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Rever Corsa Ducati 1198 Superbike

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  • Svrati ponekad, 103 postova

Rever Corsa custom motorcycles are built from a carbon fibre base, repeated in most of the components of the bike including carbon fairing, wheels and fuel tank. Other parts used are Ohlins and Brembo kits in black, and Rizoma black alluminium components. Rever Corsa bikes are also equipped with Speedymoto calipers, Akrapovich Titanium and NCR titanium clutch.


Following this philosophy, the Ducati Superbike 1198 has been recreated in both road and racing versions. Like all Rever Corsa Ducatis, this one is made to measure: a quote is made on request, with prices ranging from 57,500 dollars for the Standard Strada (road) up to 140,000 dollars for the Extreme racing version, which includes all the road modifications in addition to a kit for track use.


For more details on the Rever Corsa Ducati Superbike 1198 see the Rever Corsa site. They also have a version of the Ducati Monster 1100 which is to die for. You’ll need your chequebook but it all depends on where your priorities lie!







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  • U prolazu, 81 postova
  • Motocikl: Yamaha Fazer

Da li neko ima predstavu, koliko ovo čudo može da ima kilograma?

Kad vidim kakvi se materijali koriste, živo me interesuje.


Nigde nisam mogao da pronađem na NET-u.

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  • Zainteresovan, 730 postova
  • Lokacija: Kotor Varos (Republika Srpska) - Novi Sad

Da li neko ima predstavu, koliko ovo čudo može da ima kilograma?



Duplo manje nego konjskih snaga  ;D


Inace nisam neki ljubitelj Ducatia, ali ovo je  :o


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  • Zainteresovan, 537 postova
  • Lokacija: Virovitica
  • Motocikl: 916 SPS; M900;A35 AML Racing

Rever Corsa custom motorcycles are built from a carbon fibre base, repeated in most of the components of the bike including carbon fairing, wheels and fuel tank. Other parts used are Ohlins and Brembo kits in black, and Rizoma black alluminium components. Rever Corsa bikes are also equipped with Speedymoto calipers, Akrapovich Titanium and NCR titanium clutch.


Following this philosophy, the Ducati Superbike 1198 has been recreated in both road and racing versions. Like all Rever Corsa Ducatis, this one is made to measure: a quote is made on request, with prices ranging from 57,500 dollars for the Standard Strada (road) up to 140,000 dollars for the Extreme racing version, which includes all the road modifications in addition to a kit for track use.


For more details on the Rever Corsa Ducati Superbike 1198 see the Rever Corsa site. They also have a version of the Ducati Monster 1100 which is to die for. You’ll need your chequebook but it all depends on where your priorities lie!


Da bi ovo napravio u privatnoj režiji treba ti puuuno manje i od početne razlike od( RC Ducati57.500-20.000original Ducati)=37.500 dolara

Za 37.500 dolara dobiješ još jednog 1198 + karbon + hrpu dodatne opreme .

1198 Strada-                      20.000

karbon oplate i rezervar-- 2-2.500

Ohlins prednji i zadnji-          4.000

rizoma komplet-                     1.500

Akrapovič sa elektronikom-   2.500

eloksiranje i bojanje na crno-1.000

posao-                                   3.000


UKUPNO-                    35.000-35.500

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  • Drug član, 2777 postova
  • Lokacija: Sr.Mitrovica
  • Motocikl: FJR 1300 , TTR 600 / SM

Rever Corsa custom motorcycles are built from a carbon fibre base, repeated in most of the components of the bike including carbon fairing, wheels and fuel tank. Other parts used are Ohlins and Brembo kits in black, and Rizoma black alluminium components. Rever Corsa bikes are also equipped with Speedymoto calipers, Akrapovich Titanium and NCR titanium clutch.


Following this philosophy, the Ducati Superbike 1198 has been recreated in both road and racing versions. Like all Rever Corsa Ducatis, this one is made to measure: a quote is made on request, with prices ranging from 57,500 dollars for the Standard Strada (road) up to 140,000 dollars for the Extreme racing version, which includes all the road modifications in addition to a kit for track use.


For more details on the Rever Corsa Ducati Superbike 1198 see the Rever Corsa site. They also have a version of the Ducati Monster 1100 which is to die for. You’ll need your chequebook but it all depends on where your priorities lie!


Da bi ovo napravio u privatnoj režiji treba ti puuuno manje i od početne razlike od( RC Ducati57.500-20.000original Ducati)=37.500 dolara

Za 37.500 dolara dobiješ još jednog 1198 + karbon + hrpu dodatne opreme .

1198 Strada-                      20.000

karbon oplate i rezervar-- 2-2.500

Ohlins prednji i zadnji-          4.000

rizoma komplet-                     1.500

Akrapovič sa elektronikom-   2.500

eloksiranje i bojanje na crno-1.000

posao-                                   3.000


UKUPNO-                    35.000-35.500

Pa to se isplati sklapati i preprodavati! ;)

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  • Ducatista, 2915 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

Ni meni nije jasno zasto su mu toliko nakrljali cenu ? Ok, kapiram da za trkacku masinu treba odvojiti kintu ali za ulicnu... Pa 1098 R je valjda 36.000e, pre bi to uzeo nego ovo.

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

Ni meni nije jasno zasto su mu toliko nakrljali cenu ? Ok, kapiram da za trkacku masinu treba odvojiti kintu ali za ulicnu... Pa 1098 R je valjda 36.000e, pre bi to uzeo nego ovo.

Pozuri onda dok ih jos ima.Kad se rasprodaju zalihe u priozvodnji ostaju samo 848 i 1198  ;)

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

Da se tako izrazim "obican" 1098 i model S vise nisu u proizvodnji.Njihova braca model R i Troy Bayliss zbog situacije (i ne samo zbog nje) prave se u strogo limitiranim serijama

Receno mi je da se sprema verzija 848 koja bi trebala da ima blizu 140 KS,pa ce ona u neku ruku da bude zamena za 1098


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  • Ducatista, 2915 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

Dozvoli... (nekada sam bio najglasniji Ducati zagovornik na ovim stranama  8)) 1098 R Bayliss je pravljen kao limitirana serija od valjda 500 komada , a 1098 R nije limitiran i moze se poruciti i danas tj najverovatnije do salona u Milanu kada bi trebao da se pojavi 1198 R (vrlo verovatno je da ce se tada predstaviti i 848 R zajedno sa jos 2 nova modela od kojih je jedan Hyper 796). Poslednja R serija koja je bila limitirana je bila 998 ili cak mozda 999 ali za to nisam 100% siguran. Sto se tice zamene za 1098 to je iskljucivo 1198, a 848 je pravljen da bude zamena 749ici ili da bude jeftinija verzija superbika.

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