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Moto Zajednica

Informacija o fotografiji

  1. File Name gallery_25704_802_99181.jpg
  2. Unix Timestamp 1345391653
  3. Original File Size 124518
  4. File Type 2
  5. Mime Type image/jpeg
  7. HTML Sizes width="1600" height="900"
  8. Image Height 900
  9. Image Width 3200
  10. Color TRUE
  11. Byte Order Motorola FALSE
  12. Aperture F-Number f/2.8
  13. Thumbnail File Type 2
  14. Thumbnail Mime Type image/jpeg
  15. Image Description
  16. Camera Make NIKON
  17. Camera Model COOLPIX P50
  18. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  19. X-Resolution 300/1
  20. Y-Resolution 300/1
  21. Resolution Unit 2
  22. Software COOLPIX P50V1.0
  23. Date Taken 2012:07:12 11:58:51
  24. YCbCr Positioning co-sited
  25. IFD0.CustomRendered 0
  26. IFD0.ExposureMode 0
  27. IFD0.WhiteBalance 0
  28. IFD0.DigitalZoomRatio 0/100
  29. IFD0.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm 28
  30. IFD0.SceneCaptureType 0
  31. IFD0.GainControl 1
  32. IFD0.Contrast 0
  33. IFD0.Saturation 0
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  36. Thumbnail Compression JPEG Compression
  37. Thumbnail X-Resolution 300/1
  38. Thumbnail Y-Resolution 300/1
  39. Thumbnail Resolution Unit 2
  40. Thumbnail JPEG Interchange Format 8616
  41. Thumbnail JPEG Interchange Format Length 3251
  42. Exposure Time 10/1352
  43. F Number 28/10
  44. Exposure Program Normal program
  45. ISO Speed Ratings 64
  46. Exif Version 0220
  47. Date Digitized 2012:07:12 11:58:51
  48. Compressed bits/pixel 4/1
  49. Exposure Bias Value 0/10
  50. Max Aperture Value 30/10
  51. Metering Mode Pattern
  52. Light Source Unknown
  53. Flash 24
  54. Focal Length 47/10
  55. Flash Pix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  56. Color Space sRGB
  57. Image Length 1800

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