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Moto Zajednica

Vijesti, nagadjanja, prdoklacenja,...sve sto je vezano za sezonu 2009

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  • Drug član, 2110 postova
  • Lokacija: Zrenjanin
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSX-R 1000 L1 SBK; MV Agusta F4 1000 S; Ducati 996 S; Aprilia RSV4 RF; Suzuki GSX-S 1000 M0; Suzuki GSF 1200 N

Eto vele da ce i komsije Bugari da dobiju GP trku za dve godine, tacnije 2011. U planu je izgradnja staze po FIM standardima, pa ce pored Madjarske, Bugarska biti druga zemlja u okruzenju koja ce ugostiti Rossija i kompaniju.


Eto, toliko... A mi? Sto bi rekli Indeksovci "uskoro, vrlo uskoro.... cim bude bilo struje!"  >:(


Izvor: motori.hr

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  • Ducatista, 2912 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

Gledao sam pre neki dan retrospektivu SM sezone na MotorsTv. Kao poslednju trku u tom delu su ostavili neku trku nacija, slicnu onoj koja se organizuje u Moto Krosu. Ta trka se vozila u Bugarskoj na stazi koja je komplet asflatirana, ali genijalci nisu izbacili samo stazu nalik onima za karting, nego su napravili sve skokove i zajebancije i bacili asfalt preko njih. Vrlo COOOL ako smem da napomenem. Znam samo da je komentator rekao da je to jedina takva staza na svetu. E sad ne sumnjam da su oni to napakovali tudjim donacijama (mislim da je glavni covek na stazi Britanac), ali o5, treba im odati priznanje.

POsle ove polukvalitetne digresije, vrlo mi je lako da zakljucim da mogu da naprave stazu i za MotoGp.

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  • Drug član, 1467 postova
  • Lokacija: Mladenovac
  • Motocikl: k25

Imam jedno pitanje.Zastto su oni bolji od nas?

Letos sam bio na letovanju u bugarskoj,tako da sam iz

prilozenog video da su oni stoga nevidjena.


Primorski deo je sredjen zbog turista, a malo dalje od toga...

tiha jeza.Malo bolje od karton-city-ja.

Ali ce oni da imaju GP,a mi stagniramo,jos ko zna koliko...  :'( :'(

Zalosno. :'( :'( :'(

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  • Drug član, 2110 postova
  • Lokacija: Zrenjanin
  • Motocikl: Suzuki GSX-R 1000 L1 SBK; MV Agusta F4 1000 S; Ducati 996 S; Aprilia RSV4 RF; Suzuki GSX-S 1000 M0; Suzuki GSF 1200 N


  :-[ :-[ :-[


Malo sam izgleda preterao sa "bozicnom atnosferom", pa mi utice na pamcenje.  :-[ :-[ :-[



Evo, sam ce je zakljucam da se ne duplira. Izvinjavam se urednicima.  :-[

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  • Drug član, 1073 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd.........Srbija.......
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adventure 2014 - Touratech oprema full + F650GS Dakar

Evo kako Tanjug javlja a Direktor dojavljuje, hoce i Bugari svoj Moto GP.


Znao sam da hoce da prave stazu, ali da ce 2011 godine dobiti i svoj Moto GP ,e to nisam znao.



    PLOVDIV, Bugarska, 1. decembra (Tanjug) - Evropska motociklisticcka unija (UEM) odobrila je projekat izgradnje moderne piste u bugarskom gradu Plovdivu, na kojoj che se, poccev od 2011. godine, odrzzavati "gran pri"-trke, saopsstio je predsednik nacionalnog saveza Rumen Petkov.

    On je dodao da se Motociklisticcka federacija Bugarske odluccila na ovakav kapitalni poduhvati, possto je UEM Sevljevo i Pleven proglasila za najbolje motokros-staze u Evropi.


Svaka cast komsijama ako uspiju u naumu, eto mogli bi onda imati jos jednu stazu u komsiluku.


Mixa prijatelju.............mala dopuna i ispravka,

Staza "Sevlievo" jeste proglasena najboljom MX stazom na svetu i u Evropi i to od strane FIM i UEM jos 2005. godine i to su ponovili i 2006.

