Vlada SYL81 Serbia
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Vlada SYL81 Serbia's Achievements

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Reputacija u zajednici
Nemam vremena za prevod, ali koga interesuje, izvolite: MC Motorcycle Club RC Riding Club ili ti MK po srpski MC: What is expected of a Prospect... RC: What is expected of a RC member ... MC: As a Prospect, strive to conduct yourself as a responsible Patchholder at all times. RC: As a RC member, strive to conduct yourself in a responsible manner so as to not give your club a bad name. Whether you are wearing your patch or not, common courtesy and respect for ANY individual you make contact with will always leave a good impression of you, your club and motorcyclists in general. MC: Always display a positive attitude. RC: Always display a positive attitude. MC: Participate as much as you think is acceptable; then participate more. RC: Participate as much as you are comfortable with. You joined to ride and meet others with the same interest, but the more you participate the more you will get to know others and enjoy the experience. You will only get out of it that you put into it. MC: If you see a Patchholder of your group that you have not met, take the initiative to introduce yourself as.. "Prospect (your name)." RC: It’s always good to introduce yourself to fellow club members. MC: At all gatherings, make it a point to circulate when you have the time to do so and greet every Patchholder who is there. RC: It’s always good to meet new people. MC: Don't get overly friendly with someone that is not a regular acquaintance of the club. If someone outside the club has questions, refer them to a Patchholder. Never give out a Patchholder's name, phone number, address, or any personal information to anyone outside the club. RC: Meeting new people is one of the things a RC is about. Answer questions as you are able. If you don’t know the answer to a question, refer the questioner to someone you think might know, such as one of the officers of your club. Don’t give out personal information unless you know that the person being asked about wants it given out; that's only common sense. MC: Never give out any information about the club itself to outsiders. This includes, but is not limited to, where the club is based, how many members are in the club, etc. RC: RCs aren't normally out to hide anything. They are just a riding club and as such, really don’t have much in the way of club business. If you know of sensitive private matters concerning the RC then it is expected that you would use good judgement in not sharing it with others who are not involved. MC: While in public places, always conduct yourself with your association with the club in mind. Remember that what you do, people will remember; good or bad. RC: While in public places, always conduct yourself with your association with your club in mind. Remember that what you do, people will remember; good or bad. The public perception of anyone who rides a bike should be considered and a good attitude is always the kind of perception we want to present, club or no club. MC: Never let a Patchholder walk off alone in an unsecured area. If he/she is going out to their car, bike, or even just out to get some fresh air, go with them. Watch their back at all times. RC: Never let someone go off alone without someone keeping an eye on them, especially in this day and time. MC: Remember who you are 24 hours a day. Your association doesn't go on and off with your colors. RC: You should always conduct yourself responsibly when dealing with other people, including e-mails and on the internet. RCs do not have colors - the patch is a purchased patch that shows you are a part of a riding club whose purpose is to get together to ride motorcycles and enjoy the companionship of others with a similar interest. MC: Out of respect, if two or more Patchholders are having a private conversation, don't approach them within earshot, especially if they are talking with a Patchholder of another club. If you feel that you need to interrupt, put yourself in a place of visibility and wait to be acknowledged. RC: It’s only common courtesy not to interrupt a conversation or evesdrop. MC: NEVER use the term "Outlaw Club" when speaking to a member of another club. RC: NEVER use the term "Outlaw Club" or any of the other names they are known by when speaking to strangers (you never know when one of them might be a member of an MC, be a support member or know members of an MC). MC: Never lie to a member of another club. If you are in a situation where you are asked about the club or its membership, it is acceptable to say "That seems like club business and I really can't talk about it". If this doesn't put the subject to rest, offer to put them in touch with a Patchholder for them to speak with. RC: Never lie to anyone. Either answer the question or refer the questioner to someone who can. MC: Always show respect to a Patchholder of another club. Even though they are with another club, they earned their patch. RC: Show respect for other people, club or not. It’s the polite thing to do. MC: Never call a Patchholder of another club "brother". He's not your brother. RC: Never call a member of another club "brother". If he is a friend and you two consider each other brothers, wait for him to address you as such in public. MC: Remember, your patch is earned, it is not given to you. RC: RCS don't earn their patches. The patch has no meaning except that it indicates you belong to a club that you signed up for and associate with. MC: Never bring a personal friend or a stranger into the presence of Patchholders without asking permission to do so first. RC: It’s great to introduce new people to the group; just make sure you don't interrupt a conversation when doing so. MC: At an open function, never turn your back to a Patchholder of another club. This is not so much for safety reasons, but as a show of respect. RC: It’s always polite to face the individual or group you are talking to. MC: Always show respect and courtesy to Patchholders of other clubs. Don't come across like you want to be best friends. Be professional in such encounters; keep it short, then move on. RC: Always show respect and courtesy to everyone, club or not. MC: Never be quick to walk up to a Patchholder of another club in a public setting, even if you know them well and the clubs are on friendly terms. If you want to greet them, walk up slowly and wait for them to indicate that they want such a public display to take place. They may be on some club business and may not want to give the general public the impression that the clubs are on such friendly terms. If they look like they are going to ignore you accept it and keep your distance, the best approach is always to wait for them to come to you and let everyone else see that. RC: Use common courtesy and common sense. MC: Learn what different parts of our patch represent and what the different color combination of yours and other clubs represent. RC: A RC patch should never be referred to as colors. RCs should NEVER wear any kind of location banner with their patch and NEVER wear any kind of support patch for any other MC. RC patches are usually bought – not earned.
