DL4E 126 Napisano Jun 7, 2008 Svrati ponekad, 351 postova Lokacija: San Francisco Motocikl: BMW R1250GS Adventure, Yamaha MT-10, Honda CB750 K3 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Kopiracu uputstvo u originalu kako sam ga nabavio. Konkretno se odnosi na Yamahu XT (noviji modeli, sa elektronskim ubrizgavanjem i sl) i nisam siguran koliko ce se podudarati za ostale modele. Takodje proces ulaska u dijagnostiku se razlikuje od modela do modela, kod mene recimo drzim Reset i dam kontakt i drzim jos 8 sekundi, a onda drzim jos 5 s Reset i Select zajedno. Ako je neko mozda ovo vec postovao, moze neko od urednika slobodno da obrise. I, ako mozda neko ima slicna detaljna uputstva za druge modele, bilo bi sigurno korisno da postuje ************************************** DISCLAIMER: YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND MAY VOID THE MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY. Diagnosticki kodovi DIAG mode allows user to check tons of stuffs inside the electronic brain of the XT. It also allows Yamaha servicing to check previous problems too. To access DIAG mode : switch off Engine Run switch, switch OFF Key switch. Press both SELECT & RESET buttons and then switch ON Key switch. Keep SELECT & RESET buttons pressed for at least 8 seconds. Display then changes to "DIAG". Release SELECT & RESET buttons. Select Diag mode by pressing again both SELECT & RESET buttons. Select code below by pressing SELECT (up) or RESET (down). Diag Code Number Part I : Sensors 01 : Throttle position - must be from 15-17 (closed) to 97-100 (opened) 02 : Atmospheric pressure given in mmHg (normal is 760 - average weather) 03 : Differential pressure between air and intake pipe 05 : Air intake temperature (in Celcius) 06 : Cooling liquid temperature (in Celcius) 07 : Absolute speed (must be 000 in garage). Check with rear weel. 08 : Lean angle safety switch control - must be from 0.4-1.4 (upright) to 3.8-4.2 (horizontal). DISMOUT THE SWITCH FOR CHECKING !!! 09 : Battery voltage - must be above 12.0 20 : Side stand switch - displays ON or OFF 21 : Neutral gear switch - displays ON or OFF Part II : ECU memory check. 60 : EEPROM error code presence - 00 means no default, 01 or 02 means default on corresponding cylinder (blinks if both cylinders). 61 : Error Code memory log - Displays 00 if no error code in memory, displays the Error Code if any (11 to 50). Display changes every two seconds if more than one Error Code in memory, then start again from first. 62 : Displays the number of Error Code in memory. To clear the memory, switch the Engine Run Switch to ON position (no backup). 70 : Check Code number, display from 0 to 255 Part III : Activators - To activate, turn Engine Run switch from OFF to ON - Engine check light is activated too. 30 : Coil 1 is activated 5 times per second. 31 : Coil 2 is activated 5 times per second. 36 : Injector 1 solenoid is activated 5 times per second. 37 : Injector 2 solenoid is activated 5 times per second. 48 : Air duct solenoid is activated 5 times per second. 49 : Air intake solenoid is activated 5 times per second. 50 : Fuel injection relay is activated 5 times per second. 51 : Cooler fan is activated every 5 seconds. 52 : Headlight relay is activated every 5 seconds (2 seconds ON, 3 seconds OFF) - 2003+ model only. DISCLAIMER: YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND MAY VOID THE MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY. __________________ Fuelling Fix Podesavanje smese da motor manje trza(zapamti fabricki podatak i nemoj da dodas vise od 10 jedinica) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND MAY VOID THE MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY. Step 1. Before turning the ignition on press and hold Select and Reset buttons, turn the ignition on and keep holding both buttons until you see the Diag screen appear. Step 2. Press Select once to toggle to the CO MODE Step 3. Press both Select and Reset together. Hold for about 3 seconds to enter co mode. The number displayed is the cylinder selected (genereric computer for all Yamahas) You need to select 1, Press select to scroll up and Reset to scroll down. Step 4. Press both Select and Reset simultaneousley for a few seconds to see the setting for the selected cylinder. This number will be different on every bike and has no relationship to the mixture its just a number it can range from -128 to +128. Write down the number and keep it in a safe place in case you need to return to your original settings. Step 5. Pressing select will increase the value (richen the mixture), pressing Reset will decrease it. I initially increased my setting 5 digits from 10 to 15. This smoothed the bike out but still had a little surging. After reading what Alan and others have said it should be safe to increase your original setting by up to 10 digits. I will now adjust mine up another 3 to 18. Step 6 To exit CO mode, turn off ignition. Noticed benefits. The bike is now very smooth to ride and on my 1st adjustment took out almost all the surging/jerkiness. This has made the bike much easier to ride through corners where i can now get on the gas earlier in the corner increasing the mid corner speed. Error kodovi Error Codes Error Number 11 : Cylinder identification sensor error - DIAG mode (none) Error Number 12 : Crankshaft posiiton sensor error - DIAG mode (none) Error Number 13 : Air intake pressure sensor error - DIAG mode 03 Error Number 14 : Air intake duct error - DIAG mode 03 Error Number 15 : Throttle position sensor error - DIAG mode 01 Error Number 19 : Sidestand sensor error - DIAG mode 20 Error Number 20 : Air pressure sensors error - DIAG mode (none) Error Number 21 : Coolant temperature sensor error - DIAG mode 06 Error Number 22 : Air intake temperature sensor error - DIAG mode 05 Error Number 23 : Ambient air pressure sensor error - DIAG mode 02 Error Number 24 : O2 (lambda) sensor error - DIAG mode (none) Error Number 30 : The bike went down - DIAG mode 08 Error Number 33 : Coil 1 open circuit - DIAG mode 30 Error Number 34 : Coil 2 open circuit - DIAG mode 31 Error Number 41 : Tilt sensor error - DIAG mode 08 Error Number 42 : Speed sensor error / Neutral sensor in short-circuit - DIAG mode 07-21 Error Number 43 : Battery voltage control error - DIAG mode (none) Error Number 44 : EEPROM read/write error - DIAG mode 60 Error Number 50 : ECU memory error - DIAG mode (none) Error Er-1 : ECU link error Error Er-2 : ECU link error Error Er-3 : ECU link error Error Er-4 : ECU link error Following ERROR codes DO NOT allow engine to run : 11-12-19-30-41-50 and Er-1 to Er-4 Error code 11 allow engine to continue running only if fault appears after engine start. Following ERROR codes DO allow engine to run but need immediate check because default values are taken by the ECU: 13-14-20-21-22-23-24-24-42-43-44 ************************************** Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...