Staza u gradu Pleven NIJE motokros (MX) staza, to je stari vojni aerodrom (pripadao nekadasnjem Istocnom bloku sa USSR na celu) na kome se odrzavaju brzinske moto trke (Road Racing) i od nedavno - od 2006. i Supermoto (SM) trke.

Prosle godine je Bogdan Nikolov (inace "gazda" BMF - Bugarske moto federacije) napravio stazu za Supermoto unutar starog aerodroma u Plevenu i asfaltirao celu stazu - sto je presedan u disciplini SM. Ocigledno je da mu je UEM to dozvolio jer po pravilniku oko 30 % duzine staze MORA biti od zemlje, ostatak asfalt. Bogdan je izuzetno jak u UEM i grabi velikim koracima u moto sportu Bugarske.............Bogdan je inace Sampion Evropski u 125 cc Road Racing pre dvadesetak godina......i Ducatijev probni vozac svojevremeno....


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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Posto niko nije odavno "prdoklacio" :) evo ja cu!


Naime, 2. februara ce biti predstavljen Yamasin MotoGP motocikl za sezonu 2009 kojim ce ta fabrika pokusati da odbrani titulu medju firmama a NJ.V. Rosi medju vozacima. Na tom predstavljanju ce i Lorenco "predstaviti" svoj novi broj za ovu sezonu! ;)




E sad, i ako po kladionicama Rosi ima velike sanse da odbrani titulu, u Dukatiju se nadaju da on to nece uspeti! Trsavi Stoner kaze da je sve sto je potrebno za osvajanje titule - da funkcionisu kao u drugom delu prosle sezone! "Znam da sam dovoljno brz da ga pobedim (Rosija prim.prev.), ali u tome nisam sam. Pedrosa to zna, Lorenco to zna, a verovatno postoji jos par vozaca koji ce se ove godine eksponirati", kaze svetski prvak iz 2007-me.




Jel sam lepo ovo preveo? :) BTW, kaze li se prdoklacio ili prdoklatio???  ::)

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  • Ne silazi, 5816 postova
  • Lokacija: Minhen
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki H2 SX SE '23 / Triumph R3 Storm R '24

John Hopkins bi mogao da se pridruži Sete Gibernau u Onde 2000 timu ako Nieto Brothers i Francisco Hernandez ubede Ducati da im pozajme još jedan GP9.


Umesto 18, ove godine bi mogli da imamo 17 trka jer radovi na mađarskom Balatonring kasne tako da pista možda neće biti spremna za spektakl najavljen 20. septembra. Šteta ako tako bude jer verujem da su mnogi od nas planirali da gledaju ovu trku uživo.


Finansijska kriza je toliko pogodila MotoGP da će neki timovi ove godine leteti ekonomskom klasom, umesto uobičajene biznis.


Konj po imenu Marco Melandri je pobedio u trci u Montegiorgiou ;D


MotoGP trkač Marco Melandri je pokušao da pridobije nove sponzore gostovanjem na italijanskom radiju DeeJay.



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  • Ne silazi, 5816 postova
  • Lokacija: Minhen
  • Motocikl: Kawasaki H2 SX SE '23 / Triumph R3 Storm R '24

Bimota planira proizvodnju ramova namenjenih privatnih timovima u Moto2 (600) klasi MotoGP-a.



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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Kao sto znate, u toku je trodnevno testiranje motora za predstojecu MotoGP sezonu na stazi Sepang. Prvog dana testiranja najbolje vreme postigao je Kapirosi na potpuno novom Suzukiju. Motor je za sezonu 2009 kreiran prakticno od nule, prema Kapirosijevim sugestijama. Na drugom mestu se zaustavio svetski prvak iz 2007-me Stoner, kojeg jos uvek muci povreda clanka leve ruke, na kom jos uvek oseca posledice operacije izvrsene odmah po zavrsetku proslogodisnje sezone. Trece vreme na testiranju je postigao proslogodisnji svetski prvak Valentino Rosi, koji jos oseca posledice namestanja zavese.


