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Francuz u telu japanca Honda Deauville 700 NT

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---

Ma ko da skida.. Treba zameniti i dihtunge onda... Prvi cilindar napred je lako dostupan, ovaj ispod rezervoara, do sedista je komplikovaniji. Verujem da zahteva demontazu koje/cega...

Lepo je i lakse ovako :D

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

Pošto je Srbija ove godine igrom slučaja destinacija finale predlažem malo da protegnete točkove i svratite u moj kraj na duplo ladno, em pivce em reka studena;).


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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

Da li zna neko od kolega na sta prvo da sumnjam oko dovilke. Malopre stigoh sa puta i na Ibarskoj prilikom preticanja u 5toj gas ono sa 6k obrtaja spade na 5k i izgubi snagu. Isterah ga usput na Milosa V da istestiram kad isto, preko 6k obrtaja jedva a brzina preko 120 nikako da prebaci, na muke sam dosao do 140. Uglavnom da skratim u petoj-zadnjoj tesko ubrzava i gas ludi tj. skoči pa spadne, a što vrišti ko da ga derem:). Nisam siguran odakle da počnem, dal od svećica ili filtera ili... pa ako je neko imao slične simptome pomagajte da se ne dangubi a motor je na redovnoj liniji za prevoz.

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---

Read & Reset Maintenance Indicating Light (MIL), aka Check Engine Light (CEL)

Before STARTING the NT, verify the MIL light has cleared after the short self-check. If the MIL stays on after the short self check, don't start the NT or cycle the ignition switch to clear the MIL.

If the MIL is present after the short self-check before starting the engine, read the MIL code by:
-shifting to neutral
-release clutch
-lower kickstand
Read MIL flashes. Long is ~1.3 seconds & counts as 10. Short is .5 second & counts as 1. If there is more than one code, it should blink one code then the next in numerical order (not chronological order), then it continues to repeat flashing the codes.

If the MIL clears as normal after the self check, but the NT is hard to start & no MIL as come on, crank to start for >10 seconds & a MIL should come on. Then while the MIL is on, do the above to read the MIL flash codes.

If you notice a MIL when riding, pull over and don't turn engine off. If the engine dies because of the MIL, don't turn the ignition off. Read the MIL flash codes by performing the following steps.
-shifting to neutral
-release clutch
-lower kickstand
Read MIL flashes. Long is ~1.3 seconds & counts as 10. Short is .5 second & counts as 1. If there is more than one code, it should blink one code then the next in numerical order (not chronological order), then it continues to repeat flashing the codes.

How to read MIL codes stored in ECM.
If you see a MIL, the code for MIL will also be stored in your ECM even if the MIL has since cleared. If you want to read the fault for a previous event when the MIL was on but it has since cleared, do this:
-Ignition switch off
-Remove seat and left side cover.
-Remove the red cap off of the Dummy Load Connector (DLC). It's the 4 wire connector with the red cap just forward of the ECM (main computer card).
-Insert a shorting wire into the Brown and Green wire's terminals of the DLC. I use a ~4" long speaker wire. Any small wire should work. Don't jam a big wire in there.
-Verify engine kill switch is ON.
-Turn Ignition switch ON
-Read blink codes on MIL
If there is more than one code, it should blink one code then the next in numerical order (not chronological order), then it continues to repeat flashing the codes.
-Turn ignition switch off, remove shorting wire, replace cap & side cover & seat.

How to clear the codes in the ECM.
The ECM doesn't save the previous fault codes in chronological order. Because of that, it is a good idea to clear the codes & keep the register empty so that in an event of a new MIL fault code occurring there won't be other codes stored in the ECM to confuse any future troubleshooting. If you are concerned about having proof of past codes (ie ...to show a shop) I would suggest videoing your old codes flashing. To clear the codes:
-Ignition switch off
-Remove seat and left side cover.
-Remove the red cap off of the Dummy Load Connector (DLC). It's the 4 wire connector with the red cap just forward of the ECM (main computer card).
-Insert a shorting wire into the Brown and Green wire's terminals of the DLC. I use a ~4" long speaker wire. Any small wire should work.
-Verify engine kill switch is ON.
-Turn Ignition switch to ON.
-Temporarily remove the shorting wire in the DLC plug. The MIL will have a solid yellow light for 5 seconds, reinsert the shorting wire into same Brown/Green wire terminals on the DLC during the 5 seconds.
-Verify MIL goes OFF, then starts blinking. The ECM memory is now cleared. If you're unsure that the codes were cleared try reading the stored codes in the ECM from steps above.
-Turn ignition switch off, remove shorting wire, replace cap & side cover & seat.

