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Jovan Ristic

BJB Novinari
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Sve što je postavio član: Jovan Ristic

  1. Ni Doviciozo nema pa je nanizao dve pobede za redom. Što bi rekao Jeremi Burges: '' Ako vozač hoće zlatne ručice na motoru vi mu ih date'' Ovo mi deluje isto tako.
  2. Ništa ružnije u životu nisam video. Nadam se da Lorenco neće bolje voziti sa ovim krilcima i da će ih šutnuti sa motora. A ako se to ne desi nadam se da će biti zabranjeni. Ovo je isto kao prošle godine samo sa ''zaštitnikom'' preko. Koliko god da volim Ducati ovo prevazilazi ono što Yamaha, Honda, Aprilija rade. Ono je umereno i ne ruži toliko motocikl ali ovo je katastrofa!
  3. Preminuo je Anhel Nieto http://www.moto-berza.com/moto-sport/motogp/preminuo-angel-nieto/
  4. Kolike su šanse da bud klasa sa APN ovima? Učestvoaću verovatno i sa automatikom mada ga ne volim nikakao. Bilo bi super ako budete imali klasu i sa APN om i da fino ograničite budženje kao i ovde sa automaticima.
  5. Počeo sam malo, čisto da ne propadne što non stop pratim sve što se trka tiče Neka neka, vi ste ovde na forumu najbolji kritičari. A kad sam video da sam napisao Dejvid, znao sam da sam gotov.
  6. Da, polomio se jadni na početku sezone u BSB u. Valjda će ga krnuti u životu malo
  7. Znam da je David, pogrešiioooo sam. Oprostite mi Angel Nieto doživeo udes dok je vozio kvad http://www.moto-berza.com/moto-sport/motogp/angel-nieto-tesko-povredjen/
  8. Đulijano testira fabričku Hondu http://www.moto-berza.com/moto-sport/wsbk/dejvid-djulijano-testira-hondu-cbr1000rr-sp2/
  9. Roberto Rolfo dobio otkaz Learco Ghelfi: "Results haven't been satisfactory and one win doesn't reflect the commitment made". SuperSport is on holiday but that doesn't mean there are no surprises. One of these is the split between Roberto Rolfo and the Vamag factory team. Incredible but true, the two parties have gone their separate ways in the last hours. And to think that the Italian was able to win the first round of the season at Phillip Island. His performance was not enough though, as stated by team manager Learco Ghelfi: “The main thing that led us to take this decision were the less than satisfactory results – he commented -unfortunately we were unable to achieve what we expected. We acknowledge the promising season start but one race win does not match the commitment made". Taking Rolfo's place is Lorenzo Zanetti. The 29-year old has been taking part in this year's CIV Superbike championship, on the Ducati Panigale, and will return to the MOTUL FIM Superbike World Championship for the second part of the championship. The Italian will carry out two tests during the summer break: “It's never nice to replace someone mid-season and I wish Roby all the best for the future – commented Zanetti - I'm excited to return to the World Championship with my MV Agusta. I'm feeling calm and confident. I also want to thank Team Moto Corse, with which I will finish the CIV season, for having allowed me to accept this offer".
  10. Carl Fogarty slomio dva rebra i probušio plućno krilo dan DirtQake trci. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/news/2017/july/carl-fogarty-dirtquake-2017-crash/
  11. Znači ako sam dobro razumeo samo automatici dolaze u obzir, ne može APN i ostali mopedi 49ccm zapremine? Super mi je što se ograničili budženje motora, samo još kad bi ste proširili na mopede sa menjačem (tomose) i i takođe ograničili friziranje motora. U svakom slučaju podržavam ideju. Nije skupo za učestvovanje a super je zabava.
  12. Može li ovaj moj da učestvuje? Sad sam ga završio posle godinu dana rada
  13. Kako mi je žao ne mogu da opišem. Idem na twiter svaki čas da proverim vesti. jedan od najgotivnijih likova. On i Edwards. Samo da se izvuče.
  14. KTM za ovu trku doneo novi bing bang agregat. Odustali i oni od scremera. Aprilija donela novu šasiju sa prefiksom na rasporedu težine. Kako kažu prebacuju težinu sve više napred, nadaju se da će ova šasija rešiti problem trošenja pneumatika i bolju stabilnost prednjeg kraja.
  15. Koji si ti lik! :D :D :D :D Ima vas par koji me redovno nasmejete sa komentarima (sve u pozitivnom smislu)
  16. staza je u dosta lošem stanju. Plus koriste gume koje neće koristiti kad staza bude ok da bi imali više ''korisnih'' setova guma.