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Posle velikog uspeha moto-karavana "Balkan Route 1" 2012, vodimo vas na najbolji karavan kroz 5 država: Srbiju, Makedoniju, Albaniju, Crnu Goru i Bosnu PLAN KARAVANA: 1. dan, utorak 11, jun 2013. 20h - doček učesnika karavana u Club House-u RED GVOZDENIH M.C., - standardno velika žurka uz živu svirku! - noćenje u Hotelima "Resava" i "TLS" u Despotovcu 2. dan, sreda12. jun 2013. 08h - okupljanje učesnika karavana u Club House-u - celodnevna vožnja na relaciji: Despotovac - Niš - Vranje (granične formalnosti) - OHRID! - smeštaj u apartmane *** u OHRIDU, obezbedjen parking i obezbedjenje - ŽURKA sa braćom iz OHRIDA i okolnih gradova u Makedoniji 3. dan, četvrtak 13. jun 2013. 08h - doručak - vožnja na relaciji Ohrid - Valona - Tirana - Skadar - Budva - defile kroz grad - smeštaj i večera u Budvi - Žurka sa braćom iz Harley Davidson Montenegro kluba 4. dan, petak 14. jun 2013. 08h - doručak - vožnja na relaciji Budva - Stolac - Sarajevo - defile kroz grad - smeštaj i večera u Kampu 5. dan, subota 15. jun 2013. 08h SLOBODAN DAN NA SKUPU MK IL PARADISO!!!! PARTY!!!! 6. dan, nedelja 16. jun 2013. 08h - doručak - vožnja na relacijiSarajevo - Despotovac - večera u Club House-u - velika žurka uz živu svirku veoma poznatog ROCK benda! - noćenje u Hotelima "Resava" i "TLS" u Despotovcu 7. dan, ponedeljak 17. maj 2013. 10h - okupljanje učesnika karavana u Club House-u - ispraćaj ekipe RED GVOZDENIH M.C. u Lisabon!! - obilazak lepota Resavskog kraja - zajedničko druženje u Lisinama - rastanak učesnika Ukupna vožnja u svih 5 dana biće duga 1780km, Karavan će obuhvatiti maksimalno 20 motorcikala i mesta će se popunjavati prema redosledu prijavljivanja. Prijave se primaju do 28.02.2013. ili do popune mesta. Mesta se rezervišu uplatom 50% kotizacije (u dinarima, na račun organizatora). Ostatak uplate vrši se do 30.04.2013. Kotizacija od 99€ obuhvata: - noćenje sa doručkom u Ohridu - noćenje sa večerom i doručkom u Budvi - večeru, doručak i večeru u Sarajevu - Majcu karavana - Nalepnicu karavana - Prišivku karavana - Zahvalnicu - sertifikat - Sve organizacione troškove Informacije i prijave mogu se dobiti na +381 65 999 4 999 (Vladimir) ili na Facebook stranici moto karavana. Požurite sa registracijom, mesta se već popunjavaju dok ovo čitate…
Vlada SYL81 Serbia je odgovorio članu Vlada SYL81 Serbia u Predlozi za izlete i putovanja
Mesta se popunjavaju... -
Policija nemoćna protiv ovog moto Cluba???