1 Loris CAPIROSSI Team Suzuki 2:01.869 - - 37

2 Casey STONER Marlboro Ducati 2:02.038 +0.169 +0.169 34

3 Valentino ROSSI Fiat Yamaha 2:02.324 +0.286 +0.455 31

4 Chris VERMEULEN Team Suzuki 2:02.803 +0.479 +0.934 55

5 Toni ELIAS San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:02.886 +0.083 +1.017 52

6 Andrea DOVIZIOSO Repsol Honda 2:03.088 +0.202 +1.219 50

7 Colin EDWARDS Tech3 Yamaha 2:03.254 +0.166 +1.385 34

8 Dani PEDROSA Repsol Honda 2:03.312 +0.058 +1.443 44

9 Sete GIBERNAU Guinea Ecuatorial 2:03.750 +0.438 +1.881 54

10 Jorge LORENZO Fiat Yamaha 2:03.894 +0.144 +2.025 61

11 Nicky HAYDEN Ducati Marlboro 2:04.002 +0.108 +2.133 60

12 Alex DE ANGELIS San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:04.396 +0.394 +2.527 53

13 Mika KALLIO Pramac Racing 2:04.405 +0.009 +2.536 60

14 James TOSELAND Tech3 Yamaha 2:04.502 +0.097 +2.633 34

15 Randy DE PUNIET LCR Honda 2:04.882 +0.380 +3.013 61

16 Yamaha Test Yamaha Factory 2:05.024 +0.142 +3.155 47

17 Yuki TAKAHASHI JiR Team Scot Honda 2:05.098 +0.074 +3.229 73

18 Yamaha Test Yamaha Factory 2:05.140 +0.042 +3.271 44

19 Niccolo CANEPA Pramac Racing 2:05.270 +0.130 +3.401 45


Evo nekih detalja sa drugog dana testiranja.




Prvo vreme ovog puta ima Stoner i pored taktiziranja zbog povrede clanka. Vreme koje je postigao je za desetinku bolje od vremena koje je Daniju Pedrosi donelo pol poziciju 2008-me. Stoner je ipak veoma zabrinut jer mu clanak ne dozvoljava vise od 3 kruga voznje u kontinuitetu. Na drugom mestu je Kapirosi na Suzukiju koji pokazuje da se kod njih ne odmara. Od motora se u 2009-oj ocekuje dosta uspeha. na trecem mestu je aktuelni prvak Rosi koji je nesto poboljsao svoje jucerasnje vreme.


1 Casey STONER Ducati MarlboroTeam 2:01.483 - - 29

2 Loris CAPIROSSI Team Suzuki 2:01.555 +0.072 +0.072 45

3 Valentino ROSSI Fiat Yamaha 2:01.626 +0.071 +0.143 40

4 Dani PEDROSA Repsol Honda 2:01.860 +0.234 +0.377 51

5 Chris VERMEULEN Team Suzuki 2:02.086 +0.226 +0.603 52

6 Toni ELIAS San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:02.232 +0.146 +0.749 51

7 Colin EDWARDS Tech3 Yamaha 2:02.241 +0.009 +0.758 37

8 Andrea DOVIZIOSO Repsol Honda 2:02.434 +0.193 +0.951 44

9 Nicky HAYDEN Ducati Marlboro Team 2:03.034 +0.600 +1.551 58

10 Jorge LORENZO Fiat Yamaha 2:03.056 +0.022 +1.573 51

11 Sete GIBERNAU Guinea Ecuatorial 2:03.308 +0.252 +1.825 40

12 Alex DE ANGELIS San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:03.518 +0.210 +2.035 40

13 Mika KALLIO Pramac Racing 2:03.774 +0.256 +2.291 55

14 Niccolo CANEPA Pramac Racing 2:04.021 +0.247 +2.538 45

15 Yamaha Test Yamaha Factory 2:04.312 +0.291 +2.829 36

16 Yuki TAKAHASHI Scot Racing Team 2:04.332 +0.020 +2.849 65

17 Randy DE PUNIET LCR Honda 2:04.507 +0.175 +3.024 48

18 Yamaha Test Yamaha Factory 2:04.536 +0.029 +3.053 50

19 James TOSELAND Tech3 Yamaha 2:04.597 +0.061 +3.114 36


A evo i rezultata treceg dana testiranja...


