Vuja 36 Napisano Octobar 28, 2010 Drug član, 4879 postova Lokacija: Beograd - Karaburma Motocikl: Honda CBR 1100 XX, Honda XL 1000 Varadero, MZ ETZ 251 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan With a view to further MZ Svet's liaison with international clubs, organisations and individuals, we are opening this blog to facilitate contacts and information relevant to MZ Svet - related events. To assist the process, we shall try and use Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian and Bulgarian languages in addition to Serbian, with the back-up option of using English if unable to communicate in our mother tongues. Dear friends, welcome to Serbia! ------------------------------ Da bi približili MZ Svet inostranim klubovima, organizacijama i pojedincima otvaramo ovu temu za uspostavljanje kontakta i pružanje svih informacija o dešavanjima iz MZ Svet-a. Da bi uspostavili što čvršću saradnju nastojali smo da se sem Srpskog koristimo i Mađarskim, Rumunskim, Slovačkim, Slovenačkim i Bugarskim jezikom dok nam je Engleski na raspolaganju ako ne pronađemo način da komuniciramo na našim maternjim jezicima. Dragi prijatelji dobrodošli u Srbiju! Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
MZ 80 Napisano Septembar 29, 2011 I Love The Smell Of Two Stroke In A Morning, 1839 postova Lokacija: Svilajnac Motocikl: MZ ETZ 250 SV 01-028 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Brat Rumun je ovo poslao meni na privatnu, ne moze ovde da otvori??? "Hello Mihac, I tried to write to "International" but every topic is locked for my userlogin so I write directly to you, and you will spread the word :-) This is not a fancy invitation, but it comes from heart: Dear serbian MZ Friends and Brothers, As we felt so good and welcomed in Jasenovo when we responded to your warm invitation, on behalf of the MZ-Brothers Romania I invite you to our yearly meeting which will be at the date of 15-16-17 June 2012. The exact location is not set yet, as our usual camping provider has some problems and maybe will close, but we will find another location and announce you in time. I feel is better invite you now earlier so you can start making some plans, discussions and preparations over the winter. You are welcome! Keep in touch Feri(owene) Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
owene_RO 27 Napisano Februar 16, 2012 U prolazu, 21 postova Lokacija: Brasov, Romania Motocikl: MZ ETZ250 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Finally Dear Friends, We are in the situation to continue our invitation from 29 September 2011 with details with the location. Location is 2km near village Maguri-Racatau, 40km to Cluj-Napoca. More exactly: 46.62925 N 23.17050 E The shortest and fastest route(from Belgrade) goes through Timisoara > Arad > Oradea > Huedin > Gilau, all is national road(DN). Then the smaller side-road (DJ) is around 20km until Maguri-Racatau village, quite good asphalt, nice courves and scenery, then around 2km of very good gravel forestry road until the meeting place. I put pictures on our forum and other details on our forum, but it seems these days is crashing the server all the time, nothing we can do just wait, as this is not a paid forum. Later I will translate a lot of things of what you would need to know, and write to "International topic" You(I mean your group) will not need to carry tents because beds are reserved and paid already for you.We estimated 5-6 serbian brothers, now it's too early for you also to give us numbers, we will know this in end of April, May. You do not have to pay for the beds, this is from us. We will stay together at the cabin, tent is not really a good idea at that place, it's very cold at night even in the summer. There are bears also coming sometimes I heard :-)) I warned also romanian colleagues that will come unannounced, that if they really want to sleep in tent, they should be very well prepared fro freeze, if tent is frozen with ice in the morning, I told them :-)) During the day it is warm and nice in middle of June. As soon as our forum will be online, I will put links and explanations. Cinste! --owene 2 Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
owene_RO 27 Napisano Februar 16, 2012 U prolazu, 21 postova Lokacija: Brasov, Romania Motocikl: MZ ETZ250 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Pictures from location survey Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
zverinjak 403 Napisano Februar 17, 2012 Drug član, 2681 postova Lokacija: Beograd Motocikl: MZ ETZ 250, NSU SuperMax 250, Kawa GPZ500S i 1100 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Thank you for invation,our "mechanical brothers" !Regards the other brothers who were in Jasenovo last summer!!! Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
owene_RO 27 Napisano Februar 20, 2012 U prolazu, 21 postova Lokacija: Brasov, Romania Motocikl: MZ ETZ250 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Hello for all who plan to come, I checked embassy site and all seems complicated with visa and so, but it seems that it's not really so Davor (quasaar here on the forum) is coming every year to Romania, and said: ====================================================================== 1. we do not need visa for Romania with new passports 2. nobody asked me for any money per day ever tell them just to pack what they need + passport and papers for bikes and go... ====================================================================== So the trick is with the new passports. Please ask me if you will need something, we are waiting for you . Sumi, thanks for adding together the two announcements. Feri. 2 Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Šumi Zmajček 1291 Napisano Februar 26, 2012 MZ Rider, 4141 postova Lokacija: Arilje - Zemun Motocikl: Piaggio liberty 125, Honda XRV 750 RD07a Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan 1 Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
baghira_ro 2 Napisano Maj 28, 2012 U prolazu, 3 postova Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Hello my serbian friends! We all arrived home safely. Thank you very much for everything! We felt so good! 2 Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Šumi Zmajček 1291 Napisano Maj 28, 2012 MZ Rider, 4141 postova Lokacija: Arilje - Zemun Motocikl: Piaggio liberty 125, Honda XRV 750 RD07a Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Welcome Adi. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andreja 1330 Napisano Maj 28, 2012 ENDURO, 1344 postova Lokacija: Vrčin Motocikl: Honda XR600R Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Baghira, I'm glad that you enjoyed, I hope we'll meet again soon! Best regards! Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vuja 36 Napisano Maj 29, 2012 Drug član, 4879 postova Lokacija: Beograd - Karaburma Motocikl: Honda CBR 1100 XX, Honda XL 1000 Varadero, MZ ETZ 251 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan We are glad to welcome you home. We hope to see you soon. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
