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  • U prolazu, 30 postova
  • Lokacija: Beograd
  • Motocikl: Benelli TRK 502X, Benelli TRk 702x

Naletih na ovaj sajt, isao sam na pretragu pa nisam video da je neko objavio nesto ovako, pa rekoh ajde da objavim, mozda nekome bude korisno.
Bunk-a-Biker is a worldwide community of motorcycle riders who offer to host traveling riders at their homes for free. The idea isn't for a free place to stay, it's for building and promoting an uplifting, positive, and supportive community where you can meet your fellow bikers.



Join Bunk-a-Biker, a worldwide community of motorcycle riders providing accommodations to traveling bikers. Discover our interactive map, support options, and connect with fellow...


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  • Drug član, 2479 postova
  • Lokacija: Braunau am Inn (Austrija) - Svilajnac Bobovo
  • Motocikl: CBF1000 SC58 '07, SV650N '06

Jedina ponuda Srbiju, Miloša iz Bečeja me baš nasmejala :D



Milos Ciplic

67 Излетиште
Бечеј, Војводина, Serbia 21220

Description It doesnt have a number because its a red/white boat called "Vitez" (Knight).
Its on the rivera called "Tisa" , its not blue beacuse its not sea or a small stream but its very clean (we have Palingenia longicauda, they appear on jun 20 aprox), no pirannas, crocodiles or aligators, nothing what can harm you.
You can camp in the boat (2 person) or in front of it in your tent.
Boat has electricity for charging phones, GPS, laptops etc (Solar panel + battery).
We have a bucket for peeing but for pooping you need to go to make a swim for it , to feed some fishes. (there is a forest near 50m (whole right side od the bank is a forest) or some caffe's on the river bank on the left)
More pictures:
Promenio član Gile_Extremeboy
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