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Jovan Ristic

BJB Novinari
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Sve što je postavio član: Jovan Ristic

  1. i ja sam za taj ugovor cuo samo na forumu . Nista, saznacemo u narednih meseca dana sta ce biti.
  2. Ako Pedrosa ostane, sta ce biti sa Lorenzom? Posto znamo da Espargaro ima potpisan ugovor sa fabrickom Yamahom, a sve su prilike da ce i Rossi ostati u Yamahi.
  3. Rezultati danasnjeg moto gp testa:
  4. nesto u fazonu da Rossi nije uvek vozio zbog para, ali da nije u redu da jos nema potpisan ugovor sa yamahom, i da ako ga potpise ne bi bilo u redu da ima manju platu od Lorenza posto je u ovom trenutku bolji od njega u sampionatu...
  5. Is It About The Money? It's June 11th and insofar as anyone outside of the factory Yamaha inner circle are aware, Valentino Rossi has not signed a new contract with Yamaha. The timeline of the situation is something like this: 2003: Rossi MotoGP championship for Repsol Honda, signs with Yamaha for 2004. 2004-2010: Rossi wins four MotoGP titles on the factory Yamaha. After six seasons he parts with Yamaha to sign with Ducati. 2011-2012: Rossi rides Marlboro Ducati in two seasons of unmitigated disaster. In late 2012 he signs a deal whereby he returns to Yamaha in 2013. 2013: Rossi returns to Yamaha, wins Assen GP. At the final race of the '13 season Rossi splits with longtime crew chief Jeremy Burgess. 2014: After saying he would decide whether he might continue to race or not after seeing the results of the first GPs, Rossi calms all fears from his fan base and sanctioning body Dorna by stating that he will continue to race and that he'd like to stay with Yamaha. Rossi, at this time, is not under contract for 2015 or beyond. 35-year old Rossi has enjoyed a complete resurgence in 2014. He has finished on the podium four times and is currently second in MotoGP points. It's immaterial, but bears mentioning that if there were no Marc Marquez in '14, all other factors remaining static, Rossi would have won an additional two GPs. At least. Rossi is keen to sign a new deal. Why hasn't one been announced? It's probably about the money. It's a convoluted situation, assuredly, with many factors to consider. For Rossi, he wants to be on the best machinery available and with the best crew. Does he have options to go elsewhere? Rossi always has options but migrating yet again to another manufacturer is a very big gamble for a rider in his mid-30s. Rossi already gambled big twice in his career and the second time--signing with Ducati--cost him immeasurably. While he was paid handsomely, the move to Ducati removed any real chance of Rossi's further assault on the MotoGP record books. Rossi has said that he wants a new two year deal with Yamaha. If one accepts that Rossi at this stage in his career receives between three and five million euros a year in salary, one might also assume that Rossi, for the last two years, has been paid probably on the lower end of that scale. Thus, with his current return to regular trips to the podium status, the Italian probably wants closer to five million a year from Yamaha for the next contract. Rossi remains one of the highest paid riders in MotoGP, and in motorsports. In 2012 Forbes estimated his income at over twenty million dollars. However, the last twenty-four months have seen Rossi push his VR46 brand and sales. Doing so certainly helps Rossi's bottom line. For Yamaha there are a multitude of factors to consider. Yamaha already has a rider on the team that they are paying a fortune. Lorenzo is near the top of the MotoGP pay scale, which even with his hiccups this season, there's little doubt he is worth every penny. But Yamaha has already taken an additional hit on the Lorenzo financial front when they had to presumably extract Lorenzo from his Rockstar contract when the team signed with Monster. Yamaha has used the new association with Rossi to their advantage, signing several new sponsors including Movistar. Would these sponsorships have happened without Rossi under the blue banner of Yamaha? While somewhat debatable it's undeniable that for a sponsor, signing a deal with a team is much easier when the most popular motorcycle racer in the world will be wearing your brand. Can Yamaha replace Rossi? Everyone is replaceable but since Cal Crutchlow left Yamaha for Ducati there isn't a real heir apparent in the Yamaha chain right now. Pol Espargaro? Certainly not ready for a shot at the factory team. Bradley Smith? Potentially, but that would be a huge gamble for Yamaha. Dani Pedrosa, Stefan Bradl and others are available at this time as well, but while Pedrosa could probably slip into that team and be competitive quickly, he's no Rossi. Rossi probably wants a two year deal paying him about five million euro a year. All in all he's probably worth it, and he's probably going to get it--from Yamaha. Pocela su ,,bockanja" oko potpisivanja ugovora...