owene_RO 27 Napisano Maj 29, 2012 U prolazu, 21 postova Lokacija: Brasov, Romania Motocikl: MZ ETZ250 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Kukul, how you get home with castrated sparkplug? I am interested how the engine behaved with it. Did you buy new one? Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
kukul cb 500 s 6 Napisano Maj 30, 2012 Svrati ponekad, 147 postova Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan On 29. 5. 2012. at 21:05, owene_RO je napisao: Kukul, how you get home with castrated sparkplug? I am interested how the engine behaved with it. Did you buy new one? Greetings, all without problems, spark plugs withstood soon be seen with you Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
owene_RO 27 Napisano Januar 18, 2013 U prolazu, 21 postova Lokacija: Brasov, Romania Motocikl: MZ ETZ250 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Dear serbian MZ Friends and Brothers, Happy new year! May all your plans and rides become true in this year. At least make big plans so if only 50% becomes true, is still big! Winter, time for planning, please add also this on your 2013 calendar: on behalf of the MZ-Brothers Romania I invite you to our yearly meeting which will be in the weekend of 21-22-23 June 2013. The location is in Sighisoara, center of the country. The exact spot will be announced later, now the date is most important to save money for gas. For those of you who have seen Sighisoara, you have seen nothing of what lies around so it will be new and different as last year! You are welcome! Keep in touch Feri(owene) 3 Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vuja 36 Napisano April 26, 2013 Drug član, 4879 postova Lokacija: Beograd - Karaburma Motocikl: Honda CBR 1100 XX, Honda XL 1000 Varadero, MZ ETZ 251 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Dear friends, Asocijacija Motociklista Srbije (Association Motorcyclist of Serbia) will organize 6th annual meeting MZ Sveta (MZ World), 6th traditiaonal gathering of the owners, enthusiasts, worshipers MZ motorcycle engines. The gethering will be organized on 24., 25., 26. May at the location lake Zaova near Požarevac (N 44 30.368, E 21 16.360). We are expecting you to come and to have a good time. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vuja 36 Napisano Jun 10, 2013 Drug član, 4879 postova Lokacija: Beograd - Karaburma Motocikl: Honda CBR 1100 XX, Honda XL 1000 Varadero, MZ ETZ 251 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Datum se približava, da li je neko za Rumuniju? Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Šumi Zmajček 1291 Napisano Jun 15, 2013 MZ Rider, 4141 postova Lokacija: Arilje - Zemun Motocikl: Piaggio liberty 125, Honda XRV 750 RD07a Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan On 10. 6. 2013. at 23:03, Vuja je napisao: Datum se približava, da li je neko za Rumuniju? ne Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
zverinjak 403 Napisano Jun 15, 2013 Drug član, 2681 postova Lokacija: Beograd Motocikl: MZ ETZ 250, NSU SuperMax 250, Kawa GPZ500S i 1100 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Možda ovako: Datum se približava, ko nije za Rumuniju...? Možda dobijemo odgovor ko ide... Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vuja 36 Napisano Jun 16, 2013 Drug član, 4879 postova Lokacija: Beograd - Karaburma Motocikl: Honda CBR 1100 XX, Honda XL 1000 Varadero, MZ ETZ 251 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Ko god da ide u sopstvenoj režiji ili na neki drugi način želim mu srećan put. Rumuni su zvali blagovremeno, pozivno pismo je gore i treba da pitam za izjašnjavanje. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
boban(guga) 293 Napisano Jun 17, 2013 Drug član, 1063 postova Lokacija: st banovci Motocikl: mz Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Meni je jako ineresantna ponuda ali ja sam taj datum na moru sa porodicom sretan put ko ide da se lepo provede Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
owene_RO 27 Napisano Decembar 30, 2013 U prolazu, 21 postova Lokacija: Brasov, Romania Motocikl: MZ ETZ250 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Dear friends and brothers! 2014 will come in a few hours, it will come with winter talks, winter dreams and mainenance work, because 2014 will be (again) a good year for the MZ bikes. MZ bikes are workhorses for the simple people, ugly in aspect and beautiful in engineering, so don't be afraid, they will not become collected objects, but they will make us collect nice memories on the roads and with our friends. May the new year be plentiful of happy events in your lifes and your families' Have a nice Ride through 2014! MZ-Brothers RO Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
jigoro cano 234 Napisano Decembar 31, 2013 Zainteresovan, 978 postova Lokacija: Novi Sad Motocikl: MZ 175/1 ES , MZ 250 ETS ,ETZ 250 , 2 komada trkacka MZ-a (u pripremi), KTM LC4 , MZ 660 Mastif Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Thank you, a lot of happy miles with and MZ motorcycles! (And the fans thereof) Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
drumskalisica 8741 Napisano Decembar 31, 2013 Ne silazi, 5900 postova Lokacija: Novi Sad - Cacak, Srbija Motocikl: Suzuki GS 400, Sacsh Madas 125, Piaggio Zip, Tomos Targa, Honda NX 650 Dominator Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Thanks for the good wishes and what you want. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
zverinjak 403 Napisano Decembar 31, 2013 Drug član, 2681 postova Lokacija: Beograd Motocikl: MZ ETZ 250, NSU SuperMax 250, Kawa GPZ500S i 1100 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Thanks Owene...same wishes to you, our mechanical brother! Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
boban(guga) 293 Napisano Decembar 31, 2013 Drug član, 1063 postova Lokacija: st banovci Motocikl: mz Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Hvala brate sve najbolje tebi i tvojima Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...