Charuga 769 Napisano April 24, 2006 Drug član, 1342 postova Lokacija: Beograd-Srbija Motocikl: ZX10-R Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Gde da nadjem taj tekst o gore navedenom motoru i ima li ko kakav opis testa...posto sam se veoma zainteresovao da ga kupim...a interesuju me i iskustva onih koji ga vec imaju....."molim za odgovor" :idea: Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cale 9 Napisano April 24, 2006 In memoriam, 783 postova Lokacija: Ottawa, Canada Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Polic ima taj motor, pa ti on moze reci iz prve ruke, a evo ti test na engleskom: Not all sweet things are good. For example, my wife made me some chocolate pudding yesterday but after a spoonful, I realised that the amount of sugar in a plate of that pudding could be equivalent to the amount of sugar I took the whole of last year! It was really too sweet. Yes honey, too much sugar is no good for health. Well, she is actually a good cook, but perhaps while cooking the pudding, she accidentally poured the whole packet into pan or something. Sugar is weird. We need them for energy, but too much of it will rot your teeth, make your kidney go haywire and later might even take away your life. So we can safely assume that consuming sugary food, or food with too much sugar, is a sin. But if we start to generalise everything, we should also have to believe that owning the new Kawasaki Z 750S is a sin too because like my wife’s chocolate pudding, this new Z is super sweet, Jennifer Lopez kind of sweet. A couple of years ago when Kawasaki decided that Japanese Manga is the way of life and thus all of their bikes must feature that Manga look with no decals at all, they introduced the Z1000, which is what a Manga hero will ride in the stories. Sharp creases, slit headlights, small and sexy upper screen and ultimate “Ah Beng” taillight, the Z1000 was totally different. It’s like when Toyota introduced the new funky taillight first seen on the Alteza. Everybody wanted one. But after a while, many started to complain that the Z1000 is too big. The engine power cannot be utilise to the max as the set up is more bent towards a naked bike’s behaviour. Do you really need a super fast naked bike? Kawasaki went back to their drawing board. This time, they revise the smaller version of the Z1000, which is the Z750. They added a new fairing, a better designed air curtain and a tuned 750cc engine which matches the suspension and handling set up of the whole bike. Thus the Z750 S is born. Now, let me be frank. I like this bike. I owned Kawasaki before but that is seriously not the reason why I like this bike. In fact there are a lot of reasons why I like it. Like for example this bike doesn’t really look like a Manga bike. I do not fancy Japanese idols and there is no way I will dress up in long overcoats, high boots and a shiny samurai sword tied behind my bike. Then there is the basic operation of the bike. Clutch actuation is direct and correctly weighted (great for even the lady bikers). Weight is not as heavy as the 1000cc bikes and that gives you the ease to park it around the town. Seating position is somewhat between a sports bike and a tourer. You don’t really have to crouch down, and you don’t have to sit upright. But the real reason which hooks me up to this particular bike is how it performs on the road. The Z 750S has a near perfect balance between power and handling. The motor is nothing to shout about as a sports 600cc bike will lash out more power, but the Z750 S gives you quality power that you can use to the max anywhere as long as there is tarmac under the tyres. Swing it, flick it, shift down the gears, shift it back up, accelerate or decelerate, the Z750 S will do it without much drama. It is hard not to grin on the bike because it gives you gobs of fun factor. Usually we can only get the same feeling from a twin, like Aprilia’s famous Touno (a real supermotard in disguise) or Suzuki’s SV650 twin or even Ducati’s badboy Monster bikes but the Kawasaki performs better in what the twins lack, mostly in terms of jerking power delivery and well…a basic lack of power at the top end. This bike also reminds me of a Honda. Not the bike, but the car. Ride this bike with the RPM needle below 7,000rpm and you get a docile bike which accelerates sweetly and gives you a nice tingling feeling from the handlebar. Twist more so that the needle will hover above 7,000rpm and the bike quickly changes into a raging bull, which horns are the handlebar you are gripping. Just like a Honda car with a VTEC engine in the hood except that instead of the loud VTEC howl which is wimpy by my standards, you get a more manly exhaust note from this Kawasaki. Not all is perfect and the Kawasaki can do with better wind