djura 28 Napisano Septembar 27, 2005 Drug član, 2245 postova Lokacija: Beograd Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Nisam mislio da cu ikada ista ovde da postujem. Je'iga, ne volim da razmisljam o negativnim stvarima. Danas odem da vidim sta ima novo na stranicu koju redovno posecujem i imam sta da vidim. Na ovoj stranici imate objasnjenje kako se nesreca dogodila: Koga mrzi da cita sve, ovo objasnjenja tipa koji je bio u grupi sa njim: We got to Idyywild and stopped to have something to eat just before 11:00am. After that we headed down the grade to a lookout point about halfway down the mountain. I think the road is highway 243, but I could be mistaken. We all stopped and regrouped there. We were really enjoying the ride. This route was why we had come to the area for the ride. Your Dad was having a great time and it showed. We all left from there, Bob and I in front, with the rest behind us. Bob and I went all the way to the bottom and stopped, after just a few minutes with no one there yet we realized something was not right. We then headed back up the mountain. We then came to the scene that was not more than a mile or two from the previous stop at the lookout. I don't want to go into too much detail here. I will say that it was not a place where you would have expected a crash to occur. It was a slight downhill grade coming into a long gentle sweeping turn to the left. It was not a sharp turn and definately not a danger. For whatever reason, your Dad did not turn. He went straight from the road and direction of travel across a gravel drive and down an embankment parallel with the road. I was not there, but Paul, Marc and Steve where and they got to him right away. I will let them tell whatever details they can to clear up any confusion that we can about this trajedy. I too am very confused about how this happened. It was not a rider error in my opinion. There are no signs of skid, no reason to go off the road there. Your Dad was a good rider and would not have made a mistake like this. Obratite paznju na to da je covek iskusan i veoma dobar vozac i da se nesreca dogodila i potpuno bezazlenoj krivini. Sve ovo pisem da bih sebi a i vama skrenuo paznju na to koliko je koncentracija bitna prilikom voznje. Svima nam se desi da se opustimo...ponese nas put, raspolozenje, lepo vreme,'iga - u nasem hobiju, to moze da bude fatalna greska. Koga ne mrzi, neka procita, moze samo da mu koristi Evo i slike tipa koje je poginuo. Verujem da je znao da vozi: Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pablo 1965 Napisano Septembar 27, 2005 Vlasnik sajta, 5375 postova Lokacija: Beograd, Srbija Motocikl: BMW R1200 GS Adv, S1000RR; Beta 350RR Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Bas potresan tekst. Strasno je kako covek ne sme da se opusti i odluta mislima dok je na motoru, pa bas ni na sekund... Taj lik je ocigledno pred samu krivinu nesto pomislio drugo i nije primetio gde ide... RIP Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pablo 1965 Napisano Septembar 27, 2005 Vlasnik sajta, 5375 postova Lokacija: Beograd, Srbija Motocikl: BMW R1200 GS Adv, S1000RR; Beta 350RR Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Evo neceg slicnog... ali sa cbr foruma... ostao covek nepokretan, uprkos svoj opremi koju je imao... Kad te nece, nece te... Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...