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Touratech Hellas Meeting 2007 -

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  • U prolazu, 46 postova
  • Lokacija: Dubai UAE



Evo i na ovom forumu da nesto napisem... - kratka tura za Grcku u Septembru... cca 200 km prije Atena... a od tamo nazad preko Makedonije, Albanije CRne Gore (kod Gashe na pice) i polako za Hvar na motoskup



lp DaNe





Original pozivnica:

Touratech Hellas Event


Makan – Touratech Hellas organizes the first Adventure Riders’ meeting in Greece.


A unique weekend will take place in the 15th & the 16th of September in the area of North Euboia.

Navigation games with GPS, off-road tours, extreme tours for on-off & endurο bikes along with the 4th trail ride race from off-road team will be the schedule of the weekend in one of the most amazing places in Greece.


Pefki village, a place by the sea, will be hosting the event offering the most beautiful trails along riversides, rare terrains in forests and remote beaches, all available for the participant riders.


A break full of music and refreshments will take place in the Saturday evening. Beach party with the signature of Touratech Hellas – Makan while the most Touratech bikes will be awarded for their Touratech aesthetics.


The event schedule:




1. Sand riding seminars


2. Navigation game


3. Dirt & Sand Tour for on-off & travel enduro bikes in advanced level trails starting for the area’s mountains to the 14km beach of the village.



4. Test Ride of all BMW off-road models, provided by BMW Motogenesis


5. Touratech bike competition


6. Night extreme track




1. Road tour along the most picturesque places of North Euboia


2. Off-road tour in amazing trails (for on-off bikes)


3.  Trail Ride race with the co-operation of off-road team


The schedule will be open to all participants who will be able to participate in the race and the Dirt & Sand Tour providing the fact that they are equipped with enduro tires and adequate equipment.

Tire service and mechanical support will be provided throughout the weekend for all participants.


Live with us a Touratech weekend.




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  • U prolazu, 46 postova
  • Lokacija: Dubai UAE




Organizatori porucuju:


Hello Dane


Due to surprising declaration of government elections on the 16th of

September Makan - Touratech Hellas is forced to transfer the Touratech

Meeting event for the weekend of 29&30th of September. All events scheduled

activities and the place of the event remain as is.


For further information please refer to ww.makan.gr, info@makan.gr,

00306948053488 & 00306972772226



Lp DaNe


Lima / Peru

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