrication as it prevents direct metal-to-metal contact thereby reducing friction. The ability to maintain a continuous layer of oil between two metal surfaces is an important attribute of an engine oil to provide fluid lubricity. Friction and wear result when this lubricant film is broken under high load conditions. This is where Esters excel in providing boundary lubrication. Ester has the propensity to reduce friction where other base oils fail. Ester's molecules: consist of Oxygen (O), which has a positive polarity, and Hydrogen (H), which has a negative polarity. These two molecules electrically adsorb onto the metal surfaces and form a layer known as ad molecule film. It is this ad molecule film that makes Esters stand out from other oils (where film is created by viscosity). The difference is obvious in its lubrication performance when starting the engine. With oils that depend on viscosity for film strength, pressure and oil will drop when the engine stops. When the engine is restarted, the film between the two metals no longer exists and this results to a dry start. Ad molecule film on the other hand, does not rely on viscosity for fluid lubrication. Therefore it is able to continuously lubricate between the two metals even if the engine stops. In city driving, where there are frequent start and stop, these car engines are subjected to more stress than in racing. It is therefore more critical that the appropriate engine oil is chosen to protect car engines. MOTUL uses Ester as base oil for its 4-stroke and 2-stroke engine oils. Jednom rechju vrhunsko, ne mozesh pogreshiti.
Prelepo!!! Perfekcija, svaka chast!
Bluetooth komunikacija Spyball Hello Biker Twin set
Iron_Floyd je odgovorio članu markone u Prodajem
Shto se mene tiche, ja bih uzeo odma da imam i tih 150 evra... ali josh ni kacigu nisam kupio.. Prvom prilikom kad bih imao te pare, uzeo bih.. -
Bluetooth komunikacija Spyball Hello Biker Twin set
Iron_Floyd je odgovorio članu markone u Prodajem
Da li su slushalice stereo? -
Evo bash sam kopao po netu i nashao sam na varijantu, speed dial.. rado bih i sam ovo napravio ali mi treba malo pomotji. evo kako funkcionishe cela pricha u prilozenom fajlu. To sam nashao kao najjeftiniju varijantu, a verujem da je odlicna. A bash me interesuje kolika je i cena gotovog gsm alarma ako vetj kazesh da ima, a i gde ima. HVALA, pozzz 555.doc
da li je nekom na pamet palo da napravi alarm koji shalje sms poruku?
Fotografishi detaljno obe kacige..
Skoro sam nameshtao jednu sajlu od gasa... nije mogla rukom da se pomera... videlo se neshto zuto na sajli, kao da je bila podmazivana. Medjutim to kao u lepak da se pretvorilo. Ochistio sam je na fintu kao sa tim levkom, ali sam sipao MOTUL Chain Clean. I posle nekog vremena i razradjivanja kljeshtima, proradila je kao nova. Blato rdje je curelo iz nje. Tako da po mom mishljenju i iskustvu, definitivno sajle ne treba podmazivati, vetj chistiti nekim brzo isparivim sredstvom.
Komunikacija sa suvozačem. Koja i da li smeta?
Iron_Floyd je odgovorio članu Mario Marko u Dodatna Oprema
Ja imam potrebu za komunikacijom sa suvzachem, i slushanjem mp3 sa moba, a moze i opcija kao hands free. Bilo bi extra da i suvozach moze da slusha istu muziku kao i ja. Kacige josh nemamo, da li imate neku preporuku za full face kacige koje na sebi vec fabricki poseduju ove mogucnosti? Ali ako ne, bilo bi extra imati neki jeftin bluetooth set sa svim ovim mogucim opcijama.. takodje gde i tako neshto nabaviti i za koje pare pa i ugraditi? Hvala -
Bili smo vredni ovih dana ;D Evo neka slike govore same za sebe Ostali su josh samo dihtunzi za auspuh da se urade, brezoni.. i pogonski lanac da dobije i to je to
Problem reshen, greshka prilikom montaze elektroinstalacije. Sad sve shljaka i nishta se spalilo nije ;D
Znachi, sastavio sam motor, elektrichnu instalaciju vratio na mesto sve kako je bilo. Sva elektronika normalno radi, zmigavci svetla sve.. Ali kad se pokrene start motora, anlaser se vrti, medjutim ne vrti motor :-\ A motor nisam ni dirao jer je motor bio ok.. Molim vas pomagajte.
Hvala na pitanju Trenutno za sad ništa posebno, imao sam kolokvijumsku nedelju tako da nisam ni bio kući. Radovi trenutno čekaju nastavak. Treba da se još jednom prefarbaju svi delovi završnom bojom, sve je vodenom šmirglom sređeno i pripremljeno za finalno farbanje A evo i sličica Epoksi lepilo se na faru extra skostilo sa obe strane ;D Zatim je nožem oderan višak sa gornje strane I potom ošmirglan vodenom šmirglom A evo fotografija koje sam izgubio jednom prilikom pa sam slikao opet pre farbanja, dakle onaj krvnički izmučen centralni stender je vraćen u originalno stanje, kao i bočna nožica Pre farbanja osnovnom Posle drugog šmirglanja i potom farbanja osnovnom bojm Eto to je to za sad, stim što nemam fotografije završne farbe, biće uskoro Ostalo je još samo da se zalepe nalepnice i da se prelakiraju maske