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O članu nino_pirus

  • Rođendan 07.09.1977.

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Reputacija u zajednici

  1. Kupio ih greskom, meni idu novije generacije
  2. izuzetno topla, prava za bajkere koji i zimi voze
  3. Stanje kao na slici. Ovakve rol barove imaju naši panduri. Cena 80e
  4. Oštećenja kao na slikama. Model kao što imaju panduri na R1200RT
  5. polovna jakna, super ocuvana, meni je sad velika, smrsao sam mnogo. Okvirno je za nekog od 120kg. * Removable thermal lining in jacket * Removable wind and waterproof storm collar * Watertight ventilation zips in arm area * Removable CE protectors at shoulders, elbows * Large area of reflective material * Storm cuff * Connecting zipper in two lengths * Temperature regulation using a combination of TFL® Cool Technology, GORE-TEX® XCR®, Armacor™ and Cordura® cena popularna 120e
  6. Sjajan odziv, prava armija motora. Moj mali Spajdermen je uživao na motoru
  7. i dalje aktuelno, neka yamaha te starosti, sastavio sam motor pa svakako ne izgleda originalno
  8. jedu žohare ? naporan život bajkera
  9. svejedno
  10. potrebni su mi ram papiri za Yamahu Diversion 85-95.
  11. Friday, June 20, 2008 Getting started in HHO ? What you NEED to Know. Well seem the WHOLE dam world is on the HHO kick, WELL! Sorry to say you are getting bent over royally. No! I'm not saying that its a ripoff or scam but you are getting taken for a ride by every scam artist and DIY E-Book thief, So here the plain TRUTH. 1. You can build it for as little as $50.00 in Home Depot / Lowe's products. 2. Plans for the Do It Yourselfer's is readily available on the web for FREE at Hydrogen Garage 3.Beware of the E-bay thief's and band wagon GURUS who claim to have invested 1000's of hours and money into building a system just for people like YOU! They are just trying to make a buck or several hundred's of bucks off of you. Don't get me wrong they have their purpose in the scheme of things to come, example is the accessories you will need to make the HHO system work properly which I'm getting too shortly. 4. Beware of the HIGH priced systems on the web that claim to have spent hundred of hours and money on development on the system they claim will get you that amazing 50% plus increase on MPG , Come on now $800.00 to $2000.00 for a HHO system that cost the less than $50.00 to build, Now yes they have the right to make a few bucks off of the kit but 800 % profit? 5. Yes it will get you better MPG but it will be short lived and your vehicle will adjust the fuel to air mixture to restore the balance back to manufactures specs of 14.7/1 feel ratio, that being the Smog and gas guzzling pig's we all need to survive in this country where we so love our cars and trucks! Let me explain this in simple terms: {HHO} Hydrogen is a hotter and cleaner burning fuel, Hydrogen is 2-1/2 times more combustion power than gasoline and when it is introduced to the internal combustion engine as a supplemental fuel it makes the fuel in your tank {Gas} burn more efficiently and completely therefore leaving little or no wasted fuel to go out the tail pipe. Unfortunately the sad truth is once your car is started the oxygen sensors in the exhaust pipe will measure the O2 levels in your exhaust send a voltage signal of zero to one volt, one volt being a lean mixture to the ECM {computer in your car} where as the ECM will use those reading to adjust the fuel/air mixture and add or decrease the fuel injected into the engine, So when you have an HHO generator hooked up and running to supplement gas being burned the exhaust going out of the engine is going to come out cleaner with less! much less! wasted fuel causing a lean reading and making the ECU adjust the fuel/air mixture by dropping in much more fuel than needed to get it back to the happy gas guzzling pig it was built as. That being said now for the part you didn't know or was never told about without a trip the the local HHO forum or the several hundred video post on the many video hosting sites, YOU NEED TO ADD A EFIE OR MAF/MAP enhancer to get the full benefits out or your HHO generator. And for an added bonas you should also add a PWM Pulse width modulation unit, It puts out a solid state pulsed square wave DC current essentially making brown's eGas read about Browns gas HERE Terms: EFIE Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer Curcuit: The EFIE device helps your engine run at 18/1 fuel ratio, rather than the regular stoichiometric mixture of 14.7 /1 ratio. MAP / MAF Enhancer : The Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor and Mass Air Flow sensor determine the pressure and volumn of air into the engine. These devices change the voltage output readings coming from each sensor to the ECM and either raise {MAF/MAP} or lower {O2} the voltage signal {signal being in millivolts} to the ECM and tricking it to believe its in a rich ratio causing it to NOT dump extra fuel in to engine. Dangers of the Enhancers are you need to NOT use them when you turn off the HHO generator during driving or any running condition or you will damage your engine so be sure to have them wired into the HHO system so they turn off when the system is in failure {blown fuse, low water , etc} because you have changed the readings so that the engine ECM thinks that its running rich mixture when in reality without the HHO turned on it is in a lean run setup and you Will burn out the engine. OK now the fun part, I have spent many hours,, well weeks to be exact messing with the different type of cell designs and have watched hundreds of videos and seen so very good designs and some total crap that people have tried to build "WOW" they should have stayed awake in science class.
  12. Completed routes :

    Belgrade-Trieste. Coute Azzure-Monpellier-Barcelona-Madrid-Belgrade 14 Days


    Trans Alpina-Trans Faragassan

    Belgrade-Sofia-Thessaloniki-Atos, Agia Triada-Ohrid-Tirana-Podgorica-Beograd


  13. Druze, gde ti inace vozis motor po Srbiji? Da nije Navak u pitanju? okrpi ti mene na pravdi Boga. Ok, koju rutu si vozio i za koliko dana ? kakav je asfalt, da li je blizina mora u junu problem tj. da li se kliza u krivini. Znajuci da vulkanizeri nece da krpe gumu na motorima, gde se nalaze motorbike friendly servisi ? Da li je pesak pravio probleme u blizini mora. Iz iskustva po Crnoj Gori i u Grckoj prosle godine, veoma je neprijatno kad ne slusa u krivini motor (cca 400kg)Koliko sam ispratio po stranim forumima, samo enduro motorima voze. Pa posto sam razmazen, ovih nekoliko informacija me zanima
  14. Razgovarao sam sa grupom koji su isli motorima po Grckoj, i niko ne savetuje da se ide motorom. Putevi su klizavi, sa puno rizle, a Grci voze ko ludaci, naravno ne govorim o autoputevima. Mi smo planirali ove godine veliku rutu kroz Grcku, ali su me ovi pokolebali dosta. Tako da i mene zanimaju iskustva, ko je vec bio. Mi smo bili prosle godine, od Soluna do Hilandara, pa ka Albaniji. Ali toliko smo lutali, da i nisam stekao nikakav utisak, navigacija nas je vozala tamo-vamo, bilo je busnih guma, klizanja, ali to je ipak samo 1000km ukupno, ovogodisnji plan je oko 4500km, pa moram dobro da se informisem.
  15. Ponesi vreću za spavanje. Valuta u zemlji Srbiji je dinar, cena ista kao i u Novom Sadu. Nemoj sipati gorivo tamo, bolje u Raskoj sipaj. Imam losa iskustva sa kvalitetom
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