  17. Trenutak kad Cračulow skida Rosiju kameru.
  18. Hoće li neko otvoriti temu za Katar?
  19. MotoGP's official tire supplier Michelin issued the following press release ahead of the 2017 season. In it, they detail the changes they will be making for the upcoming year. They lay out how the new front tire they have brought is an improvement over the old one, how the new tire identification system will work, and why the intermediate tires have been dropped for the coming year. Michelin ready to ring in the changes for 2017 Michelin has completed the three pre-season MotoGP™ tests and now the French tyre company has its sights firmly set on the first race of the year at Losail in Qatar later this month where several rule changes and new technologies will be introduced. Following Michelin’s 2016 re-introduction into MotoGP after a seven-year absence, the Clermont Ferrand based tyre specialists gathered important data from its first-year back and this has led to a new profile of front MICHELIN Power Slick being developed for the forthcoming season. This tyre was first used as a prototype at the final race of 2016 at Valencia with impressive results, and the information collected from that event enabled the Michelin technicians to work on the tyre through the winter, and at the pre-season tests, to create a version that the riders have been very impressed with. This allied to a rear tyre that gives more traction and allows the riders to get better drive, demonstrates that Michelin is pushing ahead with constant innovations as it strives to continually create the best racing tyres for MotoGP. These latest tyres will not be the only modifications at the first round, as a rule change will see Michelin supplying three slick tyre specifications for both the front and rear wheels – two was the minimum requirement in 2016. This will give the riders a greater scope of tyre selections and will again hopefully lead to more choices and continue with different riders using different tyres and creating a competition effect within the single tyre rule. Another change will see the intermediate tyres no longer being used. The company’s development of the MICHELIN Power Rain tyres – which has seen the harder compound show good durability in drying conditions – has led to the decision to remove the intermediates from this year’s allocation. A further amendment to the rules will also see the two riders that qualify for QP2, after going through QP1, being given an extra rear soft slick tyre to enable them to use the softest compound in the second qualifying session if they chose to. One of the biggest changes for 2017 will see the introduction of the ‘Tyre Detection System’. This will operate using wireless technology and will assist in identifying which tyre each rider is using. The system will operate through every wheel having a Tyre Air Pressure Sensor (TAPS) fitted to it with a unique ID. All tyres will then have a unique bar code which will be matched to TAPS via scanning, giving confirmation of which tyre is fitted to which bike. A transmitter in the TAPS emits a signal which is then read by the bike’s transponder and then the unique ID is transmitted to and received by the timing receivers around the circuit, this is then in turn immediately communicated to the organiser. This information will then be supplied directly by Dorna to the TV companies/timing boards for broadcast, so the viewers will know straight away which tyre each rider is using. This will enable up-to-the-minute information to be available and will work alongside the visible identification of the coloured bands on each tyre. Michelin is excited about the changes as the new season approaches and is in a determined mood to take its MotoGP tyre development on to further heights as it aims to give racers the tyres they need to supply fans with exciting and competitive racing over the 18-race campaign. Nicolas Goubert – Deputy Director, Technical Director and Supervisor of the MotoGP Programme: “We have had three successful tests and have confirmed the direction we are taking with the tyres for the 2017 season. We introduced the new front profile tyre at Valencia and it worked very well, now after the three tests the riders have given some very favourable and useful feedback so we know we are moving in the right direction for their needs. We also listened to their requests for more traction from the rear – because every rider always wants to go faster and accelerate harder – so we have worked on that and again believe we have supplied what the riders are looking for. As the season progresses we will continue to evolve our tyres as we are constantly striving to give the riders the optimum performance in all conditions at every track, but for now we feel we are in a much stronger position as this season starts than we were this time last year. “We are also very pleased with the new rule changes and the introduction of the Tyre Detection System. The option for us to bring three front and rear slick tyres opens a greater opportunity to supply tyres that will fit across a broader spectrum and continue with the different choices and possible more bold decisions from the riders and teams as to what tyres to use in certain conditions. We are certainly looking forward to 2017 with an excited air and hoping that the racing with be as thrilling, if not even more so, than 2016!”
  20. There are just ten days to go until battle commences. Expectations are running high ahead of the 2017 season, a year of new things: Iannone in Suzuki, Vinales in Yamaha and Lorenzo in Ducati. The Spanish rider rewound the tape, referring back to his previous Yamaha experience. In an interview for Marca, #99 spoke about his relationship with Rossi: “Yamaha had a rider who is a motorcycling icon, who receives a lot of media attention and has sold many bikes – said the Majorcan - not an easy situation to manage when we were both fighting for the title". Lorenzo explains further: "It was difficult to receive the same treatment as Valentino - he continues - I realised that they had to take care of their diamond, in terms of sales. Despite him not having won for several years, Rossi is still strong in terms of media coverage and continues to have a significant effect on Yamaha bike sales”. His message almost sounds like a warning for Vinales: “It's difficult for two riders to be treated the same ways when it comes to extreme situations, comparisons and negative sensations in the fight for the title and in this sense I always said I understood that”. As well as having to live with the nine-time champion, Lorenzo also refers to Maio Meregalli, who in the past has said that there is a calmer atmosphere in the Yamaha camp now that the Majorcan has moved on: “I don't think it was a very appropriate statement - says #99 - he was very much on Rossi's side, and when I left he came out with that statement". Now he needs to focus on the present thgou, as the championship gets underway next week. The Ducati rider has clear ideas: “To win more races than last year, at some tracks we can do very well – he promises - but in order to have a competitive bike at every track and fight for the title, we need to work on various aspects, unless our rivals make a lot of mistakes”. In the exclusive interview with Marca, Lorenzo then touches on what pushed him to move to the red bike: "My motivation was the fact that very few riders have won with two different bike, the only to do so with the Ducati was Stoner". That's not all: “I also wanted to feel alive, to try a different kind of bike, and work with different people in a different environment with new colours”. It's impossible not to consider the win: “It would be fantastic, but very difficult. But then I love difficult things".
  21. Samo neka ostave ove kablove da štrče tako pa kad ima Markez poseče neki od njih leteće kao Pedrosa u Aragonu :D
  22. Samo je postavio jedno pitanje: '' Zašto je Bautista na GP16 brži nego ja na GP17?'' “I do not understand why Bautista is able to go faster than I in many corners, and finish in half a second with a lower bike”.
  23. Za***ce on nesto do kraja sezone. Mogu da se kladimm u to. Kleo sam se u njega dok nije poceo da brljavi.
  24. To uveli zbog ovih naših sa Sport kluba
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