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Domaća Honda CB750 by MessnerMoto

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  • ENDURO, 1344 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrčin
  • Motocikl: Honda XR600R


Evo kako izgleda kad neko uloži stvarno dosta vremena, živaca i novca u motocikl. Dosta delova, kao npr. rezervoar, sedište, rep, heblovi, izduvne grane, lonci, far, retrovizori, polugice, trouglovi su unikatni. Ako ima zainteresovanih, okačiću i neke fotke koje sam napravio mada mislim da sve što vas zanima možete naći na linkovima koje sam okačio ispod :)




This Honda CB750 is a handmade motorcycle designed by MessnerMoto. It took tree years to design, engineer and build this motorcycle to perfection.



  • Triple Top Tree for GSX-R Conversion is designed by MessnerMoto and it is CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • Triple Bottom Tree for GSX-R Conversion is designed by MessnerMoto and it is CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • Front forks came from GSX-R 750 2007
  • Brembo calipers with performance Brembo Series Oro brake discs
  • Front brake master cylinder is hidden below the tank
  • Steering shock is integrated with a custom holder on the frame below the bottom triple tree



  • Frame if shortened at the back and bracing for mono-shock conversion is added to the frame
  • Tail lights are integrated into rear frame tubes
  • Part of the frame, above the engine, can be disassembled and engine work can be done without taking out the engine from the frame
  • Rear fork is designed by MessnerMoto and it made from DOHC cb900 1981 fork with added bracing for mono-shock conversion
  • Rear mono-shock is OHLINS from Yamaha r1 2012. Spring of mono-shock is chrome plated
  • The rear brake caliper is taken from KTM Adventure 1290R including Brembo brake rotor
  • Carrier for the rear brake is designed by MessnerMoto and it is CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • The frame is cleared of all unnecessary hinges and brackets
Rear wheel
  • Rear wheel is 18“x4.5“ sourced from KTM Adventure 1290R
  • Tire is 170/60zr18 Bridgestone BATTLAX BT-54
  • Front and rear drive sprockets are specially made to accept 525 chain and to be compatible with upgraded rear wheel
  • Front and rear fender are designed by MessnerMoto and both are 3D printed
  • Hidden carrier for front fender is made using 3D printing and it is reinforced with carbon tubes and stainless steel



  • Handlebars are designed by MessnerMoto and they are CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • Control levers are designed by MessnerMoto and they are CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • Mini Push Buttons for handlebars are designed by MessnerMoto and they are CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • Throttle control is designed by MessnerMoto and it is laser cut and CNC machined
  • Rear-set Brackets for Tarozzi Rear sets are designed by MessnerMoto and they are CNC machined from 6082-T6 billet aluminum
  • All brake tubing and control cables are custom made for this project



  • Motogedget m-unit v2.0 is center of the electrical system. M-unit is packed in a box below seat with two lithium batteries
  • Motogedget Motoscope Pro digital dashboard
  • Temperature, pressure and end other parameters of the engine are monitored using special gauges and information from gauges is displayed on Motoscope Pro
  • The front light is made of 45w LED unit integrated in aluminum metal-shaped headlight bucket designed by MessnerMoto
  • Turn signals are hidden inside of the front light bucket
  • Tail lights are designed by MessnerMoto and they are smartly integrated in rear frame tubes.
  • Tail lights are made using custom LED diodes and lenses
  • Alternator, flywheel, and rectifier were sourced from Yamaha R1 2009
  • Alternator engine cover is modified to accept R1 stator



  • Lightened and balanced crankshaft
  • Stronger and lighter connecting rods
  • Forged pistons with an increased compression ratio 1:10.5
  • Increased engine displacement from 736cc to 836cc
  • Race Cut transmission gear
  • Reinforced primary and camshaft chains
  • Honda CB750 Cam Chain Tensioner - High Performance designed by MessnerMoto
  • Honda CB750 Primary Chain Tensioner High Performance designed by MessnerMoto
  • Ported and polished head
  • Hi-flow racing valves
  • Racing beehive valve springs
  • Racing camshaft CX-7 has 2mm more lift on intake and exhaust sides than stock camshaft
  • Hard-welded rocker arms
  • Optical multi-spark ignition
  • Mikuni RS34 racing carbs
  • Honda CB750 Oil Pump Rebuild Kit CNC ROTORS engineered by MessnerMoto and CNC machined from 4732 billet steel
  • Oil cooler fitted in front of the bike