1 Casey STONER Ducati MarlboroTeam 2:01.043 - - 38

2 Valentino ROSSI Fiat Yamaha 2:01.137 +0.094 +0.094 43

3 Loris CAPIROSSI Team Suzuki 2:01.262 +0.125 +0.219 60

4 Colin EDWARDS Tech3 Yamaha 2:01.413 +0.151 +0.370 22

5 Toni ELIAS San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:01.560 +0.147 +0.517 43

6 Chris VERMEULEN Team Suzuki 2:01.666 +0.106 +0.623 48

7 Jorge LORENZO Fiat Yamaha 2:01.907 +0.241 +0.864 61

8 Andrea DOVIZIOSO Repsol Honda 2:01.955 +0.048 +0.912 54

9 Mika KALLIO Pramac Racing 2:02.386 +0.431 +1.343 61

10 Nicky HAYDEN Ducati Marlboro Team 2:02.497 +0.111 +1.454 62

11 Alex DE ANGELIS San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:02.523 +0.026 +1.480 32

12 Sete GIBERNAU Guinea Ecuatorial 2:02.727 +0.204 +1.684 42

13 Randy DE PUNIET LCR Honda 2:03.418 +0.691 +2.375 50

14 Yuki TAKAHASHI Scot Racing Team 2:03.474 +0.056 +2.431 58

15 Niccolo CANEPA Pramac Racing 2:03.901 +0.427 +2.858 41

16 James TOSELAND Tech3 Yamaha 2:03.953 +0.052 +2.910 36

17 Yamaha Test Yamaha Factory 2:04.328 +0.375 +3.285 38

18 Yamaha Test Yamaha Factory 2:04.614 +0.286 +3.571 33


Ekipa Yamahe je intenzivno testirala novu elektroniku koja kontrolise snagu motora prilikom izlaska iz krivina, koja bi trebala da dozvoli ranije dodavanje gasa. Slicnim poslom se bavio i drugi Ducatijev tim sa Gibernau-om na celu koji se sa Haydenom drzi zlatne sredine sto se vremena u Sepangu tice.




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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Testiranje SBK modela za 2009-tu godinu, Phillip Island:


1. Fabrizio (Ducati) 1'32"19;

2. Haga (Ducati) 1'32"30;

3. Spies (Yamaha) 1'32"36;

4. Neukirchner (Suzuki) 1'32"59;

5. Kagayama (Suzuki) 1'32"78;

6. Corser (BMW) 1'32"93;

7. Rea (Honda) 1'32"96;

8. Sykes (Yamaha) 1'33"10;

9. Xaus (BMW) 1'33"53.

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  • Svakom po zasluzi, 12450 postova
  • Lokacija: NBGD - KN04ET
  • Motocikl: Honde Transalp, plavi i narandžasti, oba za dečake

...jedan mali malecki off:  je l' "prdoklačenje" ili "prdoklaćenje" kad već ne pišete čćžšđ?!!

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  • U prolazu, 13 postova
  • Lokacija: Novi Sad
  • Motocikl: R1200GS


British Eurosport to screen MotoGP


Eurosport - Fri, 27 Feb 13:18:00 2009


British Eurosport will continue to screen MotoGP in 2009 after striking a deal with rights-holder Dorna and the BBC.



The new arrangement will see British Eurosport provide the following coverage of motorcycling's premier series:


- Full live coverage of all practice and qualifying sessions for 125cc, 250cc and MotoGP classes and live coverage of all 125cc and 250cc races.


- MotoGP races broadcast in full, delayed by one hour from the start of the race.


- Commentary from Toby Moody and Julian Ryder, although Randy Mamola will no longer be part of the team.


- Video On Demand footage of its MotoGP coverage for a seven-day period following each GP: this content is available online via the Eurosport Player. Click the link below the photo for more information.


British Eurosport worked hard in the off-season to try and ensure the popular series was back on screens for the first race of 2009 and is delighted to have secured a sub-licensing deal from the BBC and Dorna.


The return of MotoGP for 2009 completes British Eurosport's grand slam of motorcycle racing rights. MotoGP joins live coverage for every round of the 2009 World Superbike Championship and the British Superbike Championship.


Dave Kerr, Director of British Eurosport said: "It's really the best news possible that we'll have this fantastic series back on British Eurosport after all and we owe a massive thanks to all the fans who championed our coverage.


