Chovus 0 Napisano April 12, 2011 U prolazu, 2 postova Motocikl: Sachs X-Road 125 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Stari akumulator EXIDE, ETX7A-BS (12v 7Ah), je zavrsio svoj zivot, pa mi teba novi. Doduse, star je samo dve godine, ali sam ga nepravilno punio posle prve sezone (sa 5A...umesto 0.5A) Zanima me startna snaga struje (Cold-test Curren), tj. koliko je bitna? Naime na EXIDE sajtu, pise da je za ovaj akumulator 90A. E sad, vidim kod nekih proizvodjaca, da je ona manja, kod drugih veca. Sta je bolje? Recimo kod VARTA-e, akumulator ovih dimenzija 151x88x94, startna struja je 50A ...kod YUASA 74A...kod TOPIN 200A Varta-u mogu uzeti za 2.700 din, Yuasa/exide/unibat za oko 3.200 ...TOPIN za 4.000 Dajte neki savet. Vozim Sachs X-Road 125, jedan cilindar, 4-takt, 125cc. U uputstvu od motora, pise samo 12v 6Ah. Hvala i pozdrav Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbad86 825 Napisano April 12, 2011 Drug član, 2285 postova Lokacija: Kragujevac Motocikl: Honda Sevenfifty Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Interesantno pitanje! Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chovus 0 Napisano April 12, 2011 U prolazu, 2 postova Motocikl: Sachs X-Road 125 Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan Treba nam neki elektricar ili strucnjak za "mobilnu energiju" tj. akumulatore Wiki kaze: "Cold cranking amperes (CCA) is the amount of current a battery can provide at 0 °F (−18 °C). The rating is defined as the current a lead-acid battery at that temperature can deliver for 30 seconds and maintain at least 1.2 volts per cell (7.2 volts for a 12-volt battery). It is a more demanding test than those at higher temperatures." Gledao sam nesto po ostalim forumima...recimo, lik nije strucnjak, ali kaze: "The reason is that you can have a battery with great CCA rating but very low amp/hour optimised for turning a motor over - ie producing a very high current for a short period of time, and on the other hand you can have a deep cycle battery with poor CCA rating optimised to run accessories such as fridges and maintaining a relatively low current flow, but steady voltage over a log period of time. So based on this theory, if one value rises, then the other value would not necessarily rise, in fact in many cases it will go down! The way in which these batteries are optimised for different roles is in their construction - from memory, the deep cycle will have a greater number of plates, and these plates will be at least 4mm thick - thereby making a larger surface area available for chemical reaction to produce voltage. These batteries may both be very high quality batteries costing alot of money, but are optimised for different things, this is why you might see many dual battery setups fitted with a good starting battery (high CCA number) for starting the vehicle, and a deep cycle auxilliary battery for running low current accessories over a long period of time. " ...znaci izgleda da je bolje da je VECA startna snaga struje akumulatora! ...ili nije Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexterr 1969 Napisano April 13, 2011 Aktivirao se na času, 3277 postova Lokacija: Suburbia, blok 45 Motocikl: 1 Litar Honde Prijavi odgovor kao problematičan U principu uzmi akumulator sa najdužom garancijom, sem ako ne planiraš da voziš na -18'C. Sa Unibatom imam izvanredno iskustvo, za ostale ne mogu da tvrdim. Što se CCA tiče, ne bih se preterano nervirao, pogotovu ako redovno voziš moped.... Citat Podeli ovaj odgovor sa prijateljima Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...