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  • Pol
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    Sofia, Bulgaria

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Reputacija u zajednici

  1. These are the last news I have for Dusan. Sory for the English. not major changes but the situation is stable, doctors said he doesnt have many broken ribs, no internal bleeding, internal organs not affected, he is not paralized, he was resuscited only once when they brought him in the hospital, his face is somehow damaged and most important is the head; the head was shaken and has problems with the nervous system, this is why he cant breath on his own; it needs more time for the neurons to be able to function properly; because of this trauma, the brain doesnt have anymore control over the impulses sent to the body and he has spams; starting today the doctors are giving him a treatment to decrease the spasms and already showing first improvements they dont know exactly how much is the brain affected because its too soon, they want to wait for him to react to the treatment Hope he is well soon.
  2. Хвала
  3. Hello bjbikers! I am from Bulgaria. I am a friend of DusanP who had an accident on 08.04.2010. I could not write in the theme of his accident so I post it here. Next week we were going to meet to discuss our May trip to Dubrovnik. Last week he told me he is so happy he changed his tires, the lubricant of the bike and he bought new top and side cases. He said he is ready for the trip and he can’t wait to start it in May. Unfortunately we will not meet next week to talk about our trip. We will not go with our bikes to Dubrovnik in May this year but I hope he is going to be well and we will ride together again. God bless Dusan and you all!
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