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Moto sport vesti za sezonu 2011

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  • Drug član, 1221 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: BMW sekta

Bilo bi lepo da si u pravu. Do sada se samo brukao. Na Assenu će voziti GP11.1 koji je u potpunosti drugačija mašina od one na kojoj je počeo sezonu. Ako ni na njoj ništa ne pokaže :zvizduk:


Čuj brukao se. Pa zar za najboljeg vozača svih vremena treba napisati da se brukao. :stabre: Kao da je on namerno radio to što radi.

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Pa da nije sa udobne Yamahe držao predavanja Stoneru kako treba da se vozi Ducati, možda ne bi bilo toliko smešno njegovo zlopaćenje na potonjem.

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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Stoneru koji je na tom problematicnom Ducatiju postao svetski sampion i covek sa najvise pobeda u GP 800 eri.

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  • Drug član, 1221 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: BMW sekta

Pa ni Stonerko se nije bas proslavio u poslednjem svom periodu na Dukatiju. Sve će to Rosi i Brdzis dovesti u red. Samo malo strpljenja.

@ Laki koliko ono titula ima Rosi 7 ili 8, nesto sam zaboravio.Ili možda 9. :moto3:


@ ja postavih citat "spdzlla" a ono mi "to crank" odgovori. Znam za tebe da ne voliš Rosija, tako da sam mogao i očekivati da ćeš ti komentarisati. Ali dobro, svako ima pravo da misli šta hoće, tu mu ni Rosi ne može pomoći. :D :D :D

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Pa šta bi sad? Da biraš ko će da odgovara?


Ot tih 7,8,9... koliko god, titula možda dve ili tri nešto vrede, ostatak je deo poslovne strategije Dorne.

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000
motomatters David Emmett Rossi just said that Stoner was faster at Jerez on the 1000 Honda than Rossi was on the 1000 Ducati. Times a secret though.

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

birtymotogp Matthew Birt

Colin Edwards said Nicky Hayden now understands what its like to be Rossi's team-mate as he has to wait until Laguna for new Ducati. :lol:


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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Bilo bi lepo da si u pravu. Do sada se samo brukao. Na Assenu će voziti GP11.1 koji je u potpunosti drugačija mašina od one na kojoj je počeo sezonu. Ako ni na njoj ništa ne pokaže :zvizduk:

Čuj brukao se. Pa zar za najboljeg vozača svih vremena treba napisati da se brukao. :stabre: Kao da je on namerno radio to što radi.

Pa da, baš tako, brukao se. To je stvar mišljenja. Isto mislim i za Schumachera, šta mu je trebalo da se vrati i pokvari sliku o sebi?


Slažem se sa tobom da nije želeo da se bruka. Ko bi normalan to želeo?

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

birtymotogp Matthew Birt

Colin Edwards said Nicky Hayden now understands what its like to be Rossi's team-mate as he has to wait until Laguna for new Ducati. :lol:

Colin je Rossiev veliki drugar. On ne bi izjavio tako nešto! Sigurno su mu namestili.

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  • Drug član, 1221 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: BMW sekta


Ja mislim da oni ne mogu bez toga, i da ima interesovanja da se vrate i ostali vozaci, svi bi oberucke prihvatili. Kad ti nesto udje u krv, zelis to jos vise. Pa zar se nije Muhamed Ali vracao 5 puta, da ne pricam o ostalim vrhunskim sportistima, recimo Zistin Enan u tenisu. Ali ajde da ne nabrajam druge.

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Slažem se, samo mislim da nije trebao da pobegne iz Yamahe zarad novca. Takođe mislim da je trebao da pokaže svoju veličinu prošle godine kada je konačno dobio timskog kolegu koji je bio na istoj mašini kao i on (Jorge se za to izborio 2009), kao što je Doohan radio iz godine u godinu. Nekome ove stvari ne smetaju i to je potpuno 0k, međutim meni bacaju veliku senku na njegovu karijeru.

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  • Drug član, 1221 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: BMW sekta

Sigurno si bolje upucen u moto GP od mene, ali imam neki utisak da ga je ipak Yamaha putila niz vodu, pogotovo kad je Lorenco osvojio titulu. To je neki moj utisak, e sad mozda gresim.

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

Možemo i tako gledati na to. Priča ide ovako; Rossi je prvo bio nezadovoljan što je Jorge Lorenzo dobio istu mašinu kao i on. Njegova sujeta je opet bila povređana kada je Lorenzu ponuđen jednogodišnji ugovor - nešto što nikada nije bilo ponuđeno Italijanu. Na kraju novac, odnosno kap koja je prolila čašu. Rossiu je bilo ponuđeno smanjenje plate, dok je u isto vreme Yamaha ponudila Špancu povišicu, i to slobodno možemo reći značajnu. Rossi je onda dao čuveni ultimatum; On ili ja. Yamaha je odbila da bira, Japanci su mislili da ima mesta za obojicu. Rossi je hteo da ode, ali pošto je Stoner već potpisao za Hondu, Ducati mu je ostao jedina ozbiljna opcija.

