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Prijedor, RS BiH
CFMoto 450MT
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Kao sto rekoh i u grupi, ne mora da znaci da je test tacan, jer nije odvezao preporucenih 50km da bi se ECU podesio... Ne mora da znaci, a moze da bude
Inace u komentarima na FB postu ljudi govore da ovo radi. Poslije premostanja senzora kvacila, treba odvesti nekih cca 50km da se ECU prilagodi, i onda je navodno extra smooth gas. Jedine promijene bi trebale biti manje kocenja motora pri pustanju gasa jer se ne isljucuje injektor goriva u motor..., i ako je motor u brzini a podjes ga paliti, nema vise kill zbog kvacila. Svako na svoju odgovornost.
Ko odluci da proba neka to uradi na svoju odgovornost. Da ne bude da sam ja kriv ako sta ne bi bilo dobro. Ja cu licno probati kad budem kuci.
Za one koji nisu u grupi i ne mogu procitati: So here it is, simple easy fix for the fuel cut on the 450MT. I will give a bit of background on what is actually going on here for those that are interested and a link to me, to show I am not just a Snake Oil salesman.....I have been doing this for 30 odd years. https://www.fullnoise.com.au/fullnoise-news/kiwi-technician-wins-2013-yamaha-oceania-tech-gp/ So the fix is simple, fully reversible and in no way will it affect the bikes performance or warranty, because it is not asking the bike or ECU to do anything that it does not normally do anyway, we are simply asking it not to do it, not just sometimes. Emissions has always been a thing and more so in recent years. The 450MT has a fairly abrupt fuel cut on deceleration as most have noticed. Even with the recent update, it is still a thing. So i got to thinking. Lets bypass it. With the gear I currently have available I managed to read the ECU mapping and data and got to studying it. The 450MT has a programmed overrun fuel cut, to help with emissions. It physically shuts off the fuel injector when the throttle is completely closed and the bike is in overrun. However, there is a Map active that comes into play under 3000 rpm or there abouts when the clutch lever is pulled in. It releases the fuel cut. Quite simply if the bike did not have this mapping, on overrun, slowing down with the fuel injector turned off, when you squeeze in the clutch lever to down shift......there is no fuel currently coming in.........you got it, the bike would simply stall out between gears down shifting, because it has no fuel to keep running as the injector is currently off. Not ideal. To counter this the ECU has a clutch switch that recognises when you squeeze the clutch to down shift or coast to a stop in gear and releases the fuel cut, to keep the engine running. Simple fix. Unplug the two wires going to the clutch switch on the LH perch and connect them together as per the attached photos. the ECU will now not apply the fuel cut....ever. It will simply stay on the normal map. After the mod, It took about a 30 minute ride for the long term fuel trims to fall back into place and now it is as smooth as one would like. No snake oil, just an in depth understanding of engine management and many years of trying to better the system. Enjoy everyone!!. It's a different bike. The only downside as such is that now if your bike is in gear and you hit the starter it will try and start. Please pull the clutch in!.
Vrlo zanimljiv post koji mozda rjesava problem trzavog gasa Bei Facebook anmelden WWW.FACEBOOK.COM Melde dich bei Facebook an, um dich mit deinen Freunden, deiner Familie und Personen, die du kennst, zu verbinden... Ako je ko u mogucnosti da proba, bio bih zahvalan. Ja nisam trenutno fizicki kod motora.
To je to https://youtu.be/8vz5YqciyAY
Preporuka za kanal. Pratim lika vec duze vrijeme i par motora sto je imao... sad je uzeo 450MT. On ce da mu nadje limit
To je samo update softvera kontrolne table, ne ECU-a. To sto mozda ne osjetis trzanje je placebo efekt.
@živke meni je slanje bio 25e za Bosnu, ne znam da li ima za Srbiju, ali ne vidim razlog zasto ne bi bilo. Nismo ni jedni ni drugi u EU. P.S. Imam DPD kao opciju za shipping
@živke javi kad planiras, mozemo zajedno
@živke da, razmisljao sam o tom, ali bi volio imati oba kao @Skittles, pa da po potrebi mijenjam. Ali nije mi to prioritet trenutno
Da, vidio sam i ja nekih horor videa gdje kamen podere ovaj skid plate i odvali karter. Planiram uzeti neki drugi sl. sezone od Wanga, a ovaj 450MT engine protection (B) UNCLEWANG.NET 4mm aluminum alloy The black color is plastic spray Silver is anodized mi se cini najbolji (iako jeste najskuplji) jer je dug skroz do zadnjeg tocka, tako da stiti i auspuh ako najases na nesto. P.S. U pravu ste se tice kilometara u offroad-u, odnos je sigurno 1:3 offroad-asfalt (a i vise u zavisnosti od tezine staza). Moj emtejac je do sad bio vise od pola VREMENA van asfalta
Preuzeo 28.05., trenutno na cca 5000km. Bili svugdje od planina pa do mora... Vise od pola vremena je bio van asfalta. Motor koji stvarno moze sve, limit je samo skil vozaca. Ako bog da, dogodine cemo na TET-ove, a mozda i neki rally
evo neki od artikala https://www.taobao.com/chanpin/cbec2734730e17ebc992932b5deb4c51.html
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