protection which is actually crap once you reach beyond 190kmph and a stiffer rear end to kill out some wiggle if you throttle too much while exiting a corner. Quality wise, the Kawasaki still cannot beat the Honda but to be fair, it is a lot better than the old GPZ days. No clunking or rattling or panels coming lose after four days of thrashing it. Standard tires are good enough but grippier rubbers are always welcomed and if you need to carry your belongings, ocky hooks will definitely look better than any top box or panniers as they will disrupt the looks of the bike. Price wise I guess is reasonable and from what I heard, many have been snapped up by eager riders. Knowing KSSB, they will have no problem bringing in more but you might have to wait a little while. So if you are not really eager to wait, head down to any Kawasaki dealers and plonk down your savings because if you really need to break your piggy bank for a bike, this one is definitely worth the money. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charuga 769 Napisano April 24, 2006 Drug član, 1342 postova Lokacija: Beograd-Srbija Motocikl: ZX10-R Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Hvala brate Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
mitri 1847 Napisano April 24, 2006 Rashodovani bajker, 1731 postova Lokacija: KŠ Motocikl: SunRa Shino Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Ima i Dexterov clanak o Z750S na BJB sajtu : ...i Motopuls-ov test : a nadam se da ce nam i Polic uskoro reci nesto iz prve ruke , valjda je do sad vec razradio motor ... :wink: Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
polic 55 Napisano April 30, 2006 Svrati ponekad, 189 postova Lokacija: Pancevo Motocikl: Tracer9 GT '23 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Za ovih 1000 KM koliko sam presao do sada ne mogu reci puno ali definitivno je motor za uzivanje. Bukvalno se moze voziti kao kruzer ( U 6 brzini po gradu ) ili malo dodati gas i vec se juris sa svim mogucim R motorima i to vrlo ravnopravno. Malo mi smeta sto amortizacija nije malo mekse podesena i sto upravljac nije malo visi i blizi, ali mozda cu se navici. Do skoro sam vozio Fazera '04 koji je ipak vise podesen za turizam, malo je meksi i za nijansu udobniji od Z 750 S. Za taj novac se nemoze kupiti bolji motorcikl ( 6500 eu registrovan ) Svakako preporuka !!! Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
polic 55 Napisano April 30, 2006 Svrati ponekad, 189 postova Lokacija: Pancevo Motocikl: Tracer9 GT '23 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Da, zaboravio sam da kazem da retrovizori lepo izgledaju ali se u njima vide samo laktovi. Pod hitno moram da ih menjam. Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
vecicrnogorac 48 Napisano Maj 4, 2006 Zainteresovan, 681 postova Lokacija: Podgorica - MNE Motocikl: BMW S1000XR Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan 2 momka me nagovorise da odustanem od trgovine FZ6N i predlozise mi Z750. e sad, posto sam ja naked fanatik ipak bih se odlucio na tu varijantu. zvao sam slovence i rekli su mi da kosta 6.170 eura sa porezom, naked varijanta. VRLLLLLLO sam zainteresovan i molio bih te Policu da mi napises sve pojedinosti koliko te ispao sami motor, koliko PDV i carina... jer da, sinoc sam inace prodao mog Bulldoga i to odlicno ga prodao i sad sam invalid, citaj bez motora... pa bih se trebao sto prije obnavljat i jos 1 pitanje, jeli i ako jeste koliko je veci od Fazera? Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
maska 0 Napisano Jul 7, 2006 U prolazu, 1 post Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Ja vozim malg zeku (z 750 s ) godinu i pol i napravio sam sa njim skoro 20 000 km.motor je dobar i jako lagan za vozit,osjetne vibracije u pocetku smetaju i pojavljuju se od ca. 6 pa do 8 tisuca okretaja ali se brzo navikne na te sitnice s obzirom da ima jako puno vrlina koje mu idu u plus.Malo se u pocetku trazi ler pozicija i mjenjanje brzina je katkad dosta sirovo.Naravno da nije najkvalitetnije napravljen ali za te pare je to odlican izbor. Potrosnja mu je prihvatljiva i sa punim tankom i jednom normalnom putnom brzinom od ca.130kmh napravim oko 350 km.Vrlo je udoban ali mu je sic malo uzak tako da noge i guzica trnu pa su pauze svakih 150 km skoro obavezne.Sa odgovarajucim koferom pravi mali turer..hehehe Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cale 9 Napisano Jul 8, 2006 In memoriam, 783 postova Lokacija: Ottawa, Canada Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Evo vam Z 750 S Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
AreOut 8 Napisano Jul 8, 2006 Zainteresovan, 978 postova Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan To je De Luxe, vidis da ima i krov Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...