"Toby and Julian are back and I hope many of those fans will return to enjoy our presentation. MotoGP will remain a massive priority in our schedules and our viewers will still be able to see every minute of every race weekend on British Eurosport."


The 2009 MotoGP season begins on April 12 in Qatar.


British Eurosport is available on Sky channel 410 and Virgin Media channel 521, and on the Eurosport Player. Click the link below the photo for more information.

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  • Drug član, 2318 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd-Vracar


Da ne otvaram novu temu,

Na ovonedeljnom testiranju u Qataru Stoner je bio brzi 6 desetinki od Rossi-ja i Edwardsa.

Ovo testiranje je obelezio tezak pad Pedroze koji je obnovio povredu noge i pitanje je da li ce biti 100% spreman za pocetak sezone....

Toliko za sada....

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  • Teoreticar ..., 12115 postova
  • Lokacija: Lazarevac
  • Motocikl: BMW R1200GS Adv

Ha! Koliko me sećanje služi ovaj majstor obično i popravi! ;D


Jeste se malo popravio, ali nedovoljno :)


1. Casey Stoner, Ducati Marlboro Team - 1'56.301 (20)

2. Valentino Rossi, Fiat Yamaha Team - 1'56.972 (36)

3. Nicky Hayden, Ducati Marlboro Team - 1'57.225 (36)

4. Loris Capirossi, Suzuki MotoGP - 1'57.253 (26)

5. Jorge Lorenzo, Fiat Yamaha Team - 1'57.414 (41)

6. Colin Edwards, Monster Yamaha Tech3 - 1'57.515 (46)

7. Chris Vermeulen, Suzuki MotoGP - 1'57.741 (39)

8. Andrea Dovizioso, Repsol Honda - 1'57.816 (32)

9. Mika Kallio, Pramac Racing - 1'57.938 (36)

10. Niccolo Canepa, Pramac Racing - 1'57.946 (32)

11. Randy De Puniet, LCR Honda MotoGP - 1'58.243 (32)

12. Alex De Angelis, San Carlo Honda Gresini - 1'58.302 (34)

13. Yuki Takahashi, Scot Racing Team - 1'58.455 (34)

14. Toni Elias, San Carlo Honda Gresini - 1'58.565 (32)

15. James Toseland, Monster Yamaha Tech3 - 1'59.177 (30)

16. Marco Melandri, Hayate Racing Team - 1'59.575 (34)


Pazi ti Hajdena! Izgleda da sa Desmom prelazi na "ti"! :) E da, losa vest je da ce Pedrosa morati na operaciju ramena i kolena...

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  • Ducatista, 2912 postova
  • Lokacija: Pancevo
  • Motocikl: beše Ducati 998

Ako smem da doprinesem sa malim info from da house  ;D


Textovi su na engleskom doduse ali verujem da cete se snaci


Qatar Test

Sunday Mar 01 2009Qatar Test

Day 1




The first day of a three-day test for the Ducati Marlboro Team got

underway after a minor setback in Losail, where the desert landscape

was hit by rain! With a scheduled start of 6pm local time, the session

was interrupted almost immediately by a red flag after a light downpour,

which lasted barely ten minutes. Several riders, Nicky Hayden included,

got a handful of laps in before returning to join the rest of the riders

watching the weather from pit-lane.



At around 9pm a group of rider representatives, including Stoner and

Rossi, convened with the circuit officials to discuss the state of the track

not only because of the rain but also because of the sand that had blown

onto the surface beforehand. With the section between turns 11 and 12

still damp, the riders continued to wait and at around 10:30pm track

action resumed, although Rossi, Lorenzo, Pedrosa, Capirossi and Stoner

decided to wait for better conditions tomorrow.



Nicky Hayden completed a total of 31 laps, including the fastest of the

day. As usual the American was prepared to make the best of the

conditions, testing some electronic updates and a new fork. 



Nicky Hayden (Ducati Marlboro Team), fastest lap:  2’02.717  (on lap 29

of 31)



“I haven’t seen rain in Qatar in all my life and I never thought I would! But

today we’d barely got the bike on track and it started to come down.  We

had to spend a long time in the garage because even though a part of the

track had dried out there was a section that stayed damp for a while. The

track conditions were tricky and there wasn’t much feedback, which

meant we couldn’t do the work we had planned. We’ve got a few different

things to try so hopefully the weather is better tomorrow so we can get

some work done.”