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Ducati mu je ostao jedina ozbiljna opcija.


Ih, ozbiljna...

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  • Integrisan, 13056 postova
  • Lokacija: Buda/Szigliget
  • Motocikl: CB 360 / . SV 650 / GSXR600(ukraden) / GSX-R 750

Ma skroz su različite. Na jednoj piše BRIDGESTONE a na drugoj GENERALI.

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  • Ne silazi, 5020 postova
  • Lokacija: Zemun
  • Motocikl: Triumph Daytona 1000

birtymotogp Matthew Birt

Colin Edwards said Nicky Hayden now understands what its like to be Rossi's team-mate as he has to wait until Laguna for new Ducati. :lol:

Colin je Rossiev veliki drugar. On ne bi izjavio tako nešto! Sigurno su mu namestili.

Da li je baš tako?


"I've got the same bike and tyres as last year and I'm going faster. But I'm further down the field and the results aren't there. “Even when I was on the factory team I didn't have factory stuff.


"There was still somebody that had better stuff than I did. The way the politics work here sucks at times.”


While Edwards was a factory worker he'd test a ton of parts and tires showing excellent performance through practice and qualifying only to be fighting for top six on race day something that a lot of people kept scratching their head about. What was on his contract him and yamaha only know but that he was a clear developer and parts tester for Rossi was clear. It was obvious he was riding a different bike on Sunday.

Rossi's departure from honda was for the same exact reason he went to ducati and that is because he lost the exclusivity of having all the goodies to himself. Not because he didn't get to take home a rcv or because his girlfriend was getting anymore freebies like some people want to make believe. Rossi knew he was gonna have a very hard time if honda gave everyone of the riders updates at the same time as him. The mistake honda made was to think they knew their bike, that they knew what they were doing and that the bike was just a winner regardless of rider or "crew" work.


Unless ducati comes out with a new bike miles ahead of the competition and Rossi has a mechanical advantage over the other aliens and his teammate, I don't see him as the favorite to win any races next season let alone the championship. The number 1 status he always whines about means exactly that. Remember when Barros got his RC211v for the Sepang Race and spanked Rossi in 2002? This has been going on for years. He demanded that nobody get the same bike all throughout the 4 stroke era. He has had some thrilling rides, he has been a brilliant tactician.But one cannot leave out that part of those tactics is keeping all of the goodies to himself when it comes to machinery.Thats why he left Honda and also why he left Yamaha.

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  • Drug član, 3618 postova
  • Lokacija: Kovin

birtymotogp Matthew Birt

Colin Edwards said Nicky Hayden now understands what its like to be Rossi's team-mate as he has to wait until Laguna for new Ducati. :lol:

Colin je Rossiev veliki drugar. On ne bi izjavio tako nešto! Sigurno su mu namestili.

Da li je baš tako?


"I've got the same bike and tyres as last year and I'm going faster. But I'm further down the field and the results aren't there. “Even when I was on the factory team I didn't have factory stuff.


"There was still somebody that had better stuff than I did. The way the politics work here sucks at times.”


While Edwards was a factory worker he'd test a ton of parts and tires showing excellent performance through practice and qualifying only to be fighting for top six on race day something that a lot of people kept scratching their head about. What was on his contract him and yamaha only know but that he was a clear developer and parts tester for Rossi was clear. It was obvious he was riding a different bike on Sunday.

Rossi's departure from honda was for the same exact reason he went to ducati and that is because he lost the exclusivity of having all the goodies to himself. Not because he didn't get to take home a rcv or because his girlfriend was getting anymore freebies like some people want to make believe. Rossi knew he was gonna have a very hard time if honda gave everyone of the riders updates at the same time as him. The mistake honda made was to think they knew their bike, that they knew what they were doing and that the bike was just a winner regardless of rider or "crew" work.


Unless ducati comes out with a new bike miles ahead of the competition and Rossi has a mechanical advantage over the other aliens and his teammate, I don't see him as the favorite to win any races next season let alone the championship. The number 1 status he always whines about means exactly that. Remember when Barros got his RC211v for the Sepang Race and spanked Rossi in 2002? This has been going on for years. He demanded that nobody get the same bike all throughout the 4 stroke era. He has had some thrilling rides, he has been a brilliant tactician.But one cannot leave out that part of those tactics is keeping all of the goodies to himself when it comes to machinery.Thats why he left Honda and also why he left Yamaha.

Nismo se razumeli, bio sam ciničan. Bravo za tekst, odličan je.

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