  6. Michelin ce postati snabdevac guma od 2016. kad se brdgestone povuce. http://www.motogp.com/en/news/2014/Michelin+to+become+MotoGP+Official+Tyre+supplier
  7. Ok. Neka MM i ima bolji motor od Pedrose, ali sta je onda bilo prosle godine? Tu su i Pedrosa i Marqez imali 100% podjednake motore ( cak je mozda Pedrosa imao povlasceniji status posto verujem da nisu ocekivali da Marqez uzme titulu) pa je opet Marqez uzeo titulu i obarao rekorde. Marquez ima talenta, petlje, dobar motor, smirenost i trenutno nije niko u njegovoj glavi i zato je toliko bolji od ostalih. Cini mi se da su se svi (osim Rossija) pomirili sa sudbinom da ce tesko pobediti ove sezone pa se i ne trude previse.
  8. Rossi nikad nije dozvolio sebi da odustane od borbe. Cak i kad je vozio za Ducati uvek se borio. Lorenzo jeste dobar vozac, ali cim mu malo motor ne odgovara odmah tone kao kamen... Sa ovim boldovanim se nikako ne bih slozio. I te kako je kljoknuo, narocito druge godine u Dukatiju. Nekako mi se cini da je na dnu bio bas u Laguna seki i pada u vadicepu. Sem toga, sta znaci borio se?? Otreso je nekoliko puta i potom vozio ko baba. Sam je to vise puta rekao, tek tad se divio Stoneru koji je sa uspehom vozio onu azdaju. U pravu si, ali je do tad bar pokusavao nesto da uradi, nije bio u ovom stanju u kakovm je sad Lorenzo, ima konkurentan motor a ne moze da se sastavi. Izgleda da mu je opet potreban psihijatar.
  9. Rossi nikad nije dozvolio sebi da odustane od borbe. Cak i kad je vozio za Ducati uvek se borio. Lorenzo jeste dobar vozac, ali cim mu malo motor ne odgovara odmah tone kao kamen...
  10. Dogovrili su se, Rossi sad propusti njega, a on Rossija u Mudjelu i svi srecni
  11. Zato ih je Rossi i napustio 2003...
  12. Marc Marqez produzio ugovor za hondom do kraja 2016.
  13. Bradl ide u sredu pod noz, a Pedrosa u cetvrtak http://motomatters.com/news/2014/05/06/arm_pump_update_pedrosa_has_surgery_tues.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MotoGPMatters+%28MotoMatters%29
  14. Trka pocinje http://gofirstrow.eu/watch/256831/1/watch-wsbk-gp-assen,-netherlands---supersport-.html
  15. Komunikacija izmedju sudija je bila u prekidu pa nisu hteli da pocnu dok se to nije resilo.
  16. Legenda :'( :'( :'(
  17. Imas pivo za ovu recenicu
  18. E steta, a sa nestrpljenjem sam cekao sta ce da uradi na prvoj trci. Mada me ne bi cudilo da odveze trku u Qataru, ipak ima dve nedelje, a videli smo i vece preokrete (Lorenzo u Assenu)...
  19. Alex Marinelarena, vozac moto 2 kategorije je u indukovanoj komi kao posledica povreda zadobijenih na treningu.
  20. Da je tu on bi vozio sekundu brze nego ostali bez obzira na uslove na stazi Ne boji se taj ni po ledu da voze
  21. Rezultati su takvi zato sto je staza bila dosta klizava i nisu mogli da daju sto posto sebe. Prva 4 su tu gde su zato sto su forsirali vise nego ostali. Rossi cak nije ni izasao na stazu poslednji sat kad su ostali izasli da odvezu brze krugove.
  22. Ako mislis na moto gp, sutra pocinje test na sepangu...
  23. Ducati ce u 2014 ucestvovati kao full factory team. Demantovali su informacije da ce biti u ,,open`` klasi. BSN: ‘Ducati denies switch to Open bikes’ Ducati has rebuffed speculation that it could be running its Ducati Team bikes under Open regulations from the start of the 2014 MotoGP™ season. Such a move would allow the Italian outfit to benefit from a maximum 24 litres of fuel across a race distance (as opposed to 20 for machines running under Factory regulations), as well as avoiding the new engine freeze and being able to run up to 12 powerplants per rider per season, as opposed to five. “Ducati thinks that it is important to explore the potential of the new Open regulations, also because this should be the future technical direction of the MotoGP™ Championship, and for this reason has decided this year to enter one GP13 bike with Yonny Hernandez for Pramac Racing Team under these rules,” Ducati spokesman Julian Thomas explains to Bike Sport News. “Currently there are no further plans regarding the Open option and all the other Ducati GP riders will conduct back-to-back tests comparing the GP13 and GP14 Factory bikes in the first Sepang test from the 4th to the 6th of February.”
  24. Mozda resi da osvoji titulu, posto nema vise nikog da mu sredjuje mesto u timu
  25. Danas je Marc Marquez imao operaciju na nazalnom mostu ( na nosnom mostu) da bi popravio disanje kroz nos. Operacija je bila neophodno sa obzirom da nije mogao da dise normalno, sto dalje moze dovesti do ostecenja srca. Alberto Puig nece vise biti Pedrosin menadzer u Hondi. Prelazi na funkciju pronalazenja mladih talenata za HRC. Pocecu u Azia Talent Cup - u.
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