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Moto Zajednica


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O članu MoToM

  • Rođendan 07.01.1963.

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  • Motocikl
    Triumph Daytona 1000

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Reputacija u zajednici

  1. TNT Sports have announced changes for the new season which impact the World Superbike Championship and British Superbike Championship. Eurosport, the channel which broadcast WSBK and BSB, will no longer exist. It will be merged with TNT Sports, confirmed the parent company of the two channels, Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD). It means MotoGP, WSBK and BSB will now be found in the same place. The change is effective from February 28, 2025.
  2. Ko je gledao WSBK pre četvrt veka...
  3. Martin revealed he will race with the #1 plate on his RS-GP. Ducati
  4. Ako hoćeš baš SV 650, imaš proveren SV kod našeg kolege
  5. https://www.posta.rs/lat/stanovnistvo/usluga.aspx?usluga=postanske-usluge/paketske-usluge-inostranstvo/slanje-paketa-u-inostranstvo
  6. Evo, https://www.carandclassic.com/l/C1821828 pa ako se odlučiš...
  7. Ne, svetlo tablice je obavezno.
  8. Koja, crna ili siva?
  9. Lot 8 - 1979 Suzuki GS1000E WWW.MANORPARKCLASSICS.COM Lot 8 - 1979 Suzuki GS1000E
  10. Ko kupi, mislim da bi se restauriranje sigurno isplatilo u opciji za dalju prodaju, samo ne kod nas. Preko se prodaju za oko 8500-9000 €.
  11. KTM to relinquish MV Agusta stake? WWW.CRASH.NET MV Agusta could be sold by KTM, according to multiple media reports.
  12. https://www.gpone.com/en/2024/11/11/moto-news/audi-and-a-crisis-that-scares-everyone-but-ducati.html
  13. Ako nigde nema nov original, onda traži polovan ili zamenski, recimo Rizoma ili ABM i sl. Ima i novih i polovnih. Ovde npr. (https://www.baboon.eu/en/part/yamaha-fzs-1000-fazer-2001-2005-fzs1000-5lv-1c2-handlebars-2002/000001672290) imaš za € 50,00.
  14. Nisam ni mislio da imaju na lageru, nego da poručiš preko njih, mada se korman više ne proizvodi koliko vidim. Ništa, onda ti ostaje da tražiš sam, ima negde sigurno je ostalo na lageru nekome.
  15. Who Owns Ducati? - FourWeekMBA FOURWEEKMBA.COM Ducati is owned by the Porsche family, which also owns the whole Volkswagen Group through the Porsche Automobil Holding SE. Indeed, the entire group comprises three types of...
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