  • All four exhaust pipes are hand-bent and designed by MessnerMoto
  • Handmade mufflers designed by MessnerMoto
  • Hidden exhaust mounting brackets
  • All parts of the exhaust system are made from 304 stainless steel



  • Tank, tail and headlight bucket are designed by MessnerMoto and they are metal-shaped from aluminum
  • Aluminum is left uncovered with brushed finish
  • The tail is a functional oil tank for engine dry sump oiling system
  • Front light holders are 3D printed and reinforced with stainless steel
  • Motoscope PRO is supported by hidden 3D printed holders
  • Mold for Seat foam is 3D printed
  • Upholstery was done using artificial black leather. The only visible MessnerMoto logo is on the seat
  • Custom designed side stand. When retracted it blends into the frame
  • Engine casings are vapor-blasted
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  • ENDURO, 1344 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrčin
  • Motocikl: Honda XR600R

Vezica je tu bila privremeno, motor je posle nastanka mog snimka detaljno očišćen i odvežen u Veronu na Bike Expo. Inače, registrovan je a o ukusima se ne raspravlja, sto ljudi, sto ćudi.

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  • Drug član, 1414 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Suzuki DL 1000 2014

Svaka čast za zanatsko umeće!

Ono na prvi pogled izgleda obično a kad pročitam šta je sve urađeno i kad se malo bolje zagleda, wow!



Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk





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  • Drug član, 1201 postova
  • Lokacija: New Now
  • Motocikl: Uly

Stvarno super :ljubav: ali ti je predstavljanje za forum malo skrto... Ono, copy-paste 


edit: Nakon sto sam pogledao site, moram da kazem da je ovo stvarno vanserijski rad za nase podneblje i kapa dole  :takoje:

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  • Ne silazi, 6591 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrmdža, Sokobanja
  • Motocikl: konzerviran

Registrovan je gde? U EU? Italija, Slovenija...ili možda Srbija.

Neću da trujem ovu tvoju temu, rad je zaista super...ali ako je registracija na foru (ili strana)....onda ga j***.

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  • ENDURO, 1344 postova
  • Lokacija: Vrčin
  • Motocikl: Honda XR600R

PremieRacing, nije moj projekat, kopirao sam detalje da ne bih dao neku pogrešnu informaciju. Ono što ne piše na sajtu je da je u pitanju projekat jednog čoveka koji po struci nije ni mašinac ni dizajner, motor je nastao iz čiste ljubavi prema fabrikaciji, unikatnosti i mašinama uopšte. Da ne bude zabune, svi delovi koji su pravljeni su pravljeni uslužno od strane drugih ljudi, dakle nije on valjao rezervoar svojim rukama, 3d štampao retrovizore, CNC-ovao prekidačiće itd. Ovo je prvi projekat koji je sproveo u realizaciju što je, morate priznati, potpuno impresivno. Uz sve to, nije u pitanju samo šminka, mašina je poboljšana i po rečima vlasnika, izbacuje oko 90ks na točku.


Pronto, registrovan je kod nas, ne znam na koji način ali moj stav je da je ovaj motor unapređen što se tiče bezbednosti. To što je u našoj zemlji zakon oštriji od švajcarskog, nemačkog i austrijskog a sve ostalo je kao u Etiopiji je priča za sebe. Svakako je u pitanju unikatni cafe racer koji je osetljiv na vremenske uslove (svaka moguća kapljica i otisak ostaju na rezervoaru i fastbacku) koji će se voziti do kafića ili izvesti na lagani đir vikendom. Ili se možda neće ni voziti što je obično sudbina takvih motora i automobila.

Sashac i Hardrock, fabrička varijanta izgleda strava ali ima ih gomila, zašto i ovaj da bude takav? :)

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