Vlada SYL81 Serbia je odgovorio članu Pera00 u Moto Klubovi
Pa da! Lepo si rekao! Kad Srbin to zabiberi... ahahha Ej a ako mozes samo da kazes, gde ste se sretali, jel to bilo kod nas( na nasim putevima) ili negde po inostranstvu. Zato sto sam cuo da se oni bore za svoju teritoriju/rejon i kad se izbore onda je vec problem ako prodjes tuda sa drugim bojama....msm ne znam....tako sma ja procitao. Ako ti ili neko drugi zna neka napise jebiga da budemo malo u toku. E, ovako: prosli smo savezne drzave: CA AZ NM TX FL NY NJ, Ontario i Quebec; Grcku, Tursku, Bugarsku, Rumuniju, Madjarsku, Nemacku, Francusku, Svajcarsku, Italiju... nikad, nigde, nikakav problem; boje iz del8va, MC oznaka. Facebook pun slika sa tih putovanja i susreta sa raznim klubovima, procenite sami?... Al opet, kako god da okrenes, ovde ih ceka kuka i motika ako dodju! -
Vlada SYL81 Serbia je odgovorio članu Vlada SYL81 Serbia u Predlozi za izlete i putovanja
Evo i jedne galerije iz 2012 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4035234477423.171146.1178538318&type=1 -
Posle velikog uspeha moto-karavana "Balkan Route 1" 2012, ponovo cas vodimo na najbolji karavan kroz 3 države: Srbiju, Bugarsku i Rumuniju. PLAN KARAVANA: 1. dan, četvrtak 9.maj 2013. 20h - doček učesnika karavana u Club House-u RED GVOZDENIH M.C., - standardno velika žurka uz živu svirku! - noćenje u Hotelima "Resava" i "TLS" u Despotovcu 2. dan, petak 10. maj 2013. 08h - okupljanje učesnika karavana u Club House-u - celodnevna vožnja na relaciji: Despotovac - Ćuprija - Paraćin - Rtanj (kraći odmor) - Zaječar - Vrška Čuka (granične formalnosti) - VIDIN! - doček učesnika karavana od strane guvernera oblasti, gradonačelnika i M.C. NW Motors, kao i građana Vidina, defile - smeštaj u hotel *** u Vidinu, obezbedjen parking i obezbedjenje - ŽURKA sa braćom iz M.C. NW Motors 3. dan, subota 11. maj 2013. 08h - doručak u hotelu - vožnja na relaciji Vidin - (trajekt) - Calafat - Turnu Severin (duži odmor, individualno razglednje grada i ručak) - Djerdap (granične formalnosti) - KLADOVO - defile kroz grad - smeštaj i večera u Karatašu - Žurka sa braćom iz Kladova i gostima 4. dan, nedelja12. maj 2013. 08h - doručak - vožnja na relaciji Karataš - Donji Milanovac - Golubac - Srebrno Jezero (duži odmor, individualno razglednje i ručak) - Požarevac - Svilajnac - Despotovac - večera u Club House-u - velika žurka uz živu svirku veoma poznatog ROCK benda! - noćenje u Hotelima "Resava" i "TLS" u Despotovcu 5. dan, ponedeljak 13. maj 2013. 10h - okupljanje učesnika karavana u Club House-u - obilazak lepota Resavskog kraja - zajedničko druženje u Lisinama - rastanak učesnika Ukupna vožnja u sva tri dana biće duga 538km, Karavan će obuhvatiti maksimalno 50 motorcikala i mesta će se popunjavati prema redosledu prijavljivanja. Prijave se primaju do 31.01.2013. ili do popune mesta. Mesta se rezervišu uplatom 50% kotizacije (u dinarima, na račun organizatora). Ostatak uplate vrši se do 31.03.2013. Kotizacija od 56€ obuhvata: - Noćenje u Vidinu u dvokrevetnim sobama - Večeru u Vidinu - Doručak u Vidinu - Večeru u Karatašu - Noćenje u Karatašu u dvokrevetnim sobama - Doručak u Karatašu - Večera u Despotovac - Majcu karavana - Nalepnicu karavana - Prišivku karavana - Zahvalnicu - sertifikat - Sve organizacione troškove - Mnoga druga iznenadjenja, čak i više nego prošle godine.. Informacije i prijave mogu se dobiti na +381 69 612 512 (Vladimir) ili na Facebook stranici moto karavana. Požurite sa registracijom, mesta se već popunjavaju dok ovo čitate…
Pozdrav svima iz Despotovca. Vlada, Red Gvozdeni MC. klub koji stavlja akcenat na vožnje. ture, bezbednost i druženje Tvorac Balkan Routa 1, Šumadijskog Relija, Route 66 & back...l The man with a plan P.S. pozivamo vas da posetite našu klupsku kuću u Despotovcu od 16. marta ove godine, dakle kad god ste na putu ka manasiji, Resavskoj Pećini i sl... sada znate gde da svratite ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rtn. Vladimir Petkovic, Senior M.Sci :. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RED GVOZDENIH MotoClub Vidovdanska 4, Despotovac 35213, Serbia --------------------------------------------------------------------- phone: +381 69 612 512 phone: +381 35 612 512 web: https://www.facebook.com/redgvozdenih E-mail: redgvozdenih@gmail.com Skype: srcescuba ---------------------------------------------------------------------