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A ima i dizela... There’s a group of folks called The Crucible, building all sorts of neat stuff out in Oakland, California. It looks like they’ve put together a biodiesel motorcycle with a couple of goals in mind. They want to promote the use of biodiesel and other bio fuels but they also want to set a new land speed record for diesel motorcycles, currently a mere 105 mph. This custom has a hand built frame, a BMW swingarm, possibly a BMW fork and a custom aluminum fairing that looks like it one of the old dustbin fairings we used to see. The engine is from a BMW 320D. It’s a 4 cylinder, 4 valve turbo diesel with a displacement of 1995cc. Power output is 163 horsepower and 251 foot pounds of torque. The engine can run on diesel, B99 biodiesel or straight vegetable oil. The whole bike weighs in at a rather hefty 1100 pounds, no small part of that probably due to the engine itself. They plan to take it to Bonneville this year to see what they can do. Since the bike has already run over 120 mph, a new record seems likely. I would expect diesel motorcycle records to start falling with some regularity since there has been some interesting work going on with diesels, but this one looks pretty neat for a small group of builders.
A ima i R-BIKE The bike has a multi link suspension on both front and rear and is designed around a single cylinder engine. The seat, footpegs and handlebars all adjust as the frame shifts giving the rider the correct riding position for each style of bike. A nice feature is the ability for anyone to easily mount the bike with the seat in the lowest position and yet still have the ability of riding a high seat off road bike when the frame adjusts. The bike only exists in the computer at the moment while they look for investors. According to the web site they plan to produce the first bikes in March of 2008.
Malo Francuza... A new motorcycle company from France? It looks that way and their first bike is pretty sweet. Wakan Motorcycles has produced the Wakan 1640, a single seat, V-Twin powered sport bike built around the AC Cobra idea of dropping a big American powerplant into a sporty European frame.
ili tenk!!!Kettenkrad - the motorcycle tank January 13th, 2006 by Paul Crowe - "The Kneeslider" Yesterday’s post about the single tracked all terrain motorcycle designs reminded me of these WWII motorcycle tank hybrids. Very odd vehicles and I’m not really sure of the reasoning behind their construction, why the motorcycle front end was necessary isn’t clear, the one site says it’s for stability at high speeds and you actually could remove it in really rough terrain, but they do look interesting. Specs say they could get up to 45-50mph with the 4 cylinder, 1478cc gasoline engine sourced from Opel, while the vehicle itself was made by NSU. It was designed to go into mountainous terrain and tow a trailer or small gun. The web sites say there were about 8400 Kettenkrads produced during the war and over 500 afterwards. Some collectors keep them going and I think they look like a real hoot. I love stuff like this and if you dig around enough, you never know what you might find. Neat.
BMW V12 Powered Motorcycle April 20th, 2006 by Paul Crowe - "The Kneeslider" If 8 cylinders are good then 12 cylinders are better, right? We showed you the BMW V8 motorcycle the other day and now we’ll show you what happens when someone takes a 5.5 liter BMW V12 and builds a drag bike around it. HMS Sportbikes, over in Germany, has been working on this project, taking the engine from a BMW 750i and creating something a little more sporting. They say it will have twin turbos and NOS but it looks to be a bit short of complete at this point.
BMW V8 Powered Motorcycle April 12th, 2006 by Paul Crowe - "The Kneeslider" Harald Geiling runs the Roadrunner Bikeshop over in Mainz, Germany, selling motorcycles and also doing a lot of frame repair. Somehow or another, the idea of building a V8 motorcycle entered Harald’s mind and being more of a doer than a dreamer, that’s what he did. He bought a 4 liter V8 from a BMW 740i, and squeezing time in over a period of four years, he made the motorcycle pictured here. The engine is stock and produces 286 hp and 300 foot pounds of torque. The exhaust is an 8 into 1 running through a Kawasaki muffler. The radiator comes from a Volvo 340. He built a two speed gearbox which powers the belt drive. Wheels and suspension are modified pieces from various Kawasakis. The bike weighs 1100 pounds and has a wheelbase of 88 inches! OK, it’s not practical but you have to give him points for creativity. He’ll build another one if you have $90,000. As for Harald, he’s thinking about another car engine for his next bike, a V6 Mercedes CDI diesel. .
Jbg, ovo nema smisla. A Suzuki Hayabusa Police Interceptor May 25th, 2006 by Paul Crowe - "The Kneeslider" If you’re passing through Oklahoma and you think you can just speed through the state without any chance of getting run down from behind, think again. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a little surprise for you, a Suzuki Hayabusa Police Interceptor, all nice and shiny and black and radar equipped. The OHP is set to get special training at the California Superbike School. Better slow ‘er down boys. Source: Cycle World Photo: John Owens taman sam mislio da mi ne mogu nista...
bike party 4 rodjendan MC MANCULA 22 12 2007 cacak
Peacemaker je odgovorio članu z750 u Moto Skupovi
Rodjendan, rodjendan, rodjendan... Pa dajte nama sto nismo bili neki detalj pa da imamo razloga da jedemo mu.a . Veliki pozdrav organizatorima! -
......placi pizzo....... ...i ja cu sa tobom.... ....otisla je Danijela ........nije rekla z'bogom..... :D :D :D :D :D Ma jok bre ljudi, nemojte plakati, bice toga jos... Verovatno na lepsim mestima i bez politicke pozadine!
Cini mi se da smo se upoznali u Beloj Crkvi, znaci pljeskavica
Samo jedna mala napomena! Da ne bude nesporazuma, nije baš SVE za "dž"... Ulaz se ne plaća, rakija i pelinkovac na ulazu takođe (ali bilo bi glupo da ceo dan provedeš oko ulaza zarad nekoliko "brlja" ), od klope se plaća jedino roštilj (za one kojima se baš ne svidi ono što smo skuvali), a PIVO je besplatno za SVE BAJKERE. Ostale stvari (kisela voda, sokovi, vino...) se, naravno, plaćaju. Tacno se vidi da ste reseni da zaradite i slatko izdelite lovu ;D A znaci bonove za gorivo ne delite
Vazi ako insistiras malo cu i pojasniti. Samo mesto odrzavanja skupa je za moj ukus lose, cak i prilaz do mesta odrzavanja skupa je los, ozvucenje lose, rucak dobar ali ne ako ga jedes iz case za pivo i bez kasike, igre ubrzanja i voznje na jednom tocku "bez kaciga" i to uz suport organizatora (ako se ne varam neko je ostao bez jezika od ucesnika), toplo pice i skup rostilj... Meni je tih par stvari napravilo "nije ok atmosferu".