MIL blink codes for the NT
1 MAP (Manifold Air Pressure) Sensor Voltage high or low
2 MAP Sensor performance problem
7 ECT (Engine Coolant Temperature) Sensor voltage high or low
8 TP (Throttle Position) Sensor voltage high or low
9 IAT (Inlet Air Temperature) Sensor voltage high or low
11 VS (Vehicle Speed) sensor lost
12 #1 injector malfunction. Will not start.
13 #2 injector malfunction. Will not start.
18 CMP (Cam Position) sensor lost. Will not start.
19 CKP (Crank Position) sensor lost. Will not start.
21 O2 sensor malfunction
23 O2 sensor heater malfunction
29 IACV (Idle Air Control Valve) malfunction

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

@N.F.S.Kako se čitaju greške, ako mi se pojave mada nemam nikakvih indikatora na tabli,tj nikakve greske se nepojavljuju. Simptomi su isti kao na videu iznad, gubi snagu negde na 6k rpm i spadne na 5,ali sa jacim dodavanjem gasa dodje i na 8k rpm ali nema snagu da povuče,tj. mnogo sporo ubrzava od 120 do 140 i preko neće.

PS sad vidim iz objasnjenja kako se tumače ali nema nikakvih indikatora,sve je ok,start,polazak do 100 ide normalno rekao bih e prca kad hocu preko prilikom preticanja gubi snagu na ovom delu obrtaja.

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---

Da je situacija kod mene ovim bih redosledom isao..

Prvo iscitaj greske, proceduru snimaj telefonom da lakse prebrojimo eventualne probleme ...

Motor na cent. stenderu, skini sediste i centralnu plastiku ispod njega sa leve strane. Tu ti visi crveni dzek sa poklopcem, odmah do ECU-a/ ignitora/racunara kako ga ko zove.

Skines taj poklopac i prespojis BRAON i ZELENU zicu. 

Tu pripremis telefon i pre davanja kontakta snimaj km sat, tacnije deo gde je "FI" lampa! Da brojimo eventualne greske...


Zatim, proveri stanje akumulatora i njegovo punjenje.


Ako nista od ovoga ne pokazuje falinku idemo dalje, pod rezervoar :D

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

Mozda bih ipak trebao proveriti kao sto si prvo naveo filter vazduha jer on pri opterecenjima u velikim obrtajima kada najvise vazduha treba masini dolazi do gubitka snage.

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

Vazi idem prvo tim redosledom oko gresaka pre dizanja rezervoara,hvala ti.Javljam rezultate sutra kada ga dohvatim.

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---

Imas sta proveriti i pre nego sto rezervoar podignes :D

Svasta nesto moze biti, od loseg kontakta na TP senzoru, preko starog filtera do manjka kompresije i lose nastelovanih ventila...

Muka preko interneta popraviti :)

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

Jeste muka preko neta popraviti,jos veca bez nekog iskustva-znanja o tome ali pokusacu nesto pa dokle stignem, samo da na kraju ne bude viska delova:).Mislis da do manjka kompresije moze biti zbog filtera vazduha, sad gledam po spisima nesto pa ja nisam za 3 godine ni bacio pogled na njega, a dobacio vec 20k km, auf, kako mi to promaknu s'pameti da ga ne proverim:stabre:. Ubacicu sutra video u radu moze biti jasnije u cemu je problem.

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---

Nema veze drug filter vazduha sa kompresijom u cilindrima ali ooooogromnu ulogu ima u kvalitetu smese!

Kada se toliko zapusi da ECU vise ne moze kompenzovati desava se bas to, ne moze preko odredjenih obtraja...

Lambda dole na grani auspuha bi trebala to da primeti pa da imas na tabli upozorenje (blinkanje FI lampe)

Nego, moze li se u leru zavrteti preko 6000?

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---
Pre 13 sati, Niko je napisao:

petoj-zadnjoj tesko ubrzava i gas ludi tj. skoči pa spadne

Da ne klizaju tebi lamele?

Zagrej masinu pa nam snimi kao se u leru "vrti"....

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

@N.F.S., sad se vratih sa posla i simptomi su bas ti. Do 5 hiljada obrtaja ponasa se normalno a preko 5 nema snage da povuče, u bilo kojoj brzini, gas dodajem ali snage nema i dugo mu treba da ubrza kad potegnem preko 5k obrtaja, najverovatnije da su lamele problem. Sta dalje ciniti. Samo 2 sata da prebacim nocni rad pa cu krecem sa igrankom, pozz.

Kako si mislio da snimim, da ga stavim na centralni i da menjam brzine i snimim kako se okreće?


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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---


Vidi, kada lamele klizaju agregat odlazi u obrtaje ali ne vuce.. Kao da ga na pola kvacila vozis... Kada "uhvati" obrtaji padnu a motor povuce i tako u krug...

Kada snimis sta se desava lakse cemo :D

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  • Zainteresovan, 491 postova
  • Lokacija: Valjevo
  • Motocikl: A

Bas to sto si rekao se dogadja, sad cu da odem sa centralnog da snimim situaciju i saljem da vidis. Kod mene nema majstora ni na oglasima i moram sam i uz vasu pomoc resavati problem, odoh snimim i kacim.

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  • Integrisan, 9596 postova
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
  • Motocikl: ---Honda---

Ja nisam majstor ali pomoci cu koliko mogu druze, to je i poenta foruma :takoje:


P.S. Rucica kvacila mora lufta imati, ako si kojim slucajem odvijao sraf do sajle postoji mogucnost da si pretegao pa kvacilo bude blago nategnuto...

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