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Prva Rally trka u Srbiji - Riverside Rally

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  • Drug član, 992 postova
  • Lokacija: Zaječar, Beograd, Grenoble
  • Motocikl: Yamaha XT600 Rally Replica


Malo stiže info sa zakašnjenjem ali opet dobro je kao generalni info ako neko želi da dođe i poseti event ili i da učestvuje u adventure klasi ...


Dakle, prva rally trka u Srbiji se održava u subotu 11.05.2024 na potezu Svilajnac - Žabari.

Ukupna dužina stage-a je 170km podeljeno u 6 specijalnih ispita.


Otvorena je kategorija za moto-klasu i to ko želi da se takmiči onda na roadbook (digitalni ili papirni) ili za laganiju opuštenu vožnju Adventure klasa. Ovo je prvi put da neko u organizaciji uvede RB standard i predstavlja samo prvu trku u nizu od planiranih 4 do kraja godine tako da ako ima zainteresovanih neka prate organizaciju za neku od sledećih trka.  :)


Inače, na ovoj prvoj trci sada u moto klasi učestvuje Simon Marčić is Slovenije poznati takmičar koji je startovao više puta na Dakaru i neko ko je zadužen za razvoj Mitas guma u enduro/rally segmentu.


Link za više informacija o samoj trci





Riverside Rally.jpg

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  • Drug član, 992 postova
  • Lokacija: Zaječar, Beograd, Grenoble
  • Motocikl: Yamaha XT600 Rally Replica
2 hours ago, sasa ns 1 said:

prevedi :jok:


The info arrives a bit late, but again it's good as general info if someone wants to come and visit the event or participate in the adventure class...


Therefore, the first rally race in Serbia will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024, on the route Svilajnac - Žabari. The total length of the stage is 170 km divided into 6 special tests.

There is an open category for the moto-class and whoever wants to compete then on the roadbook (digital or paper) or for the lighter, more relaxed ride of the Adventure class.


This is the first time that someone in the organization has introduced the RB standard and it is only the first race in a series of 4 planned until the end of the year, so if there are those interested, they should follow the organization for one of the following races. :)


By the way, Simon Marčić, a well-known competitor from Slovenia who has started several times at the Dakar and who is responsible for the development of Mitas tires in the enduro/rally segment, is participating in this first race in the moto class.


Link for more information about the race itself



  • Haha 5

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  • Drug član, 992 postova
  • Lokacija: Zaječar, Beograd, Grenoble
  • Motocikl: Yamaha XT600 Rally Replica

Opšte servisne informacije za one koji bi da dođu i gledaju event...


Agenda za 11. Maj:


- do 09:00h administrativna prijava i tehnicki pregled

- 09:10h Briefing

-09:30h start 1. vozila


Interval starta je 2minuta redosled:

- Motori 10minuta pauza

- Baggy

- 4x4 Vozila

- Motori-Experience

- Quad-Experience


Bivoac će biti smešten ovde




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