Losail Circuit

Circuit Record: Casey Stoner (Ducati – 2008) 1’55.153

Best pole: Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha – 2008) 1’53.927

Unofficial lap times  01/03/2009


1. Nicky Hayden (Ducati) 2’00.717 (31 laps)

2. Marco Melandri (Kawasaki) 2’00.867 (35)

3. Mika Kallio (Ducati) 2’01.020 (29)

4. Alex De Angelis (Honda) 2’01.074 (15)

5. Niccolò Canepa (Ducati) 2’01.328 (26)

6. Chris Vermeulen (Suzuki) 2’01.843 (6)

7. Yuki Takahashi (Honda) 2’03.221 (18)

8. Andrea Dovizioso (Honda) 2’03.233 (15)

9. James Toseland (Yamaha) 2’03.417 (7)

10. Randy De Puniet (Honda) 2’03.580 (18)

11. Colin Edwards (Yamaha) 2’03.652 (5)

12. Toni Elias (Honda) 2’08.637 (3)

13. Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 2’24.832 (1)


Qatar Test

Tuesday Mar 03 2009Qatar Test

Day 2




It looked like it was set to be another difficult night in the desert after a blustery day in Doha but last night’s fortunes were reversed as the strong winds dropped at the Losail circuit just as the riders went to work on the second day of a three-day test in the capital of Qatar.


It was a welcome turn of fate for the MotoGP riders and in particular the Ducati Marlboro Team, who had work to do not only on the new swingarm and electronics for the Desmosedici GP9 but also on checking the physical condition of former World Champion Casey Stoner, who is recovering from a wrist operation.


Stoner set the fastest lap of the day and was satisfied not only with his pace but also with his recovery. The Australian only tried the new swingarm at the very end of the session and will wait until tomorrow before making a full evaluation. Hayden, who had to start virtually from scratch with set-up after a rain-hit first day, took a step forward in comparison to Malaysia but admits there is still work to be done.


Casey Stoner (Ducati Marlboro Team), fastest time:  1’57.139  (on lap 23)



“We have worked well and we’ve made progress with the set-up of the GP9 so it has been a positive day despite the difficult track conditions. Pretty much the same goes for the wrist – it’s obviously still not 100% yet but it is better than Malaysia and better than I was expecting for this test, so it’s looking hopeful from that point of view too. In general I am satisfied.”


Nicky Hayden (Ducati Marlboro Team), fastest time:  1’58.577  (on lap 52)



“The way the day started out I didn’t even expect to be riding tonight. The wind was so strong but luckily it turned and we were able to start working seriously on the set-up, adapting the bike to this circuit because the conditions were so strange yesterday that we didn’t gather any useful data. Things are going better than Malaysia, my feeling is improved but there is obviously still a lot of work to do.”


Losail Circuit

Circuit Record: Casey Stoner (Ducati – 2008) 1’55.153

Best pole: Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha – 2008) 1’53.927



Unofficial lap times: Monday  02/03/2009


1.    Casey Stoner Ducati Marlboro Team 1:57.139 (37 giri)

2.    Valentino Rossi Fiat Yamaha Team 1:57.747 (51)

3.    Colin Edwards Tech3 Yamaha 1:57.817 (41)

4.    Andrea Dovizioso Repsol Honda 1:57.879 (60)

5.    Chris Vermeulen Suzuki MotoGP 1:58.018 (24)

6.    Loris Capirossi Suzuki MotoGP 1:58.264 (42)

7.    Jorge Lorenzo Fiat Yamaha Team 1:58.400 (63)

8.    Alex De Angelis San Carlo Honda Gresini 1:58.441 (53)

9.    Nicky Hayden Ducati Marlboro Team 1:58.577 (54)

10.    Dani Pedrosa Repsol Honda 1:58.619 (28)

11.    Randy De Puniet LCR Honda MotoGP 1:58.936 (55)

12.    Toni Elias San Carlo Honda Gresini 1:59.036 (56)

13.    Yuki Takahashi Scot Racing Team 2:00.153 (65)

14.    Marco Melandri Hayate Racing Team 1:59.195 (63)

15.    Niccolo Canepa Pramac Racing 1:59.266 (36)

16.    Mika Kallio Pramac Racing 1:59.764 (48)

17.    James Toseland Tech3 Yamaha 2:00.234 (51)


Qatar Test

Tuesday Mar 03 2009Qatar Test

Day 3





The deserts of Qatar are the last place you would expect to find an English climate but that is exactly what has greeted the MotoGP riders over a three-day test that ended today with low temperatures making for tricky track conditions after Sunday’s rain and yesterday’s high winds. Three riders were caught out by the conditions - Loris Capirossi, Niccolò Canepa and Casey Stoner all crashing but fortunately escaping without injury.


The Ducati Marlboro Team’s Australian rider was able to return to the track immediately, shaking off any after effects with a series of hot laps including two efforts inside the 1’56 mark. His quickest time of 1’55.744 would prove to be the fastest overall, even though he stayed in his garage for the final available hour as track conditions got even more difficult and dangerous.


Nicky Hayden can also look back on a positive test, the American finishing up in the top five of the unofficial standings, just a few tenths of a second off the second placed rider.


The next appointment for the Ducati Marlboro Team is the final test session of the 2009 preseason at Jerez de la Frontera, in the south of Spain on the 28th and 29th March.


Casey Stoner (Ducati Marlboro Team), fastest lap:  1’55.744 (on lap 22 of 31)



“I’m obviously very happy with the lap time and the rhythm we put together today although I would have liked to have been able to get a few more laps in and test some more stuff. We knew the track conditions would get worse at around ten o’clock and that proved to be the case. The crash was on the way into turn 2 and it was very similar to the one here last year – practically from an upright position. I got straight back on the other bike but with such an unpredictable track we decided to finish an hour early because the conditions were only getting worse. We still managed to try a few things with the electronics – some of them good and some not so good and we confirmed the good feeling I had yesterday with the new swingarm, although we still need more time to work on it and that’s what we’ll be doing at Jerez. The wrist has responded quite well – it’s not as painful as it was at Sepang even though the mobility still hasn’t improved much. We’ll have to see how at feels at circuits with harder braking and more left-hand corners, which is where I struggle the most.”


Nicky Hayden (Ducati Marlboro Team), fastest lap:  1’57.225  (on lap 35 of 53)



“That was definitely a good day and we’ve made plenty of progress so I’m really pleased. I was thinking this morning that this would be the right time to take a step forward because we’ve only got two more days of testing before the season started so it’s obviously very satisfying to have done that. There is still plenty to do but my team has worked well and now we have a lot of information to work on. I got a good feel for the new swingarm straight away but we still have work to do and we need to make more comparisons with the previous version before drawing definite conclusions. I would have liked to have done more laps but after ten o’clock the conditions were on the limit, to the point that there were a few guys crashing and running straight, so we decided not to take any risks. I also did a practice start today and a test at switching bikes quickly in case of a race interrupted by rain.”


Losail Circuit

Circuit Record: Casey Stoner (Ducati – 2008) 1’55.153

Best pole: Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha – 2008) 1’53.927


Unofficial lap times Tuesday  03/03/2009


1.    Casey Stoner Ducati Marlboro Team 1:55.744

2.    Jorge Lorenzo Fiat Yamaha Team 1:56.733

3.    Valentino Rossi Fiat Yamaha Team 1:56.972

4.    Chris Vermeulen Suzuki MotoGP 1:57.224

5.    Nicky Hayden Ducati Marlboro Team 1:57.225

6.    Loris Capirossi Suzuki MotoGP 1:57.253

7.    Randy De Puniet LCR Honda MotoGP 1:57.401

8.    Andrea Dovizioso Repsol Honda 1:57.449

9.    Colin Edwards Tech3 Yamaha 1:57.515

10.    Alex De Angelis San Carlo Honda Gresini 1:57.591

11.    Toni Elias San Carlo Honda Gresini 1:57.804

12.    Mika Kallio Pramac Racing 1:57.938

13.    Niccolo Canepa Pramac Racing 1:57.946

14.    Yuki Takahashi Scot Racing Team 1:58.412

15.    James Toseland Tech3 Yamaha 1:58.786

16.    Marco Melandri Hayate Racing Team 1:58.851



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